
It turns out that there are so many calligraphy in the word "Dragon".

author:Jin Bao Zhai Dejin calligraphy


There are many styles of dragon calligraphy, and here are some common ones:

The above are only some of the calligraphy styles, in fact, the word "dragon" can also be expressed in other calligraphy styles, such as thin gold body, face body, willow body, etc. Different calligraphy styles give the character "dragon" different artistic charms, allowing people to appreciate the breadth and profundity of Chinese character culture in appreciation.

A regular script, as the cornerstone of Chinese calligraphy, shows the beauty of a rigorous and standardized structure. Every stroke and stroke seems to tell the story of a thousand years and condenses endless wisdom. In the world of regular script, the character "dragon" is like a vivid picture, and its stroke order follows the ancient rules, as clear and recognizable as the dragon vein. Every turn, every rise and fall, seems to depict the dragon's posture, and people can feel the ancient and mysterious power at a glance.

It turns out that there are so many calligraphy in the word "Dragon".
It turns out that there are so many calligraphy in the word "Dragon".

B line calligraphy, like flowing clouds and flowing water on the end of the paper, not only absorbs the essence of the dignified and regular regular script, but also integrates the free and smooth charm of cursive script. Under the brushstrokes of the calligraphy, the word "dragon" shows a different style, like a giant dragon soaring into the air, with an elegant and vigorous posture, swaying freely between the pen and ink, interpreting the charm and power of the dragon to the fullest.

It turns out that there are so many calligraphy in the word "Dragon".
It turns out that there are so many calligraphy in the word "Dragon".

C Cursive, like a dancer's agility in the air, interprets the rhythm and charm of Chinese characters with simple and swift strokes. Each stroke seems to carry thousands of years of history and culture, flowing with endless wisdom and emotion. In this sea of art, the word "dragon" in cursive script is like a mysterious phantom, swimming between abstraction and reality. It is not only a text, but also a carrier of emotions and philosophy. However, to decipher the form of the "dragon" character, it takes a pair of keen eyes and a calm heart to savor its unique calligraphic charm and comprehend its profound cultural connotation.

It turns out that there are so many calligraphy in the word "Dragon".
It turns out that there are so many calligraphy in the word "Dragon".

D Lishu, the writing style of this ancient Chinese character, is like a treasure of history, shining with a simple and solemn brilliance. In Lishu's pen, the character "dragon" dances like flowing water, and its form is very different from modern Chinese characters, but it has a blood connection with oracle bone inscriptions and golden inscriptions. The "dragon" in Lishu is like an ancient and mysterious creature, shuttling through the tunnel of time, telling us the wisdom and ingenuity of the ancients. Each stroke of it embodies the weight of history and the magnificence of culture, which makes us appreciate it while also sighing at the outstanding talent and infinite creativity of the ancients.

It turns out that there are so many calligraphy in the word "Dragon".
It turns out that there are so many calligraphy in the word "Dragon".

E Seal script, an ancient and mysterious form of writing, has been passed down to the present day like the mark of time. It is divided into two unique styles, the big seal and the small seal, which is the official way of writing ancient Chinese characters and carries rich historical and cultural connotations. In seal script, the form of the word "dragon" is like a winding ancient dragon vein, which is very different from modern Chinese characters. To decipher this ancient code, one needs to have a certain knowledge of paleography in order to uncover its mystery and appreciate its unique charm.

It turns out that there are so many calligraphy in the word "Dragon".

F oracle bone inscription, the ancient text as old as the precipitation of time, is like the traces carved by the ancients on the tortoise shell and animal bones with stone knives, telling the secrets of ancient civilization. In this primitive form of writing, the character "dragon" with its unique form, like an ancient picture scroll, shows the unique charm of hieroglyphs. The sinuous lines, as if depicting the heroic posture of the dragon flying in the sky in ancient times, are full of mystery and power. Every stroke and stroke embodies the wisdom and imagination of the ancients, so that we can still feel the ancient and deep cultural heritage in the hustle and bustle of modern times.

It turns out that there are so many calligraphy in the word "Dragon".

G Jinwen, an ancient and mysterious form of writing, is like a unique texture on bronzes, telling the vicissitudes of history for thousands of years. It is simple and atmospheric, like an ancient beast, calm and powerful. The word "dragon" in the golden text is even more unique. Compared with the dragon flying and phoenix dance in the oracle bone inscription, the dragon character in the golden inscription is more regular, like a giant dragon hovering over the bronze, majestic and solemn. However, despite its majesty, it is still unique compared to modern Chinese characters, as if it is a dialogue between two time and space, jointly interpreting the evolution and inheritance of Chinese characters.

It turns out that there are so many calligraphy in the word "Dragon".

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