
Taste of chrysanthemum water snake soup

author:Mu Zi Luo Shi Ji
Taste of chrysanthemum water snake soup

"Autumn wind rises, three snakes fat", and when it is time to eat snakes, Ming Li Shizhen said in the "Compendium of Materia Medica": "Southern people love snakes... The meat is delicious.". It is reported that the custom of Guangdong people eating snakes originated in Shunde, and Shunde Longjiang Jibei is a must-visit place for four-way diners to forage.

It is said that "dead snakes rot", and snakes are generally made on point. After picking the snake in the snake cage, it is sent to the kitchen to kill and cook.

Generally after the snake is cut off, the snake body is immediately straightened, the head is down, forty-five degrees, the snake blood gushes out, and then pours in with the spirit, knocking out the first blood, smelling, raw drinking, poisonous in the body, must be eliminated.

The snake bile was also washed with wine, broken, the bile flowed out, and then mixed with wine. The foodies in the audience talked and laughed, and they were all clean. I was too frightened to try.

The way to eat snakes is simple, the big snake is used as a pretzel snake segment, a beautiful snake segment, but also a white burn, pot, hot pot. Pepper salt snake is a must taste, not salty at all, fried kung fu is very good, not old and not chai, the meat just off the bone, eat every bite is crunchy snake meat, fragrant and provocative.

Small snakes are generally used to make porridge, and the water snake porridge in jibei is a signature dish.

Because the flesh of the water snake is tight and elastic, once overcooked, its chewability is absolutely comparable to rubber, so the people who cook water snake porridge are usually very skilled in the control of the heat, and when cooked, they will keep the meat tender and delicious, and the bottom of the porridge is also made of water snake bone for a long time.

On the table, a large pot full of snake segments, snake skin, snake liver, snake intestines, even snake whips, snake eggs, pale yellow porridge aroma. Take a bite of the snake meat, the flesh is soft and full of elasticity, and there is a very unique taste of fresh sweetness.

However, the only thing that makes snake dishes to the extreme is the chrysanthemum water snake soup in "Taste of Shunde".

The practice of water snake soup is not complicated, and about the usual family can be treated like this:

1. Peel off the snake meat after flying water, straighten it out, and tie it with a thread.

2. Prepare the casserole, add the snake bone, chicken, pig tongue, snake meat, snake skin, and add ginger. Simmer for 20 minutes on high heat and simmer for 2 hours.

3. Cut the snake meat, pork tongue and snake skin into strips, and strain the soup clean, not chicken.

4. Pour all the shreds into the soup and add salt to hang out the aroma. Simmer for 20 minutes.

5. If there are fresh chrysanthemums, you can add more than a dozen petals before serving.

Taste of chrysanthemum water snake soup

But this traditional chrysanthemum water snake soup is particularly important, the need for the master to personally plant chrysanthemums, from the selection and cultivation, to more than 4 months after the chrysanthemum grows, each flower finally only chooses more than 10 petals, and then meticulously prepare pig tongue, chicken, snake and other ingredients, to the completion of the production of snake soup, are made by the same chef.

It's almost half a year of waiting to be planned to make a traditional delicacy. Some commentators have commented that this dish vividly shows the unique culinary craftsmanship of Shunde chefs.

Some folk people once wrote a poem for this chrysanthemum water snake soup: "Phoenix with dragon silk shouke fragrance, sweet and moist and nourishing." This soup can only be owned by the kitchen, and the chief executive drag racing for a taste. "Cantonese people call snakes dragons, chickens phoenixes, Shouke is another name for chrysanthemums, and snake stew chicken is dragon and phoenix.

Carefully selected ingredients and planned for half a year of chrysanthemum water snake soup, time-consuming, costly and time-consuming cooking techniques are about to be lost. Naturally, I also failed to eat it, but I still drew gourds and tasted imitations that were concocted according to law.

The soup is creamy white, the aroma is rich, and the water snake is fresh and tender. Take a sip, the taste is very clear but the soup is mellow, slightly sweet with a fresh flavor, absolutely original, let you can't bear to stop your mouth. The pork tongue, whole chicken, and snake delicacies are perfectly blended during the boiling process, and the soup is exceptionally delicious. The combination of chrysanthemums is the finishing touch, looking bland, but tasting long.

Later, some chefs added lemon leaf shreds to the chrysanthemum water snake soup, which was felt to increase the flavor and remove the greasiness, making the taste refreshing. As a result, the taste of chrysanthemums is completely robbed, and the original taste of chrysanthemums is lost. What's more, fresh chrysanthemums are not used, only to facilitate the use of dried chrysanthemums to open and fill the number, I really don't know what to call.

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