
Tonghai adheres to the leadership of party building and empowers the development of rural tourism

author:In Yuxi
{"info":{"title":{"content":"通海坚持党建引领赋能乡村旅游大发展","en":"Tonghai adheres to the leadership of party building and empowers the development of rural tourism"},"description":{"content":"春日好时节,杞麓湖畔春色尽显,微风拂过湖面,吹动花海和柳枝,田间地头生机勃勃,一幅优美的田园风光画让人沉醉。“坐着观光车...","en":"In the good season of spring, the spring color of Qilu Lake is fully revealed, the breeze blows across the lake, blows the sea of flowers and willow branches, the fields are full of vitality, and a beautiful pastoral scenery painting makes people intoxicated. \"Riding in a sightseeing car..."}},"items":[]}

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