
In Journey to the West, there are 4 masters and apprentices who have removed their makeup, with clear eyebrows and beautiful eyes, men and women are more charming, how many can you recognize?

author:Bright Mango

"Journey to the West": The Road of Legends, the Brilliant Galaxy of People's Artists

In Journey to the West, there are 4 masters and apprentices who have removed their makeup, with clear eyebrows and beautiful eyes, men and women are more charming, how many can you recognize?

In the vast starry sky of Chinese TV dramas, there is a star that never falls, and that is "Journey to the West". This TV series has been like a bright pearl since the 70s and 80s, shining in the hearts of countless audiences. Even in today's era of information explosion and entertainment diversification, it still attracts people with its unique charm. On the occasion of the Year of the Monkey, various Davids are competing to broadcast it, which shows its far-reaching influence.

In Journey to the West, there are 4 masters and apprentices who have removed their makeup, with clear eyebrows and beautiful eyes, men and women are more charming, how many can you recognize?

However, behind this brilliance, there are hidden legends that few people know. When I took a closer look at the filming process of this TV series, I was deeply moved by the spirit of those people's artists. With their sweat and enthusiasm, they present us with a timeless classic.

In Journey to the West, there are 4 masters and apprentices who have removed their makeup, with clear eyebrows and beautiful eyes, men and women are more charming, how many can you recognize?

First of all, I want to say that the actors of "Journey to the West" are true masters of art. They must not only have excellent acting skills, but also be able to endure the heavy makeup and the huge pressure brought by the four famous novels. It's not easy to imagine wearing thick makeup and cumbersome costumes every day, but also delicately expressing the inner emotions of the characters. But they did it, and they used their superb acting skills and excellent performance to create vivid characters for us.

In Journey to the West, there are 4 masters and apprentices who have removed their makeup, with clear eyebrows and beautiful eyes, men and women are more charming, how many can you recognize?

Liu Xiaolingtong, the actor of Monkey King, is undoubtedly one of the most high-profile actors in this drama. With his superb acting skills and unique performance style, he vividly interpreted the role of Monkey King. His every look and every movement was full of agility and power, as if he was really the monkey that jumped out of the stone. His performance made people believe that Monkey King is not just a fictional character, but also a hero with flesh and blood, affection and righteousness.

In Journey to the West, there are 4 masters and apprentices who have removed their makeup, with clear eyebrows and beautiful eyes, men and women are more charming, how many can you recognize?

In addition to Sun Wukong, the actors of Tang Seng, Zhu Bajie, Sha Seng and other roles are also excellent. Through their delicate performances, they vividly show the character traits of the characters. Whether it is Tang Seng's compassion, or Zhu Bajie's honesty and loveliness, or Sha Seng's loyalty and honesty, people are moved.

In Journey to the West, there are 4 masters and apprentices who have removed their makeup, with clear eyebrows and beautiful eyes, men and women are more charming, how many can you recognize?

However, these actors went through many hardships and difficulties during the filming process. Due to the relatively backward technology and equipment at that time, many special effects and scenes needed to be completed by them themselves. During the filming of the Monkey King flight scene, the actors needed to hang on Weiya and risk their lives to fly around in the air. I deeply admire this dedication to art and selfless dedication.

In Journey to the West, there are 4 masters and apprentices who have removed their makeup, with clear eyebrows and beautiful eyes, men and women are more charming, how many can you recognize?

In addition to the wonderful performances of the actors, the hard work of the directors and videographers also contributed to it. They encountered many technical difficulties during the filming, but it was these difficulties that stimulated their creativity and imagination. Through clever composition and use of lens, they captured each scene in a picturesque way. Especially those classic special effects scenes, such as the seventy-two changes of Monkey King and the four masters and apprentices crossing the waterfall, are all breathtaking.

In Journey to the West, there are 4 masters and apprentices who have removed their makeup, with clear eyebrows and beautiful eyes, men and women are more charming, how many can you recognize?

It is worth mentioning that the casting vision of "Journey to the West" is also a must. Whether it's a fairy or a princess, it's all a natural beauty. Their outstanding performance not only attracted middle-aged and elderly audiences, but also won the love of young people. These beautiful actresses use their beauty and talent to add a touch of color to this TV series.

In Journey to the West, there are 4 masters and apprentices who have removed their makeup, with clear eyebrows and beautiful eyes, men and women are more charming, how many can you recognize?

However, the filming of "Journey to the West" was not all smooth sailing. Due to limited funds, only five cents a day for food, so when the staff is in areas with high prices, such as Guangzhou, the director has to pay out of his own pocket to fill the loophole. These difficult conditions did not dampen their enthusiasm and determination. On the contrary, they cherish every opportunity to perform more and shape every role with their hearts.

In Journey to the West, there are 4 masters and apprentices who have removed their makeup, with clear eyebrows and beautiful eyes, men and women are more charming, how many can you recognize?

Director Yang Jie and cameraman Wang Chongqiu are the soul of this TV series. They led the team to most parts of the country, except for Tibet, Qinghai, Ningxia, Hubei, Taiwan, all over the world have left their footprints. During the filming process, they not only had to face the harsh natural environment, but also had to overcome various technical difficulties. But they always insisted on their artistic pursuits, and captured those shocking images with their lenses.

In Journey to the West, there are 4 masters and apprentices who have removed their makeup, with clear eyebrows and beautiful eyes, men and women are more charming, how many can you recognize?

In my opinion, "Journey to the West" is not only a TV series, but also a legendary epic that shows the spiritual outlook of people's artists. It allows us to see the hard work and outstanding talent of the artists, and also makes us feel the charm and power of art. With their sweat and enthusiasm, these people's artists have created one classic work after another for us, and also left us valuable spiritual wealth.

However, during the filming of this TV series, there was also a lot of suspense and unknowns. Every shot is a new challenge, and every special effects attempt is a bold breakthrough. Actors need to exert unlimited creativity under limited conditions to interpret the roles to the fullest. Directors and videographers need to create stunning visuals within the constraints of technology and equipment. It is this persistent pursuit of art and continuous attempts that make "Journey to the West" an immortal classic.

In addition, the values and spiritual connotations conveyed by "Journey to the West" are also thought-provoking. It tells us that no matter how great the difficulties and challenges we face, as long as we have firm faith and forge ahead, we will be able to overcome everything. This kind of spiritual strength is exactly what we need in the face of adversity. At the same time, "Journey to the West" also shows the breadth and profundity of the traditional culture of the Chinese nation, allowing us to cherish and inherit this precious cultural heritage even more.

To sum up, "Journey to the West" is an eternal classic, which uses wonderful stories and vivid characters to show the spiritual outlook and selfless dedication of people's artists. It allows us to see the hard work and outstanding talent of the artists, and also makes us feel the charm and power of art. In the days to come, may we all remember the dedication and contribution of these artists, inherit their spiritual qualities and artistic traditions, and let the light of art shine on the world forever. At the same time, we should also actively inherit and carry forward the traditional culture of the Chinese nation, and contribute to building a better society.

The legend of "Journey to the West".