
Happiness is pleasant, but it's easy to get carried away

author:National mother mother and baby
Happiness is pleasant, but it's easy to get carried away

The definition of happiness has its own opinion in everyone's mind.

Happiness is pleasant, but it's easy to get carried away
Happiness is pleasant, but it's easy to get carried away

Happiness comes from within, not from the outside.

Without the trouble of food, clothing, shelter and transportation, we often struggle to resist in our own whirlpool.

And the burden we have to provoke is only to control ourselves.

This includes the balance between learning and development, as well as our perception of ourselves.

Navigating the world, our ideas are constantly evolving.

It's so simple that when asked if they're happy, few people will say yes with a smile on their faces.

However, 30 years ago, my parents walked to school on the mountain road, ate pickles and chewed sweet potatoes, got up when the rooster crowed, and fell asleep in the middle of the night.

People learn to endure and get used to it, but we curse because of the restricted holidays.

When the environment and conditions improve, why do people feel unhappy?

It is not only the environment that has changed, but also the gradually fragile hearts.

People want more in superiority, and they are more and more hungry in material things.

If you keep a heart that grows towards the sun, happiness will come to you - the brightness of the morning sun is the happy awakening of the day, and the soft couch is the happy sleep.

Our hearts just need a field of sunflowers.

Happiness is pleasant, but it's easy to get carried away
Happiness is pleasant, but it's easy to get carried away

The three elements of a happy life: having hope, having something to do, and being able to love others.

Having hope is like planting a sun in your heart, and you can warm your heart with your own strength in any situation.

There is no doubt about it.

However, having something to do does not necessarily mean satisfaction, and happiness does not mean having a burden on your shoulders.

Only the world recognizes us, we affirm ourselves, and only the victory and success after the responsibility give us a sense of achievement and happiness.

People are squeezed and rolled in the world next to each other, and individuals are just ants in the ant's nest, and the sand of the Ganges, and that's it.

The recognition and affirmation we receive is nothing more than the expansion of our sense of self-existence from a certain angle.

However, no matter what its essence is, when being rewarded and held, the joy in the heart will still involuntarily cluster into a faint happiness.

The third factor – the ability to love and be loved.

Love is not simply one-sided, loving and being loved should be equated, just as we desire to reap while giving.

I have doubted my ability to love. Perhaps, I don't have the emotional factor of love at all.

All I have to build a friendly relationship with others is nothing but care and attention, care and care, dependence and inseparability.

These may not be associated with love.

A heart that can love is warm, maybe there has been damage, but it is not numb yet, a heart that is loved is secretly happy, warm and infinite.

Happiness is pleasant, but it's easy to get carried away
Happiness is pleasant, but it's easy to get carried away

Happiness is a moment without pain.

People often say that they are happy and painful.

Perhaps happiness and pain are not mutually exclusive.

The "happiness" in the "pain" must be particularly moving, like charcoal in the snow, if the food of hunger, although it is not pure, it is especially precious if it is not easy to come by.

The warm sun after the snow can split the world when it is cold to the bone, and happiness can also break through the dense pain and enter the heart.

The night gives you black eyes, but you use them to find the light;

The world has given you smiling eyes, and you should use them to find happiness.

Happiness is pleasant, but it's easy to get carried away
Happiness is pleasant, but it's easy to get carried away

Write at the end

Happiness may be a story, a memory, or a piece of love.

Some people attach great importance to the things around them and are very careful, even if it is just a casual moment, this kind of person is often the happiest.

And some people are not careful, even if happiness is at the next corner, he will not grasp it.