
Yellen has just concluded her visit to China, and the US side can't wait to attack China

author:Fei Chang vision Chen Fei

According to a report by, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has just concluded a six-day visit to China, and the U.S. government's follow-up actions against China have not been reined in. It has been reported that some Chinese students were deliberately interrogated and forcibly repatriated by US staff when they entered Washington Dulles Airport and Dallas Airport because US law enforcement officials said that "Sino-US relations are not good now." To put it bluntly, this extremely provocative statement is another manifestation of the United States' unreasonable suppression of China. According to relevant statistics, from July 2021 to the present, about 300 Chinese citizens have been repatriated by the United States for unwarranted harassment, interrogation, interrogation, and repatriation, among which international students have become the focus of the United States.

Yellen has just concluded her visit to China, and the US side can't wait to attack China

These students with legal and valid documents were frequently harassed and interrogated by US customs officers, and some were even imprisoned in "small black rooms" and interrogated for more than 10 hours. In response to the U.S. move to block normal exchanges between China and the United States, the spokesperson of the Chinese Embassy in the United States stressed that China firmly opposes it and has lodged representations with relevant U.S. departments, insisting that "if it happens, it will be negotiated together" until the issue is resolved. It can be seen that the Chinese government attaches great importance to the US crackdown on the oppression of Chinese students, and in the face of the vital interests of the people, China urges the US to fulfill its commitment to support and facilitate China-US personnel exchanges, and will take resolute measures to defend its rights in the future, and does not rule out the possibility of reciprocal countermeasures.

Yellen has just concluded her visit to China, and the US side can't wait to attack China

In addition to the issue of people-to-people exchanges between China and the United States, Yellen recently came to China to talk about China's electric vehicle field, the United States is also ruthless to China, the Biden administration under the pretext of so-called national security, announced that it will soon investigate Chinese-made electric vehicles, and Yellen also played up the so-called "overcapacity" problem on China's clean energy products during her visit to China, saying that it will have a negative impact on the global production and supply chain. However, the U.S. argument is not tenable at all, data shows that in 2023, China's new energy electric vehicle production and sales will be 9.587 million and 9.495 million respectively, and from this point of view alone, China's continuous supply of production capacity is in line with demand.

Yellen has just concluded her visit to China, and the US side can't wait to attack China

On the basis of these facts, China has once again taken the initiative into its own hands in this response. China moved out of the World Trade Organization (WTO) to put pressure on the United States with the common interests of the international community, while also reminding the United States that such a move would hinder the development of its own emerging industries such as electric vehicles. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology proposed to strengthen the open cooperation in the field of new energy vehicles, mainly from three perspectives, first of all, to promote the coordination of domestic and foreign laws and regulations in this field, which can effectively avoid friction in trade exchanges, and then improve the service system in various links, improve the infrastructure, and make the transactions more efficient. Finally, we need to optimize the environment for trade development and create a fairer and more transparent trade atmosphere.

Yellen has just concluded her visit to China, and the US side can't wait to attack China

In addition, the meeting between Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is the most powerful response to the United States' accusation that China has strengthened its support for Russia and deliberately sow discord between China and Russia in normal state-to-state relations. Regardless of the purpose of the US move, the frank and constructive talks between the Chinese and Russian foreign ministers have once again confirmed the high level of friendly relations between China and Russia. Not only that, the leaders of China and Russia are also about to make contacts, which will inject new impetus into the development of bilateral relations. Judging from China's intensive response and actions, the US attempt to contain China will not succeed, which also shows that the current tense atmosphere in China-US relations has not improved, and Yellen's visit to China is more formal than substantial.