
When the "post-90s" meet the "post-90s"

author:Luwang Qingdao Channel

Luwang, April 8 (Reporter Ge Wancai) The most beautiful April day in the world. When the silver-haired old party members of the "post-90s" met the young volunteers of the "post-90s", this alley instantly became lively......

When the "post-90s" meet the "post-90s"

As a representative of the "post-90s", Mr. Chang Desong, a 93-year-old silver-haired veteran party member in the Yongxing Street Community of Shuiji Street, retired from the three-foot podium and actively participated in community volunteer service activities. After retirement, he not only built 6 "cultural alleys" at his own expense, but also bought all kinds of books out of his own pocket for free borrowing by community residents and students. Hand-painted cultural wall, management of the "Desong Cultural Courtyard", for the students who come to borrow books to explain knowledge...... These are the jobs that this "post-90s" insists on every day. Under his influence, 11 retired residents in the community, including Liu Zhongfu and Ren Heming, who can write and paint, spontaneously set up the "Desong" cultural volunteer service team to continuously build and improve the "cultural alley", and gradually make the alley an important cultural front for cultivating virtue and cultivating people.

When the "post-90s" meet the "post-90s"
When the "post-90s" meet the "post-90s"

While the "Cultural Hutong" was booming, the "post-90s" young volunteers who were also wearing red vests also joined in, opening the collision between "90" and "90". During this year's winter vacation, Li Yingjie, a "post-90s" youth volunteer in the community, carried out a series of colorful holiday "neighborhood" distance activities with the college students of Laixi Warm Heart Social Work Service Center. As the leader of the "post-90s", Mr. Chang Desong gave full play to his strengths and organized the children in the community to carry out activities such as folk paper-cutting, calligraphy classes for the Spring Festival, and theme lectures on the theme of cultivating people with virtue in the whole environment, while the young volunteers of the "post-90s" organized and carried out special lectures on first-aid skills such as the red scarf intangible cultural heritage class, Heimlich first aid method, and interesting activities. On the occasion of Teacher's Day last year, Mr. Chang Desong was also hired as an off-campus counselor for the Young Pioneers.

When the "post-90s" meet the "post-90s"
When the "post-90s" meet the "post-90s"
When the "post-90s" meet the "post-90s"

When the "post-90s" meet the "post-90s", they encounter the volunteer spirit of dedication, friendship, mutual assistance and progress, and collide with the flower of community civilization and urban good governance. Since the establishment of the Shuiji Street Community Young Workers Committee, the street has been based on the brand building of "Youth Assembly", implemented the 8090 plan, grafted social resources, and continuously promoted the work of the Community Young Workers Committee. Nowadays, more and more "post-80s", "post-90s" silver-haired elderly and "post-80s" and "post-90s" young volunteers have joined the community volunteer service activities, and volunteer service has become a common practice in the community.