
A week ago, the partner's wife said that he was going to go out, but today the others went to the empty building and stopped answering the phone

author:Affection and dew

"Bang bang bang! Lao Lin, are you at home?"

I knocked on the door for most of the day, but Lao Lin still didn't open the door, but the neighbor who lived on the right side of his house opened the door: "Xiao Zhao, Lao Lin is not at home." ”

Hearing this, I was stunned: "Didn't he go to his daughter's house and haven't come back?"

The neighbor sighed and told me, "Lao Lin won't come back." He said that he had put the house up for sale online and was not planning to come back. By the way, he asked me to tell you that he heard your conversation with your son that day. He said that he was looking for a wife to be easy, not to let others calculate. If you want to help your old son, do it yourself, don't want to drag him down. ”

A week ago, the partner's wife said that he was going to go out, but today the others went to the empty building and stopped answering the phone

The neighbor's words made me blush, and I didn't understand what Lao Lin meant until now. I really didn't expect Lao Lin to hear my conversation with my son.

My surname is Zhao and I am 61 years old. I was born on November 21, 1962, in a small mountain village with five siblings.

When I was a kid, I had a pretty good life. I was the youngest child of my parents and was loved by the whole family since I was a child. At that time, my parents both had jobs and earned enough money to support their family.

My parents thought that reading could give us a better life, so they sent my siblings and me to school. However, my academic performance was not good, and I barely finished primary school, and my parents saw that I was not a good student, so they had to let me drop out of school and go home.

A week ago, the partner's wife said that he was going to go out, but today the others went to the empty building and stopped answering the phone

Later, my mother managed to get me a job at her gin factory, and I became a female gin worker.

In 1981, at the age of 19, I met my husband and fell in love with each other. A year later, the two of us entered the palace of marriage hand in hand. In the third year of marriage, I gave birth to a son.

Not long after my son was born, the economic efficiency of the ginning factory where I worked fell sharply, and I had to lay off employees, and I lost my job. Less than a year after I lost my job, my husband was laid off.

In order to earn money to support the family, my husband had to go out to work to earn money to support the family, so I stayed in my rural hometown to take care of my son. With my husband's regular salary, our family's life is much better, but the good times don't last long, and my husband has an accident.

A week ago, the partner's wife said that he was going to go out, but today the others went to the empty building and stopped answering the phone

At that time, my son had just turned seven years old, and I was working in the fields that summer when my mother-in-law hurriedly called me. My mother-in-law cried and told me that she had received a phone call, and the person on the other end of the phone said that my husband had something wrong with the construction site and that we should hurry over and take a look.

Hearing this, I also panicked, and arranged for my sister-in-law to take care of my in-laws on the one hand, and followed my eldest sister and her husband to Guangdong on the other hand. When we arrived, all we saw was the cold body of my husband.

When we arrived at the construction site, we learned that when my husband was working on the tripod, he felt that the safety rope affected his work efficiency, and in order to speed up the work, he untied the safety rope.

I hugged my husband's body without temperature, cried to death, and fainted several times. Although the eldest sister and her husband argued with the people on the construction site, the people at the construction site insisted that it was my husband's illegal operation that caused the accident, and it had nothing to do with them.

A week ago, the partner's wife said that he was going to go out, but today the others went to the empty building and stopped answering the phone

Seeing the husband we brought back, my mother-in-law's eyes turned black and she fainted, and my father-in-law also cried to death. With the help of my eldest sister and my wife, I buried the old man.

My husband is gone, my financial resources are cut off, and looking at my son, who is already in school, I have no choice but to embark on the road to work outside like my husband, and entrust the child to the care of my in-laws. For the sake of my grandson, my in-laws also cheered up and asked me to work with peace of mind, saying that they would definitely take care of the children.

When it comes to taking care of children, my in-laws are very handy. Under their care, my son has grown up healthy and has become a handsome young man, and I am very pleased to see my son who looks more and more like my husband.

A week ago, the partner's wife said that he was going to go out, but today the others went to the empty building and stopped answering the phone

However, my in-laws doted on my son, and I was indeed negligent in disciplining him, so in the end, my son's academic performance was not satisfactory, and he was admitted to a three-university in 2005.

In 2011, my son got married, married his college classmates, and the two of them settled down in the provincial capital. In order to marry my son's daughter-in-law, I emptied my savings, even sold the house left by my in-laws in my hometown town, and borrowed tens of thousands of yuan from relatives and friends just to buy a house for my son.

After that, I helped the two of them take care of the children, and I had to go to work to repay the loan, and I was busy from morning to night, I couldn't eat or sleep well, and I couldn't get along with my daughter-in-law even if I fell ill.

A week ago, the partner's wife said that he was going to go out, but today the others went to the empty building and stopped answering the phone

At the mention of my daughter-in-law, I have a stomach full of things to say. The daughter-in-law is an only daughter, she has been spoiled by her mother-in-law since she was a child, and her family conditions are not good, she is just a rural girl, but she is very squeamish, she can't do housework well, and she can't take her children well. Forget it, her income is not high, until now her monthly salary is only five or six thousand, but she spends a lot, and she wants to buy whatever she sees.

I won't say anything else, let's just talk about down jackets, the last time I bought a down jacket, Lao Lin bought it for me. Before that, I hadn't changed my down jacket for five or six years. The down jacket is so expensive, and it is also worn, it is not a clothes that must be changed at all, the daughter-in-law is good, she changes the down jacket every year, and she does not buy it if it is less than 1,000 yuan, but also buys two or three pieces at a time. Seeing her month's salary disappear like this, I trembled with distress.

When I told her to spend money frugally, she not only didn't listen, but she also accused me of nagging and suing my son. I asked my son to control his wife, but before my son could say a few words, my daughter-in-law went back to her parents' house in a hurry, and then my mother-in-law called me and scolded me, saying that I had bullied their daughter, and asked me to give an explanation.

A week ago, the partner's wife said that he was going to go out, but today the others went to the empty building and stopped answering the phone

In this way, not long after the Chinese New Year last year, I was kicked out of the house by my son and daughter-in-law, and I had to rent a house to live alone.

I was depressed when I was kicked out by my son, and the most common thing I did was go for a walk in the nearby park and watch the old man play chess.

I also play chess, and I can't help but say a few words when I look at it, which arouses Lao Lin's interest and invites me to play a few games. After a few sets, the two of us got to know each other and got to know each other.

A week ago, the partner's wife said that he was going to go out, but today the others went to the empty building and stopped answering the phone

Compared with me, Lao Lin's conditions are much better. Lao Lin is five years older than me and is already retired, with a pension of more than 5,000 a month. He has only one daughter, married to another place, and since the death of his wife, Lao Lin has lived alone.

I have been in contact with Lao Lin for more than half a year, and in September last year, Lao Lin put forward a proposal to partner with me to support the elderly: "You see that you and your daughter-in-law are not on harmony, and you may not be able to count on them when you are old, my daughter is married to another place, and I am not good to disturb my daughter and son-in-law, and I also live alone." Why don't the two of us take care of each other and take care of each other? Don't worry, I'll be good to you. ”

Lao Lin's words touched me and I thought it was a good idea, so I was with Lao Lin and moved to Lao Lin's house. Although we didn't get a marriage license, we lived as a couple.

A week ago, the partner's wife said that he was going to go out, but today the others went to the empty building and stopped answering the phone

Lao Lin gives me 3,000 yuan a month for the family, on weekdays I am responsible for three meals a day, Lao Lin is responsible for other housework, and the rest of the time we either play chess to pass the time, or go out for a walk together. In November last year, Lao Lin wanted to travel to Tibet, and I accompanied Lao Lin to take the first plane in my life.

Lao Lin also bought me a bracelet, which was also the second piece of jewelry in my life, the first one was a silver bracelet given by my mother when I got married, and my husband and son never thought of buying me these.

However, the bracelet is long gone. During the Chinese New Year this year, my son and daughter-in-law rarely came to see me, and my daughter-in-law kept staring at my bracelet when she saw it. My son said to me, "Mom, your bracelet is jadeite, and it is easy to break, or we will keep it for you, and when it comes to Mother's Day, we will buy you a gold bracelet." ”

A week ago, the partner's wife said that he was going to go out, but today the others went to the empty building and stopped answering the phone

At first, I was reluctant to give the bracelets, and I knew that once I gave them them, I would never come back, but my daughter-in-law got angry again, and my son grinded hard against me again: "Mom, you don't expect Uncle Lin to live a lifetime, right?

Pension is my biggest weakness. Although Lao Lin is very good to me, I am always worried about what to do when we are too old to move. Lao Lin said to go to a nursing home, but I didn't want to go from the bottom of my heart, I still longed to live a life with my children and grandchildren around my knees. Eventually, for the sake of my old age, I compromised and gave them the bracelet.

Took away the bracelet, daughter-in-law they are not satisfied. On the eve of the Qingming Festival, they came to see me again. That day, Lao Lin went to the hospital for a check-up and was not at home. While chatting, the son asked about Lao Lin's property.

"Mom, I think Uncle Lin is very good to you, can you help us borrow some money from Uncle Lin? Both children are in school, and we really can't afford to take out so much money. Uncle Lin is just a daughter, there is no burden, there must be a lot of money in his hand, you can help us borrow some!"

A week ago, the partner's wife said that he was going to go out, but today the others went to the empty building and stopped answering the phone

I felt very embarrassed and thought that Lao Lin would not agree, but my son and daughter-in-law were wiping tears from me, saying that the children could not go to a good school and that they were living a miserable life, and that they were also thinking about their grandchildren. Under their soft grinding and hard bubbles, I relented again.

That day, I hesitated, not knowing how to talk to Lao Lin. Before I could speak, Lao Lin said to me: "My daughter called me and said that she was going back to worship her ancestors during the Qingming Festival, and I would go back too." ”

I originally planned to accompany Lao Lin, but Lao Lin said that he had some things to deal with with his daughter, and I was embarrassed to follow, so I had to go back home, planning to wait for Lao Lin to come back. It wasn't until now that I realized that Lao Lin had already known about my idea of borrowing money for my son, and found an excuse to send me away, and he didn't plan to live with me.

The people are gone, the phone can't be reached, will I never see Lao Lin again? What should I do next? How should I explain to my son and daughter-in-law?

(The story material is provided by the people around the author, and the love is responsible for sorting it out.) If you'd like to share your story, please let us know. )

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