
Brother Mars intercepted Lin Junjie, was it Brother Mars's unintentional move, or did it have another meaning?

author:Tachibana Entertainment


Brother Mars intercepted Lin Junjie, was it Brother Mars's unintentional move, or did it have another meaning?

Brother Mars cut off Lin Junjie? This thing is a little interesting! The photo uploaded by Brother Mars on ins intercepted Lin Junjie, which instantly aroused heated discussions among netizens. First of all, let's talk about Brother Mars's operation. Posting a group photo and a solo photo on his Weibo is originally his freedom, let alone his promotional blog?

Brother Mars intercepted Lin Junjie, was it Brother Mars's unintentional move, or did it have another meaning?

Why did he cut off Lin Junjie? This reminds people of the painful experience of playing rock-paper-scissors when he was a child, and if he lost, he would be "cut off." Having said that, JJ Lin has always been a staunch supporter of music without borders, and his singing has spread all over the country. Brother Mars went to see his concert, which was supposed to be to enjoy music and feel the charm of art that transcends borders.

Brother Mars intercepted Lin Junjie, was it Brother Mars's unintentional move, or did it have another meaning?

But now, it's getting a little more subtle. Some netizens speculated that Brother Mars may want to take this opportunity to create some topics and attract everyone's attention. After all, in this era of information explosion, if you want to stand out, you do have to have some "means". But some netizens said that such behavior is a bit disrespectful, after all, Lin Junjie is also a well-respected singer.

Brother Mars intercepted Lin Junjie, was it Brother Mars's unintentional move, or did it have another meaning?

So, what is going on with this? Is it an unintentional move by Brother Mars, or is there something else to do? But one thing is for sure, the story has managed to get everyone's attention and become a trending topic on social media. All in all, it's interesting. Let's wait and see what new developments come next!

Brother Mars intercepted Lin Junjie, was it Brother Mars's unintentional move, or did it have another meaning?

At the same time, I also look forward to Brother Mars and Lin Junjie can bring us more excellent music works, so that we can enjoy wandering in the world of music!


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