
After the age of 40, I don't want my knees to be "scrapped" early, and I advise you to change these bad behaviors in time

author:Tomato health

In the eyes of the public, young people's bodies are very strong and flexible, and young people will not have knee health problems unless they are injured by external forces. So, is this really true? In fact, this is not the case. This is because the health of the knee is closely related to our daily habits, which means that it is not necessary to be young and avoid knee diseases.

After the age of 40, I don't want my knees to be "scrapped" early, and I advise you to change these bad behaviors in time

Under normal circumstances, the human knee will be 30-40 years old, which may cause mild wear and tear of the patellar cartilage and short-term knee pain. If the knee joint is not properly maintained in daily life, it will continue to accelerate the aging process of the knee joint.

After the age of 40, I don't want my knees to be "scrapped" early, and I advise you to change these bad behaviors in time

Reminder: These small habits that you don't pay attention to in your daily life, or the triggers that lead to the "scrapping" of your knees, should be corrected in time

1. Kuza

Many people may not know that sitting for a long time can invisibly damage their knee health, leading to decreased knee joint flexibility, and even degeneration and accelerated aging of the knee joint. Especially for some middle-aged and elderly people, many people do not like to walk and prefer to sit in the same place for a long time after old age.

However, from a knee health perspective, this is not conducive to the protection of joint and knee health. Therefore, after the age of 40, we should also try to avoid sitting for long periods of time. If you don't want your knees to "die" prematurely, you need to change this bad behavior, and proper exercise is the key to protecting joint health.

After the age of 40, I don't want my knees to be "scrapped" early, and I advise you to change these bad behaviors in time

2. Jiro Thigh

When it comes to stilt legs, everyone is familiar with it, as most people habitually do this action every day. As everyone knows, stilted legs will leave great hidden dangers to our health. Studies have shown that when we stilt our legs, our spine bends to one side with our body.

In this state, there will be uneven force on both sides of the pelvis, which can lead to the problem of scoliosis. This not only tends to cause lumbar disc herniation, but also invisibly increases the pressure on the internal structure of the knee joint, which ultimately leads to damage to the health of the knee joint.

After the age of 40, I don't want my knees to be "scrapped" early, and I advise you to change these bad behaviors in time

3. Climb stairs to exercise

Stair climbing is also a very common behavior in daily life, and many people choose it as their primary exercise when exercising. In life, many people will feel that climbing stairs can replace climbing mountains to exercise their bodies, which can not only save their time, but also exercise leg strength, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

But because in the process of going up and down the stairs, our knees will be subjected to a lot of force. If we spend a lot of time on stair climbing exercises every day, it is likely to cause excessive wear and tear on our knees, which is very detrimental to the maintenance of our knees.

After the age of 40, I don't want my knees to be "scrapped" early, and I advise you to change these bad behaviors in time

4. Wear high heels for a long time

Almost every adult woman has several pairs of high heels, and those who prefer to wear high heels also have a higher chance of knee injuries. When wearing high heels, the soles of our feet are tilted forward, which puts our knees in a state of strong extension. At this time, the joint load is high, and over time, the aging of the ligaments will be accelerated.

In addition, wearing high heels when going downstairs can put more stress on the knees, which can be more susceptible to injury over time.

After the age of 40, I don't want my knees to be "scrapped" early, and I advise you to change these bad behaviors in time

5. Sit cross-legged and kneeling often

Sitting cross-legged or kneeling can cause persistent tension in the lateral collateral ligaments on both sides of the knee joint, which can loosen over time, which can affect joint stability and increase the risk of wear and tear on the joint. At the same time, sitting cross-legged or kneeling can also have the same effect as sitting for a long time, affecting blood circulation in the knee joint.

Therefore, to protect knee health, we should avoid sitting cross-legged or kneeling. If you must sit cross-legged or kneeling, be careful not to hold this position for too long. Every once in a while, move your knee to relieve tension in your ligaments and stress on your joints.

After the age of 40, I don't want my knees to be "scrapped" early, and I advise you to change these bad behaviors in time

In short, as an important weight-bearing joint in the human body, the knee joint must be protected in daily life to avoid sitting for long periods of time, and at the same time, it is necessary to stay away from behaviors that may harm the knee. Once you have abnormal knee symptoms, you should be vigilant and seek medical attention as soon as possible.