
Blockbuster "plus" measures, Taurus opens the era of business environment 6.0!

author:Palm Taurus

A good business environment is not only productivity, but also competitiveness. In recent years, driven by the high-quality business environment, the economy of Jinniu District has continued to improve. The three 100-billion-yuan industries of construction, rail transit, and commerce and commerce have taken shape, and the "mixed ownership reform of post scientific and technological achievements" and the "national market procurement and trade mode" have been piloted, and the first advanced technology achievement transformation center in the central and western regions has been inaugurated and put into operation, building a new engine for scientific and technological innovation and industrial upgrading in the western region, and driving the development of leading industries and industrial chain clusters. In 2023, the regional GDP will cross two tens of billions of steps one after another, leading the five urban districts for 34 consecutive years, and the beautiful blueprint of "Tianfu Chengdu Beicheng New Center" is being presented at an accelerated pace......

Blockbuster "plus" measures, Taurus opens the era of business environment 6.0!

Since the beginning of the "Year of Business Environment Construction" in 2019, Jinniu District has always adhered to the guidance of enterprise needs, and has introduced an action plan for business environment construction for 6 consecutive years to escort the development of enterprises with a high-quality business environment and promote the steady and far-reaching development of Jinniu's high-quality development. A few days ago, Jinniu District of Chengdu issued the "Nine Measures for Chengdu Jinniu District to Adhere to "User Thinking" to Promote the High-quality Development of Enterprises and Build a Model Urban Area for Business Environment (hereinafter referred to as the "Golden Nine"), officially opening the era of business environment 6.0.

Blockbuster "plus" measures, Taurus opens the era of business environment 6.0!
Blockbuster "plus" measures, Taurus opens the era of business environment 6.0!

It is reported that at the beginning of 2024, the "Several Measures for Chengdu to Continue to Optimize the Business Environment and Promote the High-quality Development of Enterprises" was officially introduced, marking that Chengdu has officially entered the era of business environment 6.0. As the central urban area with the largest population, prosperous business and trade and active economy in the urban area of Chengdu, Jinniu District closely follows the pace of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, and studies and promulgates the "Golden Nine Articles" in combination with the actual regional development, continuously iteratively upgrading the policy system, and cultivating a fertile soil for the business environment.

"The business environment 6.0 policy focuses on the pain points and difficulties of enterprises, focuses on the needs of the whole life cycle of enterprises, combines the actual situation of large base of small and medium-sized enterprises in our district, and many types of service needs, and innovates the implementation of the "1999" work method, that is, insists on optimizing the business environment as the No. 1 project of comprehensively deepening reform, aiming at market access, building a strong chain, improving services and other 9 key areas to launch work measures, and carry out 9 innovative reforms such as compliance guidelines for the whole life cycle of enterprises and "one thing" for comprehensive supervision. Nine key tasks, such as clarifying the value-added reform of government services and deepening the "efficient completion of one thing", aim to promote more enterprises to take root and grow in Taurus through better services, higher efficiency, lower costs and better policies. Ge Liying, head of the Jinniu District Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau, said.

Blockbuster "plus" measures, Taurus opens the era of business environment 6.0!

Adhere to digital intelligence empowerment

Focus on optimizing the atmosphere to improve efficiency, and facilitate enterprise access and operation

"I didn't expect to get a reply so quickly, hand-in-hand guidance to teach me what to do, fast and efficient!" Chengdu Dongantai Building Materials Co., Ltd. staff through the "gold customer service" to consult the change of legal representative related matters, 3 minutes to receive the detailed process and required materials, and directly submit the online processing, to achieve a non-run. In order to effectively solve the blockages, difficulties and pain points in the process of business handling of enterprises and the masses, and in view of the problems of "where to do" and "how to do" in business handling, Jinniu District has independently built a lightweight government service application - "Smart Cloud Guided Office" government GPS based on the data of the Sichuan Provincial Integration Platform, and solved the problems of "fragmentation and extensiveness" of pre-trial services with "light application and integrated services".

How to speed up the construction of the business environment through small-incision innovation, improve the efficiency of government services, so as to stimulate the vitality of market entities to a greater extent, Taurus has long planned. As early as 2022, Taurus began to lay out and develop a series of "golden" signboards for government services, providing enterprises with high-quality services in the whole process and chain of active guidance in advance, efficient service during the event, and accurate tracking after the event. Through several years of efforts, the brand matrix of "Jin Assistant" and "Jin Zhun Kan" has been highlighted, bringing more and more convenient, intelligent and efficient service experience to the enterprise masses. The "Golden Nine Articles" released this time further focus on market access and exit, and take the institutionalization of "Jin Xiaoer" pre-trial pre-trial service, the expansion of "Jin Zhun Survey + Cloud Supervision", the integration of joint licenses and licenses, the simplification of enterprise cancellation, and the efficiency of enterprise bankruptcy as anchors to further deepen the "Jin Xiaoer Service" system and promote the further upgrading of the "Jin" series of services.

Blockbuster "plus" measures, Taurus opens the era of business environment 6.0!

In addition, Taurus will carry out the "value-added" reform of government services through the implementation of the "one-network office" action, and superimpose legal, policy, financial and other enterprise-related service functions in the government service hall to provide integrated comprehensive services for enterprises. At the same time, we will further break the restrictions of regions and industries, innovate the integration of scenarios and functions, promote the forward movement of government service windows, and extend government services to banks, post stations, buildings, supermarkets, markets, etc., so as to further meet the needs of enterprises and people who can do things nearby, at more points, and with less running.

Blockbuster "plus" measures, Taurus opens the era of business environment 6.0!

Adhere to the principle of service first

Focus on strong support and increase momentum, and improve the enterprise service system

"The company has grown from 10 people to a team of more than 500 people, from the initial shortage of technical personnel, to the current R&D and operation of high-end talents...... All of this is due to the good business environment policy and differentiated talent policy of Jinniu District, so that more outstanding talents can join the competitive world and settle in Jinniu. At the 2024 New Year Gathering of Private Enterprises in Jinniu District, Gao Weidong, general manager of Athletic World (Chengdu) Network Technology Co., Ltd., said, "Since the end of 2016, Athletic World Chengdu Company has settled in Jinniu, the company has taken root in Jinniu, struggled in Jinniu, and achieved growth in Jinniu, and has embarked on an extraordinary journey. "Talent, is only one of the elements of enterprise survival and development, in order to allow enterprises to travel lightly, start a business with peace of mind, let go of development, this year Taurus will comprehensively strengthen service support, to scientifically build an enterprise service platform, facilitate the docking of enterprise supply and demand, open cooperation to broaden the market as the starting point, build a strong enterprise service carrier, optimize the supply of upgrading factors, and constantly improve the enterprise service system, enhance the development momentum of enterprises.

From the specific content point of view, the "Golden Nine Articles" carry out the reform of enterprise value-added services by benchmarking advanced regions, focusing on key industrial chains, integrating enterprise-related service channels, functions, resources and strength, integrating policy, finance, law, supply and demand and government affairs and other services, and promoting the transformation of enterprise-related services from "multi-head dispersion" to "one-stop integration" and other policy-based financial product coverage, accelerate the construction of the professional talent market in the Rongbei Talent Port, promote the development of inefficient land in the development of "industrial upstairs", establish a carrier resource information database, and further improve the matching efficiency of resource elements and enterprise needs; Synergy efforts to promote the linkage development of new forms of foreign trade, promote the integrated construction of a unified market, and help Sichuan products go global.

Insist on building a circle and strengthening the chain

Focus on strong transformation to promote development, and stimulate and expand new quality productivity

In November 2023, the Western Transformation Center of Advanced Technology Achievements was successfully settled in Chengdu Jinniu, as the second national regional center for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements of the national defense industry after the Yangtze River Delta Transformation Center of Advanced Technology Achievements. In March this year, the Western Center for Advanced Technology Economic Development (Western Center for Economic Development) was awarded a license in Jinniu to help the transformation of scientific and technological achievements and the development of high-quality projects, and once again pressed the "fast forward button" for the development of new quality productivity in Jinniu.

Blockbuster "plus" measures, Taurus opens the era of business environment 6.0!
Blockbuster "plus" measures, Taurus opens the era of business environment 6.0!

With the implementation of the Western Transformation Center of Advanced Technological Achievements, the momentum of Jinniu Gathering Universities and the ability to transform achievements have a new fulcrum, Jinniu will make good use of resource platforms such as the Western Transformation Center, Sichuan Satellite Resource Center, and Sichuan Digital Economy Industry Research Institute to work together to make scientific and technological innovation and transformation of scientific and technological achievements, build a highland of Chengdu-Chongqing technology transformation service industry, and continuously transform "innovation advantages" into "industrial victories", so as to build a new engine for scientific and technological innovation and industrial upgrading in the western region and inject new impetus into high-quality economic and social development.

In addition, focusing on cultivating and developing new quality productivity, promoting the upgrading of traditional industries, the cultivation and growth of emerging industries, the preemptive layout of future industries, and the acceleration of the transformation of new and old kinetic energy, Jinniu District refines and sorts out the key development areas of the industrial chain, improves the establishment of an industrial circle and strong chain development system, and accelerates the revision and improvement of the key industrial chain policy system around the full life cycle service and full factor coverage of enterprises. At the same time, we will strengthen the gradient cultivation of enterprises, through the implementation of the cultivation plan of "listed enterprises, specialized and special new enterprises, gazelle enterprises, and industry singles champions", carry out the special action of "two excellent and five free one evaluation", and further promote the "transformation and upgrading of enterprises", and strive to add more than 5 industrial enterprises above the designated size, 100 provincial-level specialized and special new enterprises, and 5 national-level specialized and special new little giants.

Insist on an efficient response

Focus on breaking barriers and activating power, and expand the interaction scenarios between government and enterprises

In 2023, we will issue more than 4,000 enterprise contact service cards, visit more than 1,000 enterprises, and collect more than 70,000 suggestions for solving enterprise problems through various channels. The relevant person in charge of Jinniu District introduced. Chengdu Tianyou Zhiyun Technology Development Co., Ltd. is one of the beneficiaries of the interaction between government and enterprises, the enterprise as a key introduction of rail transit industry chain supporting enterprises in Jinniu District, after learning that you can enjoy the relevant preferential policies at a government and enterprise symposium, it was declared online through the "Rong Yi Xiang" platform, unexpectedly, less than a week 100,000 yuan of industrial policy support funds directly into the company's account.

Blockbuster "plus" measures, Taurus opens the era of business environment 6.0!

It is worth noting that the "Golden Nine Articles" will focus on strengthening the communication between the government and enterprises and efficiently handling the demands of enterprises, and continue to deepen the response to the demands of enterprises to improve the level of handling. Upgrade the "Golden Customer Service" intelligent Q&A database, establish a response mechanism for appeals outside of working hours, and promote the deepening of "handling complaints immediately" to "handling before litigation". At the same time, relying on the precipitation data of the 12345 hotline, we will strengthen the analysis and judgment of the trend of enterprise demands, improve the work system of departmental consultation and evaluation, and promote the improvement from "one to one" to "draw inferences from one example". In order to further enhance the intensity and breadth of government-enterprise interaction, we will expand the awareness of the "Jinyijian" government-enterprise direct connection service, and regularly carry out activities such as the "Circle Chain Harmony and Win-win Future" supply and demand meeting and the "Industry Meeting Room", so as to collect the urgency and anxiety of the enterprises in a timely manner, and release information such as project promotion and support policies, so that enterprises can start a business and develop their businesses comfortably in Jinniu.

Blockbuster "plus" measures, Taurus opens the era of business environment 6.0!

Adhere to the rule of law

Focus on reducing interference and improving confidence, and create a level playing field

The rule of law is the best place to do business. Compared with previous rounds of business environment reforms, the Taurus Bar proposes for the first time a series of reforms and innovations, such as innovative services for the whole chain of intellectual property rights and strengthening the compliance construction of enterprises. Relying on the Sichuan Provincial (Chengdu Jinniu) intellectual property public service platform, establish a horizontal and vertical linkage law enforcement coordination mechanism and a region-wide intellectual property rights protection assistance and protection system, explore the implementation of enterprise compliance guidelines in areas such as labor and employment, intellectual property rights, etc., and guide enterprise compliance to extend from "after" to "before" and "during the event", so as to protect the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises and entrepreneurs in accordance with the law.

In recent years, the state has placed increasing emphasis on deepening cross-departmental comprehensive supervision and maintaining a fair and orderly market order. In addition to the implementation of the reform in the prescribed areas, it is planned to explore and carry out the joint law enforcement of "comprehensive inspection" in the fields of ecological and environmental protection, food safety, professional markets, off-campus training institutions, medical institutions and oil smoke control, so as to realize "one entry and multiple investigations", effectively reduce the disturbance of the normal production and operation activities of enterprises, and reduce the institutional transaction costs of business entities.

In terms of deepening the rule of law to help enterprises, Taurus highlighted the construction of the western legal service gathering area and the western legal valley with high standards, accelerated the construction of a "1+4+N" legal service system with lawyers as the core, deeply excavated platform resources such as the China-ASEAN Legal Research (Chengdu) Center and the Intelligent Judicial Research Institute, and strived to transform efficient intellectual resources into industrial development momentum. Vigorously promote the "Taurus e-Legal Communication" and "Smart Public Legal Service Platform" to provide all-weather public legal services covering the whole business.

Mountains and rivers are thousands of journeys, and the pace does not stop. In 2024, Jinniu District will firmly establish the concept of "everyone is a business environment, everything is related to the business environment, and the business environment is highlighted everywhere", always adhere to the "C position" to meet the needs of enterprises, accelerate the creation of a market-oriented, law-based, international, first-class business environment, and strive to build a platform for the entrepreneurial development of business entities, create a fair, transparent and predictable good environment for accelerating the construction of the new center of Tianfu Chengdu Beicheng that implements the new development concept, and make new and greater contributions to drawing a chapter of Chinese-style modernization in Chengdu.

(Pan Huanhuan, Li Jing, text/photo)