
Guanhu Street actively guides social organizations to participate in the construction of safety

author:Lucky Clover 123

A few days ago, the Guanhu Street Safety Construction Volunteer Service Center held a summary meeting of Guanhu Street Cultivating Social Organizations to Participate in the Construction of Safety in the Yamato Community Organization, and Guo Wensheng, President of the Guanhu Street Safety Construction Volunteer Service Center, issued certificates of participation to 30 Ping An volunteers who participated in the whole process of creating a safe project, and assisted in organizing and guiding social organizations, social workers, and Ping An volunteers in the jurisdiction to participate in the daily joint defense, assistance, publicity, and Whistleblowing and other safety construction activities.

Guanhu Street actively guides social organizations to participate in the construction of safety
Guanhu Street actively guides social organizations to participate in the construction of safety

It is reported that in recent years, Guanhu Street has actively explored and carried out new measures for social governance in the city, initially established a street-community safety construction center and a three-level safety construction service system for Ping An Yijia, and also incubated and cultivated a number of more active social organizations and community self-organizations, and cultivated a group of volunteers who are enthusiastic about safety construction. In 2023, under the guidance and support of the Political and Legal Committee of the Longhua District Party Committee, Guanhu Street will establish the Guanhu Street Ping An Construction Volunteer Service Center, and launch the "Collaborative Co-governance and Participation, Build a Safe and Harmonious Home" social organization to participate in the Ping An Creation Project, connecting the community with social organizations, social workers, and Ping An volunteers through the bridge role of the Ping An Construction Volunteer Service Center.

Guanhu Street actively guides social organizations to participate in the construction of safety

During the project, the Guanhu Street Safety Construction Volunteer Service Center organized 10 social organizations active in the Guanhu area to fully participate in community safety publicity, safety patrols and other activities, held a series of volunteer training services, narrowed the distance between various social organizations, communities and residents, and also discovered and cultivated 30 volunteer backbones, which further enriched the safety construction force of the jurisdiction, promoted the construction of a shared block for co-construction and co-governance in the jurisdiction, and built a safer Guanhu.

Guanhu Street actively guides social organizations to participate in the construction of safety

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