
Iran is preparing for the start of the war, Israel has withdrawn its troops overnight, and 28 embassies abroad have been closed

author:See the world in the vernacular

Iran is ready to start fighting, but Israel has withdrawn its troops from Gaza overnight, and 28 Israeli embassies abroad have also been closed. Could it be that a vicious war is really about to come?

Since the Israeli attack on the Iranian embassy in Syria on the 1st of this month, the international eyes have been closely watching Iran's next moves, and Iran has also made it clear that it will retaliate against Israel, and is ready to fight, but the incident has passed more than a week, and the Iranian side has not seen new actions this time, but the Israeli side has been moving continuously in recent days, on the 4th, the Israel Defense Forces issued a statement, saying that based on the assessment of the current situation, it has been decided that all combat force personnel have suspended their vacation. Then, on the 5th, Israel directly and temporarily closed 28 embassies abroad. And that's not all, on the 7th, the IDF withdrew all ground forces in southern Gaza almost overnight, leaving only one brigade to defend the so-called "Nazarim corridor". These actions of the Israeli army cannot but make the outside world suspicious, and it seems that a vicious battle is coming.

Iran is preparing for the start of the war, Israel has withdrawn its troops overnight, and 28 embassies abroad have been closed

So why is Israel doing this? First, the Israeli side temporarily closed 28 embassies abroad, which is obviously related to the previous Israeli air raid on the Iranian embassy in Syria, and Israel is also worried that its own embassy and consulates abroad will suffer the same retaliation; second, the sudden withdrawal of the Israeli army from Gaza cannot be ruled out to be related to the Israeli air raid on the Iranian embassy in Syria; after all, the Israeli army's attack can be regarded as a turning point in the expansion of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict into a war in the Middle East。 Now that Israel has taken the initiative to withdraw its troops, it can be regarded as a kind of response to Iran.

Iran is preparing for the start of the war, Israel has withdrawn its troops overnight, and 28 embassies abroad have been closed

Thirdly, a few days ago, the Israeli army attacked the convoy of the international food aid non-profit organization "World Central Kitchen" (WCK) during an air strike on Gaza, resulting in the tragic death of seven aid workers, and the organization's statement strongly condemned the Israeli army's crimes, calling its attack on international aid workers "unforgivable", and announcing that the organization would suspend aid operations in the Gaza Strip. As soon as this incident came out, it immediately triggered a general condemnation of Israel by international public opinion, and the United States, Britain, and other countries that support Israel behind the scenes have also pointed their guns at the Israeli Netanyahu government, which has made the Netanyahu government feel pressure, and now the Israeli army is withdrawing from the Gaza Strip, which can be seen as Israel's helpless move to a certain extent; finally, the United Nations Security Council adopted Resolution 2728 at the end of last month, calling for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip during Ramadan to achieve a long-term and sustainable ceasefire. In addition, many countries around the world, including the United States, have urged Israel to immediately cease fire, and some of the reasons mentioned above, which have led to the movement of Israel to withdraw its troops.

Iran is preparing for the start of the war, Israel has withdrawn its troops overnight, and 28 embassies abroad have been closed

Now that Israel seems to have shown signs of "retreating," will Iran continue to retaliate against Israel? In this regard, the possibility that Iran will launch strikes against targets in Israel cannot be ruled out. After all, the Iranian embassy in Syria and the consulate of a country abroad are an extension of the territory of this country, and the Israeli side is obviously deliberately challenging Iran's territorial sovereignty and national dignity, and the air strike also caused the death of more than 10 people, including seven Iranian military personnel. With Iran's hard-line style of doing things, there will inevitably be counterattacks. However, it is not yet possible to judge whether Iran will change its tactics and the means of retaliating against Israel compared to before. For Israel, it is inevitable to strengthen its defenses in the next period, especially in the north, and the Lebanese Allah Party, as the forefront military force created by Iran to contain Israel, does not rule out that Iran may use the Lebanese Allah Party to launch strikes against Israel. Speaking of which, there may be another Israeli consideration for the withdrawal of Israeli troops from Gaza, which is to deploy these troops to the north to deal with the threat from Allah in Lebanon.

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