
Fiery Cross Island in the South China Sea has been under control for 35 years, with 2 million square meters of land, and now missiles and radars are all over the island

author:The Great Thousand Worlds


Since ancient times, China has had a very strong maritime consciousness and has attached great importance to its control over the islands in the South China Sea. Nanhai Zhudao has always been an important part of China's territory and has an important strategic position, among which Fiery Cross Reef in the central part of the South China Sea is one of them.

Fiery Cross Island in the South China Sea has been under control for 35 years, with 2 million square meters of land, and now missiles and radars are all over the island

1. Fiery Cross Reef Background Knowledge

Located in the middle of the South China Sea, Fiery Cross Reef is one of the most important islands in the South China Sea and the third largest in China's occupation. After years of land reclamation in China, Fiery Cross Reef has become a powerful aerospace power, and now the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) is now a forward base, with a large number of garrisons and brand-new space ™ military facilities and equipment, which will effectively consolidate China's defense capabilities in the South China Sea and demonstrate China's unique military strength after reform and opening up.

Fiery Cross Island in the South China Sea has been under control for 35 years, with 2 million square meters of land, and now missiles and radars are all over the island

1. Construction of marine meteorological observation station on Fiery Cross Reef

Fiery Cross Island in the South China Sea has been under control for 35 years, with 2 million square meters of land, and now missiles and radars are all over the island

China can use Fiery Cross Reef as its "big station" to carry out long-term observations, such as marine meteorological observations, marine environmental observations, and biological resources surveys, which can help the mainland obtain information on climate change, wind direction, and ocean currents earlier, and provide information for relevant disaster prevention and relief work and meteorological services.

Fiery Cross Island in the South China Sea has been under control for 35 years, with 2 million square meters of land, and now missiles and radars are all over the island

2. Fiery Cross Reef has important strategic value

Fiery Cross Island in the South China Sea has been under control for 35 years, with 2 million square meters of land, and now missiles and radars are all over the island

Fiery Cross Reef is strategically important, and its construction is closely related to national security. It can be said that Fiery Cross Reef is very unique in terms of geographical location, and can be simply said to be a "game of chess", which plays a very important role both militarily and politically.

Fiery Cross Island in the South China Sea has been under control for 35 years, with 2 million square meters of land, and now missiles and radars are all over the island

(1) Fiery Cross Reef can better control the main shipping lanes of the South China Sea and the western waterway of the Spratlys. Since ancient times, maritime trade has always been the lifeline of the mainland, and the South China Sea is the "doorstep" of the mainland, and the control of the main shipping lanes of the South China Sea is undoubtedly of great significance to the country, which can be said to be an important direction of protection in daily work, which can better protect the mainland's international trade.

Fiery Cross Island in the South China Sea has been under control for 35 years, with 2 million square meters of land, and now missiles and radars are all over the island

(2) At the same time, the occupation of Fiery Cross Reef can also better monitor the Strait of Malacca, as we all know, the Strait of Malacca is one of the busiest waterways in the world, and the countries that can control the Strait of Malacca can undoubtedly have an impact on the entire Southeast Asian region and work in an orderly manner.

Fiery Cross Island in the South China Sea has been under control for 35 years, with 2 million square meters of land, and now missiles and radars are all over the island

(3) Looking at the entire South China Sea, we can find that the entire South China Sea of Fiery Cross Reef is definitely a strategic location, and naturally we can also take advantage of this area to carry out our work in a smooth and orderly manner, convey our attitude to the surrounding countries, better protect our neighbors, and continue to make efforts for regional peace and development.

(4) Finally, there is another point that cannot be ignored, that is, the geographical location of Fiery Cross Reef can also help the mainland better ensure its own maritime security, so the country will definitely make more efforts in this side to protect our maritime interests through Fiery Cross Reef and increase its voice in the international arena.

3. Fiery Cross Reef People's Liberation Army Advance Base

At present, Fiery Cross Reef has become a base for the advancement of the People's Liberation Army (PLA), a powerful aerospace power. If a foreign aircraft or ship appears in the nearby blue sky, it can be detected and dealt with at the first time, effectively consolidating our control over the Nansha region, which is conducive to the mainland's safeguarding national sovereignty and maritime rights and interests and completing various tasks.

4. Introduction to Fiery Cross Reef military facilities

If you look at it from the air, you can clearly see that there are many military facilities built on the entire reef, including a large airfield and radar facilities, and a high watchtower can see the situation in the distance.

Inside the reef, there are many underground bunkers and missile bunkers, which can well protect soldiers from the attack of ships and effectively increase the defense capability of the mainland's navy and air force.

Next, it is believed that the country will also build a deep-water port on Fiery Cross Reef to station large warships and improve the mainland's combat capability in the Spratly region, which will undoubtedly put a lot of pressure on restless Vietnam, and it is enough to make Vietnam afraid of China's military strength.


As a Chinese, I am proud of the strength of the country, and I also feel very relieved, and I believe that with a country like China, our life will get better and better. I hope that in the future, we can be more united and work together for the development of the country, the security of the homeland, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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