
A 20-year-old student was diagnosed with AIDS, what is the cause and what is the solution?

author:Yi Yi talks about the world
A 20-year-old student was diagnosed with AIDS, what is the cause and what is the solution?

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A joke of fate

Dadong, who is in his prime, is already a top student in a top university at the age of 19. In school, his academic performance is impressive, which can be described as among the best; In his hometown, he is also a filial son who is loved by his relatives.

Who would have thought that fate would have dealt this outstanding young man a heavy blow in the second semester of his freshman year - he was diagnosed with HIV.

Dadong has lived a very privileged life since he was a child, and is the only child in the family, and is meticulously cared for and pampered by his grandparents and parents. The family, which was originally full of laughter and laughter, fell into endless mourning due to the sudden death of his father.

A 20-year-old student was diagnosed with AIDS, what is the cause and what is the solution?

Although Dadong's personality gradually became introverted and closed-minded, he still relied on his natural intelligence to sit firmly at the top of his grade in every exam.

However, the busy mother obviously underestimated the trauma caused by her husband's death. She blindly believes that it only takes time to heal her son's wounds.

As everyone knows, Dadong's heart has long fallen into deep loneliness.

It was against this background that Dadong finally spent his long high school years and stepped into the university campus with great expectations. By chance, he met a beautiful girl who made his heart move, and the two met and fell in love, becoming the envy of others.

A 20-year-old student was diagnosed with AIDS, what is the cause and what is the solution?

It's a pity that the short-term beauty was soon broken, and near the end of the semester, his girlfriend suddenly became abnormal, her attitude became colder, and the communication between the two became less and less. Dadong was deeply confused and pleaded repeatedly, but could not save her icy heart.

This lost wound was tantamount to a heavy punch hitting Dadong's body again, and he completely lost his way.

We will trace back from here to see how Dadong went from an excellent student to this evil path of fate.

The past is like smoke

A 20-year-old student was diagnosed with AIDS, what is the cause and what is the solution?

The blow of the breakup was like a blow to the head, completely crushing Dadong. He had been in bed all day and all night, losing the courage and hope of life, and his friends were really worried that he would lose his way completely.

So, the empathetic roommates thoughtfully invited Dadong to the Internet café, hoping that he could temporarily forget the pain in the game. At first, Daito scoffs at this, but after actually experiencing it, he is surprised to find that the game has brought him unexpected fun.

Since then, he has always stayed in the Internet café until late, chatting with netizens with relish.

It didn't take long for Dadong to gradually get involved in night culture under the guidance of netizens, mixing in various entertainment venues. There, he did not hesitate to have inappropriate sex with strangers, trying to numb the emptiness of his heart with carnal indulgence.

A 20-year-old student was diagnosed with AIDS, what is the cause and what is the solution?

The university tutor noticed that Daito often disappeared and asked his roommate. The worried roommate, fearing that the university would ban students from going to Internet cafes, had to cover up Dadong's whereabouts by saying that he was working hard for a part-time job.

As night fell, his roommate informed Dadong of the recent matters that needed attention, and Dadong, who was immersed in the online world, just nodded vaguely and soon fell asleep.

In the early hours of the next morning, he woke up from his dream and felt the world spin and he felt as if he had been hit hard. At first, I thought it was just a hangover, but after a short rest, the discomfort not only did not improve, but worsened.

Only then did he suddenly wake up Dadong, and he began to take his health seriously. After repeated persuasion from his roommates, he had to go to the school hospital for treatment.

A 20-year-old student was diagnosed with AIDS, what is the cause and what is the solution?

Take medicine with patience

After careful examination, the school doctor bluntly recommended that Dadong go to the Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention for HIV testing. Dadong couldn't accept this terrible reality at the time, and he desperately denied that he had this possibility, stubbornly choosing to leave, naively thinking that it was just a common cold.

However, the symptoms of the disease became more severe, forcing Dadong to step into the hospital again and get tested in a desperate way. After anxious waiting, the bad news finally came, and the heartbreaking result was printed on the report sheet - positive! Dadong fell to the ground on the spot, as if he had been executed, helpless and terrified.

This bad news was undoubtedly the second blow of his life, and it completely plunged him into the quagmire of despair. For the next two months, Dadong spent the whole day alone in his dormitory, refusing to go out, isolated from the world.

A 20-year-old student was diagnosed with AIDS, what is the cause and what is the solution?

He was tortured mentally, and even once thought that his life would never be recovered.

Until one day, by chance, his roommate saw Dadong's test report when tidying up the dormitory, and was shocked and immediately reported it to the instructor. When Dadong's mother learned the bad news, she was at a loss, but she still rushed to the school as soon as possible.

When she saw her son's emaciated and embarrassed appearance, tears rolled in her eyes, and her heart ached. She quickly stepped forward and gave Dadong a big hug, and Dadong burst into tears in this moment of warmth, pouring out everything in his heart.

From that moment on, the spiritual worlds of the mother and son seemed to be exchanged. Dadong, who was once cheerful and upward, was full of endless guilt and self-blame; And the originally calm mother supported her son strongly and encouraged him to regain the courage to live.

A 20-year-old student was diagnosed with AIDS, what is the cause and what is the solution?

Under the nourishment of his mother, Dadong rekindled his hope for life. He began to secretly take drugs, and with the care and encouragement of his mother, he gradually regained his former vigor and vitality and returned to school.

Little Tiger's ignorance and depravity

At the same time, in the bustling city of Shanghai, another young student named Xiaohu is experiencing a similar upheaval in his life. Xiaohu is a child from the countryside, and he has always had some fear and anxiety about this big city.

At first, he just found it difficult to adapt to the lifestyle and rhythm of Shanghainese, but gradually, deep down, he accumulated a huge sense of pressure and loneliness. In search of release, he began to unconsciously indulge in nightlife, where he sought a moment of catharsis.

A 20-year-old student was diagnosed with AIDS, what is the cause and what is the solution?

However, due to his own little knowledge of sexual health, Xiaohu is driven by carnal desires and does not hesitate to have inappropriate relationships with strangers. It was in the process that he unfortunately contracted HIV.

When Xiaohu got the report of the diagnosis, his heart completely collapsed. For him, this news was a slap in the face, as if he had been sentenced to death, and he was extremely helpless and afraid.

As a farmer's child, he never expected such an experience.

In the face of such a huge blow, Xiaohu once fell into deep self-denial and guilt. He did not dare to tell his parents the truth, for fear of being reproached by them, and even more afraid of being abandoned by his relatives and friends.

A 20-year-old student was diagnosed with AIDS, what is the cause and what is the solution?

He didn't even dare to take the pills during the day, so he could only sneak into the bathroom and take those pills alone in the dark.

In the depths of Xiaohu's heart, he seems to have given up on this noisy and noisy world. He had long since despaired of the courage and hope to regain his life, and even had no intention of preparing for the expected graduate studies.

Warmth and rebirth

Just when Xiaohu was completely consumed by despair, a social platform called "AIDS Friends Group" appeared in his life, like a ray of light in the darkness.

A 20-year-old student was diagnosed with AIDS, what is the cause and what is the solution?

There, he listened to the stories of many fellow travelers, and also received sincere explanations and support from his friends.

Someone sincerely told Xiaohu that as long as he takes his medicine on time, AIDS is not terrible, and the patient can still live a normal life. These patients used their own personal experience to patiently answer Xiaohu's inner doubts, so that he gradually dispelled his fear of this disease.

In the group, Xiaohu saw too many fates similar to his own, and some people were once as miserable and desperate as him, but after receiving encouragement and help, they embraced life again.

Everyone's enthusiasm and love warmed Xiaohu's cold heart.

A 20-year-old student was diagnosed with AIDS, what is the cause and what is the solution?

Gradually, Xiaohu understood that as long as he insisted on treatment, he was fully expected to recover his health and happiness. The boulder that had been pressing on his heart was finally lifted, replaced by a desire and hope for rebirth.

The cordial greetings of his friends in the group made him feel the warmth of this world again.

Since then, Xiaohu's life has once again taken on meaning and direction. He secretly decided that he must defeat the disease and make a desperate gamble for himself. This peasant child, who was once devoured by despair, finally saw the dawn of life.