
Foreign media actually compared the 80,000 yuan Chanel bag with the 79,800 BYD Qin plus


Foreign media actually compared the 80,000 yuan Chanel bag with the 79,800 BYD Qin plus, just imagine if this can be compared?

One is consumer goods, the other is an investment product, one is to make it affordable for the poor, and the other is to make it unaffordable for the poor. There is no point in comparing hedging of value. From the perspective of the poor, the car is far more than the bag, not to mention that it is still a cheap car, and the social significance of BYD is far greater than that of Chanel.

As the saying goes, it makes no sense for apples to be compared with apples, and apples to be compared with oranges.

Finally, let me complain, Chanel, which is endorsed by Wang Yibo and Zhou Xun, increased its price on March 27 as scheduled, ushering in the first wave of big rises in 2024, CF small classic handbags have exceeded 80,000, and large Chanel CF has exceeded 90,000!

#香奈儿# #奢侈品# #王一博# #周迅# #你会买比亚迪吗# #论比亚迪前途# #电车还值得买吗# #是否选择比亚迪# #刚需比亚迪🚗# #你心系比亚迪吗# #聊比亚迪潜力# #聊聊比亚迪前景# #要换比亚迪车#

Foreign media actually compared the 80,000 yuan Chanel bag with the 79,800 BYD Qin plus
Foreign media actually compared the 80,000 yuan Chanel bag with the 79,800 BYD Qin plus
Foreign media actually compared the 80,000 yuan Chanel bag with the 79,800 BYD Qin plus
Foreign media actually compared the 80,000 yuan Chanel bag with the 79,800 BYD Qin plus
Foreign media actually compared the 80,000 yuan Chanel bag with the 79,800 BYD Qin plus
Foreign media actually compared the 80,000 yuan Chanel bag with the 79,800 BYD Qin plus
Foreign media actually compared the 80,000 yuan Chanel bag with the 79,800 BYD Qin plus
Foreign media actually compared the 80,000 yuan Chanel bag with the 79,800 BYD Qin plus
Foreign media actually compared the 80,000 yuan Chanel bag with the 79,800 BYD Qin plus
Foreign media actually compared the 80,000 yuan Chanel bag with the 79,800 BYD Qin plus
Foreign media actually compared the 80,000 yuan Chanel bag with the 79,800 BYD Qin plus
Foreign media actually compared the 80,000 yuan Chanel bag with the 79,800 BYD Qin plus

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