
This yoga asana, beautiful legs, fat burning, has so many benefits that you can't believe it!

author:Yuyu loves yoga

Gorakshasana is a balancing pose. This is an intermediate yoga pose that is commonly used for meditation. It is also known as the cow herding pose (or butterfly sitting), and in Gorakshasana, the weight of the entire body is balanced on the feet, so the practitioner needs to have proper flexibility in the calves and feet.

This yoga asana, beautiful legs, fat burning, has so many benefits that you can't believe it!

Gorakshanasana helps yoga practitioners improve their postures. Regular practice of this asana can develop the habit of sitting upright, which is beneficial for the spine and lower back.

This yoga asana, beautiful legs, fat burning, has so many benefits that you can't believe it!

Gorakshasana is made up of three Sanskrit words. Here, "Go" means "cow", "raksha" means "protector", Goraksha grazes cattle, and "asana" means "posture". This pose is preferred for meditation. Its name is associated with Lord Shiva as he is known as the Lord of Livestock and the Lord of Meditation.

This yoga asana, beautiful legs, fat burning, has so many benefits that you can't believe it!

Practice sitting with your knees bent and your heels together. Then the body balances on the feet. It puts pressure on the muscles of the ankles and feet, making them flexible. It also stimulates the sacrum and enhances sexual energy.

This yoga asana, beautiful legs, fat burning, has so many benefits that you can't believe it!

Gorakshasana is described in medieval hatha yoga texts, and Guru Gailanda mentions that this asana is;

Turn your feet upwards between your knees and thighs. Turn your hands up, hiding your ankles. Contract your throat and stare at the tip of your nose. This is gorakshasana.

Gailanda Samhita

This yoga asana, beautiful legs, fat burning, has so many benefits that you can't believe it!

Precautions and contraindications

  • Do not hunch over while maintaining the asana. When entering the asana and holding, the shoulders should be relaxed.
  • If you have problems with the joints of your feet and legs, avoid practicing this asana. Don't practice if you have knee pain.
  • People with sciatica and other lower spine pain should also not practice gorakshasana.
This yoga asana, beautiful legs, fat burning, has so many benefits that you can't believe it!

A detailed explanation of the asanas

  1. Butterfly preparation. Point your toes to the ground, bring your heels together, and lift your hips
  2. Keep your spine straight, balance on your toes, and place your hands on your knees, breathing evenly.
This yoga asana, beautiful legs, fat burning, has so many benefits that you can't believe it!

Modifications and assistive devices

Leaning against a wall: To provide support and maintain balance, practice against a wall.

Yoga Block: Place the yoga block vertically in front of you. It is possible to keep your feet on the yoga block.

This yoga asana, beautiful legs, fat burning, has so many benefits that you can't believe it!


  • Once you have your balance, you can raise your hands above your head. This stretches the spine and makes the asana a little more advanced.
  • Bhadrasana: In this variation, the heels are joined together by bringing them closer to the perineum. The hips are lifted off the ground and the practitioner sits on top of the feet. Hands on feet.
This yoga asana, beautiful legs, fat burning, has so many benefits that you can't believe it!

Asana benefits

Improves balance: In asana, the body is fully balanced on the toes, and this pose is to maintain the integrity of the body. This asana provides a sense of balance.

This yoga asana, beautiful legs, fat burning, has so many benefits that you can't believe it!

Enhance the flexibility of the coccyx: The complete asana includes the stretching of the coccyx. It enhances its elasticity and makes it more flexible. It also benefits the pelvic muscles.

This yoga asana, beautiful legs, fat burning, has so many benefits that you can't believe it!

Strengthens leg muscles: Asanas provide flexibility by stretching the leg muscles intensely. It also improves the elasticity and strength of the leg joints. It provides toned and strong legs.

This yoga asana, beautiful legs, fat burning, has so many benefits that you can't believe it!

Stimulates sexual energy: This asana regulates the reproductive organs and improves their function. This activates the sexual organs and maintains sexual health.

Improves digestion: Asana exercises the abdominal organs by improving blood flow in the lower abdomen. This is beneficial for the digestive organs.

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