
The 42-year-old woman died of a heart attack, and the doctor was saddened: I usually don't pay attention, and the iron beating heart can't stand it

author:Mr. Wang Medical Science Popularization

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On a sunny afternoon, Li Juan, an ordinary middle school teacher, suddenly collapsed in the hallway of the school, unable to breathe.

Colleagues rushed her to the nearest hospital, but unfortunately, doctors announced that she was irretrievable by the time she arrived at the hospital. The cause is a severe heart attack.

The 42-year-old woman died of a heart attack, and the doctor was saddened: I usually don't pay attention, and the iron beating heart can't stand it

This 42-year-old lady has always been the kind of person who seems healthy and energetic. Her sudden death was unbelievable, and even more heart-wrenching, it could have been avoided. Li Juan's doctor, Dr. Zhang, said bitterly:

"The pace of this society is like racing cars, and everyone is racing fast, but they forget to take care of their hearts. Just like Li Juan, she usually looks very tough, who would have thought that this iron-beaten heart can't withstand such a toss. ”

The 42-year-old woman died of a heart attack, and the doctor was saddened: I usually don't pay attention, and the iron beating heart can't stand it

The serious doctor, expressed concern about the current state of health in society. He continued: "If you think about it, people nowadays eat fast food, and the pace of life is so fast that they can't even breathe. ”

"Coupled with those seemingly insignificant habits of life, such as staying up late to watch dramas, facing the computer all day long, these seemingly harmless little things are actually slowly consuming our hearts. ”

The 42-year-old woman died of a heart attack, and the doctor was saddened: I usually don't pay attention, and the iron beating heart can't stand it

What is surprising is that Dr. Zhang's research field is "how to prevent heart disease by adjusting lifestyle habits", which is not mainstream in the medical field. But he was able to present this point of view in an extremely vivid way, which is impressive.

Dr. Zhang continued, "You may not believe it, but in fact, the prevention of heart disease can start with some very simple details of life. ”

The 42-year-old woman died of a heart attack, and the doctor was saddened: I usually don't pay attention, and the iron beating heart can't stand it

"For example, sticking to a moderate amount of exercise every day doesn't mean that you have to go to the gym to sweat like rain, but a simple walk and going up and down the stairs are all good choices. Another example is to eat a balanced diet, eat less greasy and fatty foods and eat more vegetables and fruits. ”

Also, getting enough sleep and reducing stress may sound cliché, but they're really the way to make our hearts healthier. ”

The 42-year-old woman died of a heart attack, and the doctor was saddened: I usually don't pay attention, and the iron beating heart can't stand it

In this seemingly verbose series of health advice, Dr. Zhang uses his unique sense of humor to convey these important health knowledge to the public.

Although his words may sound like a parent's shortcomings, they contain profound medical principles. For example, when talking about exercise, he specifically emphasized the benefits of aerobic exercise for the heart.

The 42-year-old woman died of a heart attack, and the doctor was saddened: I usually don't pay attention, and the iron beating heart can't stand it

"Aerobic exercise can help the heart pump blood more efficiently, and long-term adherence can also improve the heart's endurance and reduce the risk of heart disease. It's like giving your heart a regular maintenance to make it stronger and more durable. ”

In terms of diet, Dr. Zhang also has his own unique opinions.

The 42-year-old woman died of a heart attack, and the doctor was saddened: I usually don't pay attention, and the iron beating heart can't stand it

"Did you know that eating more vegetables and fruits is not only because they are rich in vitamins and minerals, but more importantly, they can help us lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of arteriosclerosis? This is very important for the prevention of heart disease. ”

Just when everyone thought Dr. Zhang's topic was coming to an end, a young patient asked a question:

The 42-year-old woman died of a heart attack, and the doctor was saddened: I usually don't pay attention, and the iron beating heart can't stand it

"Dr. Zhang, I have heard that heart disease has a lot to do with heredity, is this true? Are those of us who have a history of heart disease in our families doomed to heart disease?"

Dr. Zhang smiled and answered in his usual colloquial way: "That's a good question. It's true that genetic factors play a role in heart disease, but that doesn't mean people with a family history are guaranteed to have the disease. ”

The 42-year-old woman died of a heart attack, and the doctor was saddened: I usually don't pay attention, and the iron beating heart can't stand it

"It's all about lifestyle. Even if there is a genetic predisposition, it is entirely possible to minimize the risk through a scientific diet, proper exercise and good lifestyle habits. So, don't despair because of genetics, and more importantly, make positive lifestyle adjustments, which is the key. ”

The 42-year-old woman died of a heart attack, and the doctor was saddened: I usually don't pay attention, and the iron beating heart can't stand it

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The 42-year-old woman died of a heart attack, and the doctor was saddened: I usually don't pay attention, and the iron beating heart can't stand it