
Lin Gengxin is exposed to new fat and fierce materials!

author:Entertainment Studios

Everyone knows that Lin Gengxin is a high-profile powerful actor, and his superb performance in "Phoenix Xing" impressed the audience. However, there have been recent rumors that Lin's character in the show needs to be deliberately fattened to present realism. This news has aroused the attention and curiosity of the majority of drama fans. So, is Lin Gengxin filming to gain weight for "Phoenix Xing"? Let's uncover this mystery together!

### Body:

Hello everyone! As the editor of the headline number, today I want to bring you an exclusive report about Lin Gengxin! Recently, some netizens broke the news that Lin Gengxin deliberately gained weight in order to better interpret the characters in the play. As soon as this news came out, it immediately aroused heated discussions and attention from the majority of drama fans.

Lin Gengxin is exposed to new fat and fierce materials!

First, let's review "Phoenix Xing". The play is adapted from the novel of the same name by the princes of the Beacon Fire Opera, and tells the story of a group of heroes competing for hegemony. Lin Gengxin plays the male protagonist Feng Feifei in the play, a character who has experienced many ups and downs and setbacks. In order to better restore Feng's extraordinary image, actors often need to shape the characteristics of the characters by changing their body shape, makeup, etc.

According to people familiar with the matter, Lin Gengxin did fatten during the crew. By adjusting his diet and training plan, he specially gained some weight in order to better show Feng's extraordinary perseverance and vicissitudes. This effort was recognized by the crew and appreciated by the director.

Lin Gengxin is exposed to new fat and fierce materials!

However, as the editor of Toutiao, I couldn't just stop at the surface of the news, I investigated further and interviewed Lin Gengxin's staff. Through many communications and exchanges, I learned that gaining weight is not for the needs of "Feng Xing", but for the play of another important role.

Recently, Lin Gengxin participated in an important movie, in which he played an ordinary character in a complex world. In order to better interpret the character, he decided to change his image. After in-depth discussions and run-in with the director, he decided to gain some weight to make himself more suitable for the role.

Therefore, dear readers, the previous rumors about Lin Gengxin gaining weight for "Feng Xing" are not true. His fattening was for the needs of another movie role. We should be grateful for Lin Gengxin's efforts to play every role well.

Lin Gengxin is exposed to new fat and fierce materials!

The above is an exclusive report on whether Lin Gengxin filmed for the purpose of gaining weight in "Feng Xing". Lin Gengxin has put in great effort and patience to perform every role, which deserves our respect and appreciation. I hope that Lin Gengxin can bring us more wonderful performances in his future works! What do you want to say? Welcome to leave a message to discuss!

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