
Is it true that not washing your face in the morning is good for your skin?

author:Sharp eyes on the world

Is it true that not washing your face in the morning is good for your skin?

"Xiao Wang, do you know? Some people say that getting up in the morning without washing your face is good for your skin!" Xiao Wang, who is an urban white-collar worker, couldn't help but be stunned when he heard his friend Xiaomei's sharing.

The 30-year-old Xiao Wang has been staying up late for a long time and working overtime, and his skin condition is becoming increasingly worrisome, which makes him both confused and curious.

He went to Dr. Lin, a dermatologist, for a consultation, and Dr. Lin looked at Xiao Wang's shiny face in the mirror, smiled and began to talk about the condition of his skin in the morning and his care.

Is it true that not washing your face in the morning is good for your skin?

01What substances will be secreted by the skin of your face when you wake up every morning?

Sweat mixed with sebum

At night, the skin continues to produce sweat and sebum, which combine to form a protective film that helps lock in moisture and resist external stimuli.

The skin repairs and renews itself

Nighttime is the prime time for skin repair, when old cells are shed and new cells are formed, leaving old keratin and cell debris on the face.

Is it true that not washing your face in the morning is good for your skin?

Accumulation of physiological metabolites

The body's metabolic process produces some waste products such as urea, lactic acid, etc., which may be trapped on the surface of the skin.

Pillows and environmental pollutants attach

During sleeping, the face is prone to contact with bacteria, mites, and even dust in the air on the pillow, which can lead to clogged pores.

Is it true that not washing your face in the morning is good for your skin?

02Is it true that not washing your face in the morning is good for your skin?

We all know that the skin is a magical little factory, especially at night, it can be busy! Among them, there is a big brother called ceramide who silently guards our skin barrier.

After a night's rest, the skin of the face can secrete about 45% ceramide, which is like "bricks and cement", which can build a protective wall, help the skin lock in moisture, reduce water evaporation, and resist the invasion of external harmful substances, so that the skin remains supple and smooth.

Is it true that not washing your face in the morning is good for your skin?

However, some people have said that since ceramides are so useful, wouldn't it be better to wake up in the morning and not wash your face, and keep that layer of sebum and ceramides?

Actually, there is a misunderstanding here that needs to be clarified.

Doctors remind us that as powerful as ceramides are, their distribution and effectiveness on the skin doesn't mean we should skip washing our faces in the morning.

You think, at the end of the night, your skin is like a little steamer, with sweat, oil, exfoliated dead skin cells, and dust and bacteria that may stick to it, all of which will mix together and cover the surface of the skin.

Is it true that not washing your face in the morning is good for your skin?

At this time, even if there is a good man of ceramide, it is a little overwhelmed by this group of "troublemakers".

Therefore, doctors recommend that we wash our face in the morning not to destroy ceramides, but to properly remove those excess sebum, metabolites and other impurities.

In this way, not only can the fresh ceramide better play its role as a moisturizing barrier, but also promote the better absorption of subsequent skin care products, truly achieving skin cleansing and maintenance.

Is it true that not washing your face in the morning is good for your skin?

03 How should I wash my face in the morning for different skin types?

Oily skin

Choose a gentle, oil-controlling cleanser to effectively remove excess oil and avoid dry, tight skin caused by over-cleansing.

Dry skin

Choose a hydrating cleanser that gently washes away impurities while retaining essential sebum to avoid skin tightness and flammation. Alternatively, you can use water to wash your face for a more refreshing look.

Is it true that not washing your face in the morning is good for your skin?

Sensitive and mixed skin

Non-irritating, hypoallergenic formulas are used for sensitive areas, while combination skin needs to be cleansed in zones, with the T-zone focusing on oil removal and the cheeks focusing on moisturizing.

Xiao Wang listened to Dr. Lin's professional advice and adjusted his cleansing method. He chose a cleanser that suited his skin type and insisted on gently cleansing his face every morning.

After just a few weeks, he was pleasantly surprised to find that his skin felt less oily, his pores were clearer, his skin had an overall healthy glow, and even the frequent breakouts had improved significantly.

Is it true that not washing your face in the morning is good for your skin?

Washing your face is not simply an act of cleansing, but the first step in your daily skincare routine and the key to maintaining healthy skin.

Moderate cleansing in the morning not only respects the skin's own physiological mechanism, but also effectively removes bad factors, so that our skin is as fresh and blooming as the first sunny day after rain at dawn every day.