
The man was diagnosed with uremia and loves to drink tea, and the doctor reminded: these 3 points may affect kidney function!

author:Talk about the doctor's health

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On an ordinary weekday morning, Wang Dawei, a 52-year-old postman, stepped into a major hospital in Beijing.

As a long-time tea drinker who has always insisted on drinking four or five cups of green tea a day, Wang Dawei never thought that his healthy eating habits would cause him problems. But in recent months, he began to feel tired and often experienced puffiness, which forced him to go to the hospital for a check-up.

He pushed open the door and complained to the nurse at the front desk: "Your registration system is too slow, I have been queuing for a long time, and I can't stand still." ”

The man was diagnosed with uremia and loves to drink tea, and the doctor reminded: these 3 points may affect kidney function!

The doctor who received him was Dr. Lee, an experienced nephrologist. After a detailed examination of Wong, Dr. Li recommended that he undergo a series of kidney function tests.

The results showed that Wang Dawei was already uremia. The doctor sighed and said, "Dawei, I know you love tea, but you may not know that excessive tea can increase the burden on the kidneys because it contains too much oxide. ”

The man was diagnosed with uremia and loves to drink tea, and the doctor reminded: these 3 points may affect kidney function!

Wang Dawei didn't expect that what usually seems to be a healthy habit is actually a potential health killer. Dr. Lee went on to explain, "Not only that, but your other two habits may also be triggering your condition. ”

The first point cited by the doctor is that Wang Dawei's eating habits, especially his preference for salty foods, will increase the burden on the kidneys. The second point is that Wang Dawei neglected the issue of physical examination.

The man was diagnosed with uremia and loves to drink tea, and the doctor reminded: these 3 points may affect kidney function!

Although he participates in the annual health check-up organized by his employer, he never pays attention to the physical examination report and misses the best opportunity to detect problems early.

This made Wang Dawei fall into deep thought, and he asked, "Doctor, is there any way to restore my kidney function?" Dr. Li suggested some lifestyle changes and emphasized the importance of treatment.

The man was diagnosed with uremia and loves to drink tea, and the doctor reminded: these 3 points may affect kidney function!

He explained that although it is not possible to recover completely, the progression of the disease can be slowed down with proper medication and lifestyle modifications.

At the end of the discussion, Wang Dawei asked a specific question: "Can I continue to drink tea?"

The man was diagnosed with uremia and loves to drink tea, and the doctor reminded: these 3 points may affect kidney function!

Dr. Li replied colloquially, "It doesn't have to be avoided completely, but I recommend that you reduce your intake and choose low-caffeinated teas, such as chrysanthemum tea, which have less impact on your kidneys." It is important to balance and not overdo it. ”

Indeed, Wang Dawei was shocked and helpless in the face of his condition. Dr. Lee's words were like a cold wind that made him realize that his daily habits, which were considered harmless, had a potentially huge impact on his health.

The man was diagnosed with uremia and loves to drink tea, and the doctor reminded: these 3 points may affect kidney function!

Dr. Lee went on to explain in detail the complexities of kidney disease. "Your example is not an isolated case, David," Dr. Lee said, adjusting his glasses.

"A lot of people, especially those like you, who regularly consume high oxide drinks, should be more careful. What you think is a healthy diet may not really be right for everyone.

The man was diagnosed with uremia and loves to drink tea, and the doctor reminded: these 3 points may affect kidney function!

Especially for certain high-risk groups, there may be a significant increase in the risk of chronic diseases, now about your situation," Dr. Lee said.

Looking at Wang Dawei listening carefully, "We need to develop a detailed diet and lifestyle adjustment plan, exercise properly, and eat a balanced diet. ”

The man was diagnosed with uremia and loves to drink tea, and the doctor reminded: these 3 points may affect kidney function!

Subsequently, Wang Dawei asked a related question: "So how should I adjust my diet and lifestyle habits to help improve my kidney function?"

Dr. Lee replied, "It is very important to cut back on salt, and then, eat more vitamin-based foods, in addition, get proper exercise. Finally, check up regularly to keep up to date with your health and not ignore any minor symptoms. ”

The man was diagnosed with uremia and loves to drink tea, and the doctor reminded: these 3 points may affect kidney function!

Through this conversation, Wang Dawei not only gained a deeper understanding of his condition, but also understood that the doctor's advice is not only to treat the current condition, but also to fundamentally improve his lifestyle, which is the most effective way to fight the disease.

Dr. Lee's answers are not only based on his previous medical experience, but also a summary of the current medical situation, and he explains complex medical issues in an approachable way that enables David Wong to understand and accept these necessary life adjustments.

The man was diagnosed with uremia and loves to drink tea, and the doctor reminded: these 3 points may affect kidney function!

This approach has helped David Wang re-evaluate his life choices and motivate him to follow his doctor's instructions to implement these changes.

Through Wang's experience, we can learn that even seemingly harmless habits can have serious health effects if not managed properly.

The man was diagnosed with uremia and loves to drink tea, and the doctor reminded: these 3 points may affect kidney function!

What do you think about uremia? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The man was diagnosed with uremia and loves to drink tea, and the doctor reminded: these 3 points may affect kidney function!

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