
The 43-year-old woman suffered from uremia, and the doctor: 4 abnormalities were there 3 months ago and have been dragging on

author:Möngke talks about health

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"You know, the 43-year-old Ms. Li was finally diagnosed with uremia last month, and that scared the hell out of her? ”

"The problem is that the doctor said that her body had already sent out four warning signs three months ago, but she never took it seriously. Ms. Zhang, the best friend next to her, said gossip while sipping her tea.

The 43-year-old woman suffered from uremia, and the doctor: 4 abnormalities were there 3 months ago and have been dragging on

Ms. Li is an ordinary amusement park caretaker, and her life is ordinary and regular. Every day, in addition to work, I go home, and occasionally participate in the community reading club. Behind the seemingly peaceful life, she ignored her body signals until the diagnosis of uremia forced her to face reality.

The 43-year-old woman suffered from uremia, and the doctor: 4 abnormalities were there 3 months ago and have been dragging on

At the hospital, the doctor carefully explained her condition to Ms. Li. "Uremia does not form in a day or two, it is a manifestation of severe impairment of kidney function," the doctor said. ”

"In fact, three months ago, your body already showed four obvious abnormal signs, including repeated fatigue, loss of appetite, frequent waking up at night to go to the toilet, and weakness in your hands and feet. These are all early signs of renal insufficiency. ”

The 43-year-old woman suffered from uremia, and the doctor: 4 abnormalities were there 3 months ago and have been dragging on

These words made Ms. Li fall into deep thought. She does remember these problems, but she always thinks it's work-related. The doctor continues: "Many people take these symptoms lightly and think that they are just due to stress or fatigue, but these can be signals from the body for help. If you come early, you may be able to have more interventions to slow the progression of the disease. ”

The 43-year-old woman suffered from uremia, and the doctor: 4 abnormalities were there 3 months ago and have been dragging on

"Identifying and treating the problem at the beginning can significantly reduce uremia," he says. ”

She thought that if she had paid attention to the "inconsequential" symptoms earlier, maybe she would have been much better off now. She decided to change from now on, treat her body correctly, and seriously cooperate with the doctor's plan.

The 43-year-old woman suffered from uremia, and the doctor: 4 abnormalities were there 3 months ago and have been dragging on

After some time, Ms. Li's condition was somewhat under control, but she was still uneasy about her future. During a follow-up visit, she asked, "Doctor, can I return to my normal life now that I am in this situation?"

The doctor smiled and replied in a hopeful and professional tone: "Ms. Li, although uremia is a serious disease, it is not hopeless. ”

The 43-year-old woman suffered from uremia, and the doctor: 4 abnormalities were there 3 months ago and have been dragging on

Over time, Ms. Li's condition has changed significantly. Her incident has also inspired those around her to start paying attention to their physical health, especially kidney health. In the community, more and more people are joining the ranks of healthy living, and a reasonable diet and a small amount of exercise have become the consensus of everyone.

The 43-year-old woman suffered from uremia, and the doctor: 4 abnormalities were there 3 months ago and have been dragging on

In such a positive atmosphere, Ms. Li found that she was not only becoming more cheerful, but also her body was greatly improved. She is in a happier mood and more positive about life. She realized that health is really the greatest treasure in life.

The 43-year-old woman suffered from uremia, and the doctor: 4 abnormalities were there 3 months ago and have been dragging on

One day, Ms. Li came to the hospital for a routine check-up. The results were very good, and both she and the doctor were pleased. On this day, with a sense of relief and curiosity, she asked the doctor, "I have heard that diet control is especially important for kidney patients, is this true? Can you tell me more about what I should do?"

The 43-year-old woman suffered from uremia, and the doctor: 4 abnormalities were there 3 months ago and have been dragging on

The doctor nodded and explained in a cordial and professional tone, "Ms. Li, you heard correctly. For people with kidney disease, a sensible diet is really important. ”

"But at the same time, protein is also necessary for the body, so choose high-quality protein, such as fish, chicken, etc. ”

The 43-year-old woman suffered from uremia, and the doctor: 4 abnormalities were there 3 months ago and have been dragging on

"Secondly, it is necessary to limit salt intake, because too much salt can cause edema, increase blood pressure, and be bad for the kidneys. In addition, potassium and phosphorus intake also need to be controlled, as these substances can accumulate in the body and cause problems when the kidneys are not functioning. ”

Ms. Li listened, sometimes expressing understanding. She realized that this was not only a responsibility to herself, but also a love for her family. She decided to pay more attention to her diet and take care of her body with practical actions from today onwards.

The 43-year-old woman suffered from uremia, and the doctor: 4 abnormalities were there 3 months ago and have been dragging on

Through this dialogue, Ms. Li not only gained valuable health knowledge, but also deepened her love for life and cherished health. She knows that although the road may still be long, as long as she sticks in the right direction, a healthy life awaits her.

What do you think about the symptoms of uremia?

The 43-year-old woman suffered from uremia, and the doctor: 4 abnormalities were there 3 months ago and have been dragging on