
The young man who shouted "Long live the single" made the "Wang Po" popular with the media

author:Zhouzhou Film and Television Entertainment Review
The young man who shouted "Long live the single" made the "Wang Po" popular with the media

Text: Muxike

Editor|Zhouzhou Film and Television Entertainment Review

The young man who shouted "Long live the single" made the "Wang Po" popular with the media

During the Qingming holiday just past, a place will not be deserted, and Kaifeng Long Live Mountain.

A pavilion made of red silk and a matchmaker dressed in the iconic style of sideburns and saffron attracted thousands of empty alleys and onlookers from near and far. In recent days, the blind date stage led by the princess of Kaifeng has become an instant hit.

The young man who shouted "Long live the single" made the "Wang Po" popular with the media

"Wang Po" Zhao Mei

In order to find a good fate, many single young people rushed to Kaifeng to participate in a blind date, which became the first phenomenon-level circle-breaking topic in 2024.

If you're not sure, don't bother?

And Wang Po also won the love of a group of single young people with her approachable affinity and resolute and resolute temperament.

It's not that the marriage agency can't afford to go, but the princess said that the matchmaker is more cost-effective

During the Qingming holiday, the number of hotel bookings in Kaifeng increased by nearly 10 times compared with last year, and it is inseparable from one person.

The young man who shouted "Long live the single" made the "Wang Po" popular with the media

In March, a blind date stage organized in Kaifeng Long Live Mountain quickly spread on major social media, and even people like Xiaobian, who never pay attention to blind dates, couldn't help but click in.

The name is very down-to-earth, Wang Po said matchmaker.

The young man who shouted "Long live the single" made the "Wang Po" popular with the media

In the current fast-paced life, it is very gratifying to see such a blind date stage of laughter, anger and scolding, and unpretentiousness.

There are heartwarming scenes of handsome men and beautiful women who are paired up and complain to each other;

There is also the heroic complaint of "this look is the second Wu next door";

The young man who shouted "Long live the single" made the "Wang Po" popular with the media

Wang Po will encourage single young people to show their talents, and teach shy newcomers to open up the chatterbox;

The young man who shouted "Long live the single" made the "Wang Po" popular with the media

will also mercilessly give the "fluttering" young man a "love slap",

The young man who shouted "Long live the single" made the "Wang Po" popular with the media

A blind date, elegant and vulgar appreciation, overwhelmed, so lively.

The form of the stage is simple and bright, Wang Po is dressed in a classic outfit of red and green, and randomly selects one of the audience who enthusiastically raised her hands to go on stage, and go straight to the topic. While asking about the criteria for choosing a mate, they also matched young men and women on the spot to promote good matchmaking.

The young man who shouted "Long live the single" made the "Wang Po" popular with the media

When I met a handsome person, the audience inevitably responded, and it was a good "brag".

There are a lot of laughs and tears on the stage, and Wang Po, who has a straightforward personality and does not drag her feet, will always repeat two things repeatedly:

The first is to be cautious in making friends, and the second is to leave the opportunity to people who really want to make friends.

The young man who shouted "Long live the single" made the "Wang Po" popular with the media

The "Internet celebrity" who rubbed the popularity was recognized by Wang Po

is sincere, it is not unreasonable for Wang Po to be out of the circle.

Falling in love is not the privilege of a certain age and class

Wang Po said that the objects of matchmaking are of all ages, and the only condition is to dare to say her love.

Eighteen or nineteen-year-old college students who are still studying, young talents with handsome men and beautiful women, and older single people for various reasons.

The young man who shouted "Long live the single" made the "Wang Po" popular with the media

Wang Po will happily celebrate the successful pairing of young people, and will also be moved when promoting the two divorced families, and tell the two to "love each other's children".

Once upon a time, when was love so simple.

With the overwhelming spread of intelligence idol dramas and the popularity of overlord literature, the trivial matter of love has become less and less human-centric.

In the youthful memories of the previous generation, isn't love such a simple thing?

Wang Po used her practical actions to help the confused generation tear off the fig leaf of love shame, face up to real emotions and love, and ruthlessly cleanse the impetuous social atmosphere.

The difficulty of blind date is to provide an honest atmosphere

Few people can be defenseless and close to others when they meet for the first time, which is why many blind dates can't be followed.

Young people do have their own way of getting along, but in all fairness, isn't this inevitably embarrassing and shy first step lacking the spicy and bold opening of the microphone of the princess?

The young man who shouted "Long live the single" made the "Wang Po" popular with the media

It's like the shallots have just come out of the pot, and they need to be stir-fried with old ginger for the flavor to come out.

Being able to let down guards, get in close contact, and get acquainted with each other is naturally a matter of course.

The young man who shouted "Long live the single" made the "Wang Po" popular with the media

One second the girl danced in a long skirt, and the next second Wang Po could give the young man who was still appreciating the "next set" and stage a "lustful to dusk" scene;

In the face of the "sister-brother love" that she promoted, she will also use ridicule to remind young people not to trust others.

Don't look at the Wang Po's spicy, there are also times when she is deflated, let the boy confess bravely, the boy rubbed his little hands that had nowhere to put them, and refused very honestly, "It's too meaty", so anxious that Wang Po herself rushed up and gave the girl a hug.

The young man who shouted "Long live the single" made the "Wang Po" popular with the media

This is the magic of Wang Po, she has created such an ecology, so that people who meet for the first time seem to be back home, smiling from the heart, without pretense, even the body movements are unconsciously stretched.

On her stage, the audience who was invited to come up, whether or not they succeeded in holding hands in the end, I felt that it didn't seem to matter that much.

Because they took this opportunity to show themselves and meet new friends, in another sense, Wang "Godmother" provides an open value, that is, to be brave and be yourself. What's the shame of a blind date?

The young man who shouted "Long live the single" made the "Wang Po" popular with the media

Netizens jokingly said that Wang Po drove Henan's GDP by herself

In fact, the number of tourists in Kaifeng is rising, and the local cultural tourism has even opened a blind date line to upgrade the 5G signal in the stage area, and the popularity is self-evident.

Unexpectedly, after the fire, Wang Po suspended the previous live broadcast activities, and politely declined all kinds of commercial activities that came after hearing the news.

Xiaobian secretly sighed that it was not ordinary, with everyone's in-depth understanding, it turned out that Wang Po's real name was "Zhao Mei", and her father-in-law was a well-known master in the cross talk industry, Mr. Yang Baozhang.

The young man who shouted "Long live the single" made the "Wang Po" popular with the media

Some people say that Wang Po is the epitome of family harmony.

Indeed, in her, we see the attitude of a mature woman towards marriage.

The issue of marriage and love in society has always been a hot topic

"If the problem I point out is taken seriously by him, it is far more important than if he comes up and takes a girl. ”

The young man who shouted "Long live the single" made the "Wang Po" popular with the media

Do you still remember the smash hit "If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb" in 2010? Meng Fei was also affectionately called "Grandpa Meng" by the guests for his simple and humorous hosting style, leaving many classics.

The young man who shouted "Long live the single" made the "Wang Po" popular with the media

With "Insincerity" opening the first domestic blind date variety show, various blind date shows have been released one after another. Hunan Satellite TV's Qiu Qiming's "Let's Date" and Dragon TV's "One in a Hundred" have aroused widespread discussions in society.

The young man who shouted "Long live the single" made the "Wang Po" popular with the media

After a few years, "Wang Po Says Matchmaking" still hits people's hearts with its not-so-gorgeous stage. You will find that the topic of marriage and love has always been active on the screen, which not only has the influence of Chinese social traditions, but also reflects the reality of the current social survival pressure.

The young man who shouted "Long live the single" made the "Wang Po" popular with the media

Whether it is the sharp and funny "Grandpa Meng" or the straightforward and true temperament of Wang Po, it is precisely the word expression that is missing in Chinese culture.

We always emphasize subtlety, but it is easy to ignore our truest thoughts and feelings. It is difficult to say that this is due to one factor.

The young man who shouted "Long live the single" made the "Wang Po" popular with the media

The subtle beauty advocated by tradition is a low-key charm, not a shield for shame in expression.

Not only does it tend to be "introverted" emotionally, but society also sets up practical problems for young men and women to pursue love.

"Love that is not aimed at marriage is a hooligan", the faster and faster pace of life in modern society has made many people ridicule that if they want to get married, which one can do without a salary card, car key, or real estate certificate? It can be said that the pressure of survival is directly given to marriage and love.

After getting married, although the handling of the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is different, it also requires a certain amount of wisdom.

The young man who shouted "Long live the single" made the "Wang Po" popular with the media

Speaking of blind dates, there was an ancient martial arts competition to recruit relatives and throw hydrangeas. The competition recruits relatives to see the force value, throw the hydrangea, and look at the fate.

Tang Gaozu Li Yuanshan was good at riding and shooting, before he became the emperor, when he was still a small guard with a knife, he was among the nobles of the kings and grandchildren, and he shot the peacock eyes on the screen in a hundred steps.

The bird screen was selected and became a good story, and the beauty was also quite satisfied.

Similarly, "when the title of the gold list" is also a good time for a blind date. Whenever the imperial examination is held, dignitaries and nobles will throw olive branches to high school candidates to find a good match for their daughters in advance.

The young man who shouted "Long live the single" made the "Wang Po" popular with the media

And good festivals, such as the Lantern Festival, are tacitly free love time for young men and women.

How have young people throughout the ages crossed the mountain of love

There is a famous story in Chinese history, "Marrying a wife should be yin and beautiful".

Yin Lihua is also a native of Henan, different from other vigorous courtship, Liu Xiu and Yin Lihua as the emperor and empress of the Eastern Han Dynasty in thousands of troops, but the way they get along is like a pair of ordinary couples, the two know each other, experience war and turmoil, and support each other for more than ten years.

The young man who shouted "Long live the single" made the "Wang Po" popular with the media

No one can foresee the future in advance, but the two people who have experienced the wind and waves can still maintain their original intentions, which shows true love and teaches people to grow.

Love and distance are always worth pursuing

"Thank you for your love and support for me, and for making me burn again at the age of 61. ”

For media interviews, Wang Po is still very simple.

The young man who shouted "Long live the single" made the "Wang Po" popular with the media

A witty and relaxed atmosphere, a kind and pragmatic "matchmaker", and many "wild spokespersons".

In fact, Mrs. Wang gave us a good example, providing young people with the opportunity to really get close to each other and get closer to each other.

When you have the opportunity, love must be spoken out loud.

The young man who shouted "Long live the single" made the "Wang Po" popular with the media

In the face of Wang Ganniang, you can let down your guard, so in the face of him, who may be your other half in the future, how can you not let go of yourself and get along sincerely? Instead of waiting for the matchmaker to introduce us, it is better to keep your eyes open in life and don't let love "slip away".

I like Qu Xiaoxuan in "Ode to Joy" very much.

The young man who shouted "Long live the single" made the "Wang Po" popular with the media

is obviously a rich second generation, and he doesn't pay attention to anything, but he really met Dr. Zhao who he likes, and the "goblin" has to put away his claws and is willing to "wash his hands and make soup", and Dr. Zhao can't laugh or cry at this.

The young man who shouted "Long live the single" made the "Wang Po" popular with the media

Of course, love does not mean that you sacrifice yourself to fulfill others, but that you know what kind of person you are and what kind of person the other person is.

The young man who shouted "Long live the single" made the "Wang Po" popular with the media

So you see, it is unrealistic to only talk about love without talking about dedication, and the rich second generation cannot escape this. The equality of love to people is also reflected in this, whether a person really cares about you or not, it is precisely the inconspicuous details that are seen.

Mu Mu also hopes that the marriage and love market can also empathize with heart, remove impetuousness, and be more sincere.


The sweetest is love, and the most bitter is love. —Faye Bailey

Marriage as a "love grave" is an end point that is difficult for lovers to bypass, and perhaps one day, with the development of society, new forms of marriage and love will appear. But what we all can't deny is the beauty of love.

We are just ordinary people all our lives, but please don't give up the courage to pursue beautiful things.

The young man who shouted "Long live the single" made the "Wang Po" popular with the media