
The Olympics can't go on? France is under pressure and urgently asks 45 countries for help.

author:A lesson in history

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The 2024 Summer Olympics will be held in Paris, France.

As a world-class event, the Olympic Games have always been valued by countries around the world, and a lot of manpower and material resources have been invested in it.

However, France has been in trouble lately and has encountered many difficulties.

As the opening date of the Paris Olympics approaches, the pressure on the French government has increased, so much so that it has to urgently appeal to 45 countries for help, or else the Games will be under great threat.

What happened to make France bow its head and ask for help?

The Olympics can't go on? France is under pressure and urgently asks 45 countries for help.

As one of the most important preparations for the Olympic Games, security has always been the focus of the organizers, and France has faced great difficulties in this issue.

On the evening of March 22, 2024, a concert was being held at the Saffron Town Hall on the outskirts of Moscow, which attracted a lot of people.

Suddenly, there was a burst of gunfire, and a group of terrorists with guns frantically strafed the crowd and carried out indiscriminate attacks.

For a while, gunshots and screams continued, and the scene was chaotic.

This terrorist attack, which led to the unfortunate death of more than 100 people and the injury of hundreds of others, shocked the whole world and caused concern in many countries.

France is one of them, and on the 25th, Macron publicly stated that in the past few months, the branch of the terrorist organization ISIS has tried to carry out terrorist attacks in France several times.

The Olympics can't go on? France is under pressure and urgently asks 45 countries for help.

The social order in Paris has always been criticized, and every now and then there will be a riot.

On December 2, 2023, a knife attack occurred near the Eiffel Tower, killing one person and injuring two.

On February 3, 2024, the same incident occurred again at the Gare de Lyon.

And after the terrorist attack on the Russian concert hall, the unease in France intensified.

Because before that, a number of students in France received threatening messages from criminals, who were clamoring to blow up the school building.

After the incident, the Macron government was even more anxious and immediately convened an emergency meeting.

Subsequently, France announced that it would raise the level of anti-terrorism security alert to the highest level, and 7,000 French troops were arranged to schools, churches and other places to ensure people's safety.

The Olympics can't go on? France is under pressure and urgently asks 45 countries for help.

The country's increase in the level of anti-terrorism alert is a palliative rather than a cure, and the most critical problem is that it does not have enough military and police to maintain law and order.

Especially during the Olympic Games, Paris needs a large number of military and police every day to protect the personal safety of athletes and their representatives from various countries and prevent terrorists from rioting.

If Paris were to be attacked by terror at this time, France would lose its face.

According to estimates, France needs 45,000 military and police officers every day during the Olympic Games, in addition to 18,000 soldiers and about 20,000 security guards on duty to ensure safety.

As a city with a population of more than 10 million, Paris's military and police force should be huge. In fact, on the contrary, their numbers are not increasing, but decreasing.

The Olympics can't go on? France is under pressure and urgently asks 45 countries for help.

Due to the economic downturn and other reasons, France has been reducing the number of police officers in recent years.

The number of French troops is also decreasing year by year.

As the opening of the Paris Olympics draws closer, it is too late to train a group of personnel who can be responsible for security.

As early as January 2024, the French government turned to 45 countries, including the United States, to send their military and police to support them to ensure the smooth hosting of the Olympic Games.

If it cannot be held smoothly, France will not only lose a lot of financial and material resources that it has spent before, but also save face.

From late July to the end of August, an estimated 15 million visitors from France will arrive in Paris. When the time comes, security in Paris will face a huge challenge.

Unable to solve the problem on their own, they had to turn to other countries for help.

It is understood that France hopes that 45 countries will be able to reinforce more than 2,000 soldiers and non-military personnel.

Among these people, there must be demining experts, anti-drone experts, etc.

After the French side sent a message for help, European countries responded positively.

Poland said it would send troops to support France, Britain and Italy responded that they would send dozens of police officers to France to patrol the streets, and Germany and other European countries also promised to help.

The United States, Israel, promised to send people to assist France.

By the end of March, 35 countries had agreed to help France.

The Olympics can't go on? France is under pressure and urgently asks 45 countries for help.

The situation at home and abroad has made the hosting of the Olympic Games in France a major security problem, which requires effective measures to solve the problem.

In addition to asking other countries to send military police, France itself is constantly looking for ways to reduce the risk.

For example, the plan for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games was revised, and the number of spectators was reduced from 600,000 to 300,000. When there are too many people, the more pressure the security work will be, and it will be difficult to detect suspicious elements, and the more likely they will be to take advantage of the situation.

The French have always been arrogant, and they did not hesitate to bow their heads for help for the Paris Olympics, which shows that they take this matter very seriously.

At present, France, the Netherlands and other European countries are facing the threat of terrorist forces, and the pressure on counter-terrorism is very great. It is hoped that they will unite as one to fight terrorists and contribute to regional security and the success of the Olympic Games.


The pressure on Olympic security is huge, and France asks 45 countries for help Reference news 2024-03-30

France urgently asks 45 countries for help, New Evening News 2024-04-01

7,000 "Sentinel" soldiers deployed in primary and secondary schools, churches and other places! France raises the warning of terrorist attacks to the "highest level" Global Network 2024-03-26

Macron: Extremist group "Islamic State" tried to create terrorist attacks in France China News Network 2024-03-25

French Anti-Terrorism Prosecutor's Office: Temporarily ruled out the possibility of a terrorist attack in Paris knife attack The Paper 2024-02-03

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