
Tomorrow, the second day of the third month, the year of the dragon, the dragon month, the dragon day, remind everyone to prepare for 6 things in advance

author:There are three lazy sheep and three less

Tomorrow will be the second day of the third lunar month, and this is a big day! This year happens to be the year of the dragon, and March is also the month of the dragon, and the second day of the first lunar month is the day of the dragon, which can be described as a day of great auspiciousness. As a true Chinese, we can't miss such a good opportunity to prepare in advance for this beautiful day.

Tomorrow, the second day of the third month, the year of the dragon, the dragon month, the dragon day, remind everyone to prepare for 6 things in advance

The first thing to do is to prepare the sacrificial supplies in advance. The second day of the first month of March is a day to worship ancestors in many areas, and we must prepare sacrifices in advance, including fruits, cakes, incense and candles, etc., neatly arranged so that our ancestors can feel our sincerity when worshipping. We should also prepare sacrificial costumes and dress solemnly to show our respect for our ancestors.

The second thing is to clean the house. The second day of March is an auspicious day, we must clean our home, even every corner must be carefully cleaned, so that the home will be completely new and welcome this good day. In some places, there is also the custom of "sweeping the house", which is to clean the house thoroughly, drive away the dust of the year, and bring good luck to the new year.

The third thing is to prepare a hearty meal. The second day of March is a good day to have a big meal, and we need to prepare a variety of home-cooked dishes in advance, even some exquisite dishes, so that the whole family can have a delicious meal to celebrate this good day together. In some places, there is also the custom of "Jiao Jiao", which is to prepare rich offerings and worship the gods.

Fourth, get your new clothes ready. The second day of March is a good day to wear new clothes, and we need to prepare a new set of clothes in advance to make ourselves look new and welcome this auspicious day. In some places, there is also the custom of "pasting Spring Festival couplets", which is to paste Spring Festival couplets with auspicious words written on them to decorate the home and add a festive atmosphere.

Tomorrow, the second day of the third month, the year of the dragon, the dragon month, the dragon day, remind everyone to prepare for 6 things in advance

The fifth thing is to prepare a New Year's gift. The second day of March is a good day to give gifts to each other, and we should prepare some gifts in advance to give to family and friends to express our blessings and hearts. In some places, there is also the custom of "New Year's greetings", which is to visit each other and express New Year's blessings.

Sixth, prepare New Year's greetings. The second day of the first month of March is a good day of blessings, and we should prepare some words of blessing in advance, and say them to our family and friends on this day to express our blessings and expectations. In some places, there is also the custom of "worshipping the gods", which is to go to the temple to worship the gods and pray for a safe and smooth new year.

The seventh thing is to prepare a new plan. The second day of March is a new beginning, and we need to prepare new plans and goals in advance, plan for the new year, and make our lives more directional and meaningful. In some places, there is also the custom of "beginning of spring", which is to start new agricultural production on this day.

The eighth thing is to be ready to be in a good mood. The second day of March is an auspicious day, and we must adjust our mood in advance to welcome this good day with a positive and optimistic attitude. In some places, there is also the custom of "sacrificing the stove", which is to worship the god of the stove and pray for a smooth life in the new year.

Tomorrow, the second day of the third month, the year of the dragon, the dragon month, the dragon day, remind everyone to prepare for 6 things in advance

In short, the second day of the first month of March is a auspicious day, and we must make all kinds of preparations in advance to make our day more fulfilling and festive. Whether it's worshipping ancestors, sweeping the house, or preparing a sumptuous meal, it's all about making the day more auspicious. Let's look forward to this wonderful day and welcome the new year together!

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