
After October 2024, if employees of public institutions are promoted, will there be any additional increase in pensions?

author:Warm Heart Finance said

October 2024 is approaching, and the 10-year transition period stipulated in the reform of the pension insurance system of government institutions is coming to an end. Some people say that after the end, the pensions of enterprises, government agencies and institutions will soon be merged, and the changes in the level of posts will no longer have an impact, is it true? Let us take a look at it through the pension calculation formula.

The formula for calculating the pension of government agencies and institutions.

For employees of government agencies and institutions who retire after October 2024, the pension is calculated using the new measures. The basic pension includes three parts: basic pension, personal account pension and transitional pension. The occupational year is also one of the retirement benefits under the supplementary pension insurance mechanism.

First of all, occupational pensions are not affected by job promotions at retirement. The accumulation of occupational pension is 4% of the contribution base for the employee himself, and 8% for the unit.

After October 2024, if employees of public institutions are promoted, will there be any additional increase in pensions?

My payment base is determined according to the monthly average of the total salary of the employee in the previous year, which is mainly the basic salary, performance salary and a series of parts included in the base (the part that is not included in the base is dealt with separately, that is, the employees of retired institutions and institutions in Jiangsu and other regions still have retirement subsidies).

If you can be promoted to a higher position at the time of retirement and do not change the total salary of the previous year, the total amount of occupational pension accumulated and the standard of benefits received after retirement will not be affected.

Second, the pension part of the personal account will not be affected. The accumulation amount of personal account pension is also determined according to 8% of the contribution base, and as long as the contribution base is not affected, this part will not change.

After October 2024, if employees of public institutions are promoted, will there be any additional increase in pensions?

Third, the basic pension. The basic pension will be affected, but the impact will be relatively small. The basic pension is equal to the average social salary of the previous year of retirement or the pension calculation base of the current year× (1 + the average contribution index of the person), ÷2× payment period ×1%.

The average payment index of the person is equal to (the actual payment period of the person × the actual average payment index of the person + the deemed payment period of the person ×the deemed payment index of the person) ÷ (the actual payment period of the person + the deemed payment period of the person). The above payment period is exactly equal to my actual payment period + my deemed payment period.

That is to say, as long as the deemed contribution index of the person increases, the basic pension will be reflected. Assuming that my deemed contribution index is increased by 0.1 and the deemed contribution period is 30 years, the basic pension can increase by 1.5% of the average social salary of the previous year of retirement. If the average salary is 10,000 yuan, it can be increased by 150 yuan per month.

After October 2024, if employees of public institutions are promoted, will there be any additional increase in pensions?

Fourth, transitional pensions. The transitional pension part is equal to the deemed contribution period× the deemed contribution index× the transitional coefficient × the average social wage of the previous year of retirement.

The transition coefficient is generally the same as the transition coefficient of the enterprise, between 1.0% ~ 1.4%.

According to the calculation formula of the transitional pension, this part of the change is relatively more intuitive, if the deemed contribution index is increased by 0.1, the transition coefficient is calculated according to 1.4%, and the 30-year deemed contribution period can increase the average social wage of the previous year of retirement by 4.2%. The average salary is 10,000 yuan, and the pension is increased by 420 yuan.

At present, in 2023, the average salary (pension calculation base) used in the national calculation of pensions will increase from 6,401 yuan to 12,183 yuan, and it will increase this year. Therefore, as long as the deemed contribution index changes, the pension will change.

In addition, a simpler way to calculate it is to calculate it proportionally. The sum of the above two pensions is 570 yuan.

If the average salary is 10,000 yuan, the deemed payment period is 30 years, the deemed payment index is increased by 0.2 (twice as much as 0.1), and the increased pension is exactly 2 times that of 570 yuan.

If the average salary is 10,000 yuan, the deemed payment period is only 10 years, and the deemed payment index is increased by 0.1, and the increased pension is only 1/3 of 570 yuan.

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