
Ten reasons tell you how important this grand event of the paint industry is

author:Finishing business

Why do you want to participate in the construction coating industry? What are the reasons for participating? There are ten reasons for this, come and take a look.

Ten reasons tell you how important this grand event of the paint industry is

First, the Qiantang Conference is a high-standard, high-level, bringing together hundreds of domestic coating masters, thousands of paint and coating elites in China's construction coating industry, the purpose of the conference is to solve the pain points and difficulties of the coating industry, is to point out the direction of coating enterprises and learn from each other.

Coating Committee of China Construction Association

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2. The conference has a discussion session to help everyone solve difficult problems and promote the collaborative development of the industry.

3. The conference has the overall guidance of the government association and the support of the majority of colleagues in the industry, which is a grand event for making friends.

Ten reasons tell you how important this grand event of the paint industry is

▲The picture shows the scene of the Qiantang Discussion Conference

4. Industry leaders and authoritative figures are invited to make important reports, interpret relevant national policies and interpret important documents.

Ten reasons tell you how important this grand event of the paint industry is

▲The picture shows the scene of the first Qiantang Conference on Taoism

5. Invite well-known real estate experts and scholars and real estate enterprises to explain the impact of current real estate development on the coating industry.

6. At the meeting, more than 30 industry leaders discussed on the spot, and expressed their insights and practical experience on industry management, recruitment and retention, cost management, long receivables cycle, team replication, labor costs, quality management, safety risk control, mechanization promotion and emergency crisis management.

Ten reasons tell you how important this grand event of the paint industry is

▲The picture shows a group photo of some personnel of the first Qiantang Discussion Road Hangzhou Coating Committee

7. The conference will be based on the extensive democratic selection of the coating network by experts to evaluate the construction coating industry Top Ten People Award, Top Ten Cutting-edge Enterprise Award, Top Ten Outstanding Entrepreneur Award, Top Ten Outstanding General Manager Award, Outstanding Enterprise Potential Award and other honorary titles, and hold a grand award ceremony.

Ten reasons tell you how important this grand event of the paint industry is

8. The participants can freely exchange activities and make more new partners in the industry, so that they can learn from each other and help each other, so as to lay the foundation for future development.

Ten reasons tell you how important this grand event of the paint industry is

9. Understand and collect the upstream and downstream resources of the coating industry, coating enterprises need construction teams and new materials, material companies and construction teams need coating enterprises, and they can also complement each other's advantages and win-win cooperation.

10. The Qiantang Conference also specially added an art coating forum, inviting well-known people and professional experts in the art coating industry to explore the future development trend of art coating.

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