
A 36-year-old well-known anchor entered the emergency room and was diagnosed with a stroke

author:Global Times

On the evening of April 8, 36-year-old former LOL professional player and game anchor Sun Yalong was diagnosed with stroke, and related topics rushed to the top of the hot search.

A 36-year-old well-known anchor entered the emergency room and was diagnosed with a stroke

On April 6, he posted on Weibo that "his eyes are ghosted, and the left side of his tongue is numb, once every 5 minutes", and he also entered the hospital emergency room.

A 36-year-old well-known anchor entered the emergency room and was diagnosed with a stroke

On April 7, he updated his physical condition and said: "There is a high probability that there is no cerebral infarction!

A 36-year-old well-known anchor entered the emergency room and was diagnosed with a stroke

Today, he reported to his fans again: "It's outrageous! I actually had a stroke! The doctor asked me to be hospitalized immediately! About a week!"

A 36-year-old well-known anchor entered the emergency room and was diagnosed with a stroke

Sun Yalong, born in Chongqing on March 24, 1988, game ID: xiaoxiao, a professional player of China's "League of Legends", a former auxiliary player of the IG team, and an online anchor. In 2008, he represented the Chinese team in the DNF Asia Championship in South Korea and China, and also performed well in the WCG Dungeon and Warriors China team competition and won the runner-up. After moving to the League of Legends game, he won the championship at the 2011 TGA Grand Prix Finals, and in September 2012, at the CPL Finals, Team IG defeated Team MVP White 2-0 to win the championship.

A 36-year-old well-known anchor entered the emergency room and was diagnosed with a stroke

Sun Yalong

Many netizens in the comment area sighed: Why did you have a stroke at a young age?

Hu Yajing: Can you have a stroke in your 30s?

Elsonhhh: I had a stroke at such a young age, my schedule was too irregular, I had money but I couldn't buy a body.

Lxk666: There is a first stroke and a second stroke. The second time is no joke, don't use youth as an excuse to squander your body.

Many fans also revealed that because of the work of the game anchor, Sun Yalong stayed up late and smoked as the norm:

SiuYoeng said: I really want to sleep more, I can't stay up until noon in my thirties, I can't stand it in my twenties, early detection and early treatment.

Anesthesiologist Ling Chumian: There are quite a few strokes at your age...... It's time to quit.

P1eta: I should have stayed up late, I said I was sleepy during the live broadcast, and I played chess and played games after the broadcast.

Fishing hairtail 21103: Brother Sen, the live broadcast time should be discussed and modified, so let's organize your work and rest/diet/exercise.

A 36-year-old well-known anchor entered the emergency room and was diagnosed with a stroke
A 36-year-old well-known anchor entered the emergency room and was diagnosed with a stroke

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Stroke, medically known as "stroke", is the number one cause of death and disability among mainland residents. It has the characteristics of high morbidity, high disability rate, high mortality rate, high recurrence rate and high economic burden.

In 2019, the Lancet, an authoritative medical journal, published a study that analyzed the main causes of death among mainland residents from 1990 to 2017. In the past 27 years, although the rankings of various diseases have fluctuated, stroke has always been at the top of the list, and this "status" has not changed.

A 36-year-old well-known anchor entered the emergency room and was diagnosed with a stroke

What are the typical symptoms of stroke?

Stroke, generally can be divided into ischemic and hemorrhagic two categories, cerebral artery stenosis or other parts of the thrombus to break off the cerebral artery caused by cerebral artery blockage ischemic stroke often refers to "cerebral infarction", hemorrhagic stroke is the cerebral artery pressure is too high, arterial wall is weak, etc., resulting in local arterial rupture and bleeding, both of which will lead to brain cells can not get blood supply.

"There will be different symptoms depending on the location of cerebral vascular blockage or bleeding, and patients may have symptoms such as limb paralysis, speech disorder, dysphagia, and cognitive impairment after the onset of the disease. Ji Weizhong, chief physician of the Department of Neurology of Qinghai Provincial People's Hospital, said that the risk factors for stroke mainly include hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, hyperlipidemia and other diseases, so such patients should pay special attention. "Most of the stroke patients are middle-aged and elderly people, but the probability of developing the disease in young people is also rising, in addition to genetic factors, long-term smoking, alcoholism, staying up late, lack of exercise, etc. will become the triggers of the disease. ”

Stroke onset is sudden, and there are often no obvious symptoms in the early stage, and some patients will miss the best time for treatment if they don't care. Experts say that although stroke is a "silent killer", it can also be prevented and treated. The early symptoms of stroke can be identified from sudden situations such as decreased limb balance, difficulty seeing, facial asymmetry, crooked corners of the mouth, numbness and weakness of one arm, and slurred speech.

"When a stroke occurs, we need to keep in mind that 'time is the brain'. Patients with cerebral infarction are at risk of cerebral edema for 3 to 5 days, and the risk of seeking medical attention in time can minimize the risk of discomfort. Ji Weizhong said that the early prevention of stroke is very important, and it is recommended that everyone practice a healthy lifestyle, prevent and control risk factors, try to ensure adequate sleep, maintain emotional stability and a good mental state, choose an exercise method that suits you and insist on long-term exercise, improve immunity, and reduce the risk of stroke.

Source | Metropolis Express