
The 68-year-old man quit smoking and drinking, and the worse his health became after half a year, the doctor bluntly said: The reason is these 3 points!

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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"Uncle Li, what's wrong with you?" asked Aunt Wang from the commissary at the entrance of the village with concern while wiping her hands.

Uncle Li, a 68-year-old retired postman, decided six months ago to quit smoking and drinking in pursuit of a healthier life in his old age. However, instead of feeling that my body is improving, I feel that my body is getting worse and worse than before. He frowned and sighed: "Hey, since I quit smoking and drinking, my body has deteriorated, my legs and feet are often sore, and my sleep is not good." ”

The 68-year-old man quit smoking and drinking, and the worse his health became after half a year, the doctor bluntly said: The reason is these 3 points!

After hearing this, Aunt Wang said, "Isn't this a good explanation! You haven't found the right way, you have to find a doctor to see." Hearing what Aunt Wang said, Uncle Li decided to go to the hospital in the city to find a specialist for consultation. After some examination, the young doctor Zhao Yun gave his opinion, which surprised Uncle Li.

The 68-year-old man quit smoking and drinking, and the worse his health became after half a year, the doctor bluntly said: The reason is these 3 points!

Dr. Zhao Yun said, "Uncle Li, your physical reaction is actually not unusual. Many people think that they will experience immediate health improvement after quitting smoking and drinking, but in fact, the body's adaptation is a long-term process. In addition, your condition is also related to some less conspicuous factors. ”

The 68-year-old man quit smoking and drinking, and the worse his health became after half a year, the doctor bluntly said: The reason is these 3 points!

Psychological factors. Zhao Yun explained: "Although quitting smoking and drinking is good for health, it will bring a lot of psychological pressure to people in the early stage. Suddenly giving up on long-term habits can lead to a temporary rise in anxiety and depression. He added.

Nutritional imbalances. Uncle Li used tobacco and alcohol to relieve stress and increase social activities, but withdrawal may lead to changes in eating habits. "Many people will eat more after quitting smoking, especially preferring high-sugar and high-fat foods, which is actually a burden on the body. Zhao Yun said.

The 68-year-old man quit smoking and drinking, and the worse his health became after half a year, the doctor bluntly said: The reason is these 3 points!

Sudden changes in lifestyle habits. Zhao Yun elaborated: "Uncle Li, did you often drink and chat with your friends in the past? After quitting drinking, this part of social activities is reduced, which may make you feel lonely, which will affect your sleep. After listening to Dr. Zhao Yun's explanation, Uncle Li asked, "Then what should I do now?"

The 68-year-old man quit smoking and drinking, and the worse his health became after half a year, the doctor bluntly said: The reason is these 3 points!

Dr. Zhao Yun advised: "Uncle Li, you can try to make gradual lifestyle changes, such as gradually reducing the amount of alcohol and tobacco instead of suddenly quitting completely. At the same time, add some light physical activities, such as walking or tai chi, to improve mental and physical adaptation. For dietary problems, it is advisable to seek the help of a doctor to complete a healthy plan. ”

The 68-year-old man quit smoking and drinking, and the worse his health became after half a year, the doctor bluntly said: The reason is these 3 points!

Dr. Zhao Yun then put forward a new point of view, saying, "Uncle Li, in addition to the factors I just mentioned, there is another reason that everyone may not have thought of - that is, your biological clock may be disrupted. "Biological clock?" Uncle Li was a little curious, he had never heard that quitting smoking and drinking could affect this.

The 68-year-old man quit smoking and drinking, and the worse his health became after half a year, the doctor bluntly said: The reason is these 3 points!

Zhao Yun nodded and continued to explain: "Yes, the biological clock, or your circadian rhythm. You used to drink at night and probably stayed up late, and this lifestyle has an impact on your body's internal clock. When you suddenly change this habit, while it may be a good thing in theory, in practice it takes a while for your body clock to adjust to the change. ”

The 68-year-old man quit smoking and drinking, and the worse his health became after half a year, the doctor bluntly said: The reason is these 3 points!

This could be one reason why you're feeling unwell. After hearing this, Uncle Li felt that it made a lot of sense, but he was a little worried: "Then how should I adjust now?"

Zhao Yun suggested: "You can start by maintaining a regular routine. Try to go to bed and wake up at the prescribed time every day, whether it's a weekday or a day off. In addition, proper lighting is also important, as natural light in the morning can help adjust your body clock and improve sleep quality. At night, try to minimize the use of bright light and electronic screens to promote the body's secretion of melatonin and help you fall asleep. ”

The 68-year-old man quit smoking and drinking, and the worse his health became after half a year, the doctor bluntly said: The reason is these 3 points!

Zhao Yun also deliberately emphasized: "Moreover, it is also helpful to maintain a certain amount of physical activity. Proper physical activity, especially when done outdoors, can speed up your body's metabolism while also helping to stabilize your mood and body clock. ”

Uncle Li adjusted his lifestyle according to Zhao Yun's advice, and after a few weeks, he found that his sleep quality had improved significantly, and his energy during the day was much stronger than before. I feel like my quality of life is improving.

The 68-year-old man quit smoking and drinking, and the worse his health became after half a year, the doctor bluntly said: The reason is these 3 points!

At the last follow-up visit, Uncle Li came to the hospital with a question: "Dr. Zhao, I feel much better now, but I still want to ask, will there be any side effects of this method of adjusting the biological clock in the long run?"

The 68-year-old man quit smoking and drinking, and the worse his health became after half a year, the doctor bluntly said: The reason is these 3 points!

Zhao Yun replied with a smile: "Uncle Li, this method is essentially to help you return to a more natural rhythm of life, not only has no side effects, but can help you maintain physical and mental health in the long run." As long as you continue to maintain good habits and adapt to a healthy lifestyle, you can maintain good health. ”

The 68-year-old man quit smoking and drinking, and the worse his health became after half a year, the doctor bluntly said: The reason is these 3 points!

After hearing this, Uncle Li felt a stone in his heart, and thanked Dr. Zhao for his professional guidance, which strengthened his determination to continue to maintain this new lifestyle.

What do you think about quitting smoking and drinking?

The 68-year-old man quit smoking and drinking, and the worse his health became after half a year, the doctor bluntly said: The reason is these 3 points!