
The aftertaste is endless with watermelon sauce

author:Busy and happy farming family

#无条件写作日线上命题写作, the first place can get 10,000 yuan in cash # When my mother is alive, she will make us watermelon sauce every summer day. In my memory, it was like this every year, until my mother was demented in her old age, and finally made watermelon sauce. After his old man lost his memory, many past events disappeared from his mind, and even her four sons often served her by her side, and she didn't know who it was, but when she was in better health, occasionally asked about the preparation method of watermelon sauce, and the head of her old man's family was the Tao.

Now that my mother has been dead for more than three years, I have never practiced the production of watermelon sauce by hand, but I still often taste the taste of watermelon sauce, which is sweet and salty, and the taste of delicious taste that I will never forget. When I was young, due to the large number of brothers and sisters in the family, my father and mother earned work in the production team, and the family's life was very poor. In the summer and autumn seasons, there are still seasonal vegetables to fill the hunger, in the winter and spring seasons without fresh vegetables, we are all salted radish pickled cabbage and pickled beans for rice, then it is not like now, there are fresh vegetables all year round, only in that season, you can eat the corresponding vegetables, there are no anti-seasonal vegetables. In general, most people in the countryside eat salted radish when there is no vegetable, watermelon sauce eat less, there are two reasons, one is that watermelon sauce production is a technical work, if you don't get it right, you will rot a pot of beans, in that era of extreme shortage of materials, there is no full self-confidence, who is not willing to risk the cost of destroying a pot of beans to do experiments. Second, the peasants have no money in their hands and are reluctant to spend money to buy watermelons. My family was sponsored by my aunt who worked in the county hospital every year, and my grandmother was willing to let my mother do it.

The mother is a skillful peasant woman, she can do all the work that a peasant woman should do, she is an expert in making clothes and cooking, and she often has the eldest bride of the neighbors. Aunt. My sisters-in-law asked my mother for advice on how to make clothes and cook meals.

When my mother was a child making watermelon sauce, I loved to watch it around. The soybeans are all picked up by grandma to get clean, and then operated by the mother, the soybeans are washed in water, and then the beans are boiled under the pot, and the water is boiled on a high heat and slowly boiled over a low heat, and the beans are cooked all the time. Mother boiled beans are washed beans in water directly under the pot, not in the water for a long time, because the beans soaked in the water cooked taste crisp, and directly under the pot cooked beans taste soft, the entrance less chew is rotten, suitable for the elderly to eat, in my memory when Grandma is already a rare year, teeth are not sound, soft and easy to chew beans is Grandma's favorite. When the beans wafted out of the pot, my brother and I, who were two years younger than me, began to get excited, waiting for my mother to lift the lid of the pot and give me the boiled beans that we had already held in our hands, and at that time, this fragrant boiled soybean was a delicious dish that we would never forget in this life.

The beans are cooked, the mother uses the fence to fish the beans into the basket, and when the soybeans are cool and dry with water, they begin to rub the noodles on the top, and evenly rub a layer of wheat flour on the surface of the soybeans, which must master the moisture on the surface of the soybeans, if it is too wet, the soybeans on the top are easy to stick to each other, if the moisture is too small, you can't rub the corresponding flour. The soybeans are evenly kneaded with flour and begin to ferment in pots, and in three or five days, the soybeans will ferment the bacteria at the right temperature, and when you open the lid of the basin, you will see that the beans are covered with gray and white fungus hairs, full of a fermented sour rot taste. At this time, the mother will bring the dustpan prepared in advance, pour the fermented soybeans into it, spread them out evenly, and then take them to the sun to dry.

After the main raw material soybeans are ready, they begin to prepare condiments, and the seasonings are star anise. pepper. Cumin. ginger. Salt, etc., families who like spicy flavor can prepare some chili peppers. Another main ingredient is watermelon, which is an essential ingredient for watermelon sauce. Everything was ready, the mother had washed and cooled the jar of the previous pickled beans, first poured the fermented and dried soybeans into the jar, then put the condiments, then put the excavated watermelon into the jar, and finally sprinkled the salt on the watermelon, and then sealed. Watermelon sauce should be closed and stuffy in the sun for half a month, wait until half a month later, open the jar, stir evenly, seal the altar, and then bask in the sun, after a week. The sun-dried watermelon sauce is bright red in color, the sauce is fragrant and the taste is very attractive.

At that time, the most attractive and tempting thing on our table was this watermelon sauce, and sticking watermelon sauce with the hard-to-swallow cornmeal nest suddenly felt like eating a big meal. When I was fifteen or sixteen years old, I was in high school three miles away from home, and my mother would sometimes pack me with a can of watermelon sauce, and when I got to school, my classmates rushed to eat it. In the early eighties, the countryside was still very poor, and the families of the students who went to school outside were also devoted, but there were absolutely no snacks, the staple food was cornmeal nests, occasionally we could eat white noodle steamed bread, only one meal a week, or noodles stewed in the pot, so watermelon sauce was definitely a rare and good dish at that time, and it was also a topic that our high school classmates had to mention every time they gathered.

The past is like smoke, the old mother has died at the age of eighty-eight, and for more than three years, the child has been missing endlessly. Grateful to my mother, remember my mother's life, deeply appreciate my mother's great love, my mother's own watermelon sauce has grown up with me, and it will also be my lifelong aftertaste.