
To solve the contradictions of the family for more than 10 years, the Panyu District Notary Office solved the people's worries and was presented with pennants by the masses

{"info":{"title":{"content":"解决家族10多年的矛盾 番禺区公证处解民忧获群众赠送锦旗","en":"To solve the contradictions of the family for more than 10 years, the Panyu District Notary Office solved the people's worries and was presented with pennants by the masses"},"description":{"content":"近日,番禺区化龙镇潭山村许先生来到番禺区公证处,将一面写着“为民排忧群心所向”锦旗送到公证人员吴穗敏手中,对番禺区公证处...","en":"Recently, Mr. Xu of Tanshan Village, Hualong Town, Panyu District, came to the Panyu District Notary Office and sent a pennant with the words \"Removing Worries for the People\" to the notary Wu Suimin."}},"items":[]}