
CAIIAC丨Intelligent Energy Storage and New Energy Photovoltaic Forum is coming!

author:Chinese Society of Artificial Intelligence
CAIIAC丨Intelligent Energy Storage and New Energy Photovoltaic Forum is coming!


In order to fully implement the strategy of innovation-driven development and rejuvenating the country through science and education, thoroughly implement the deployment requirements of the "National New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan", mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of the majority of intelligent science and technology leading talents, promote the integrated development of general artificial intelligence and future industries, accelerate the development of new quality productivity and new industrialization, and build an industrial science and technology innovation center with global influence. From April 12th to 14th, 2024, the Chinese Society of Artificial Intelligence will hold the "'Innovation-Driven • Digital Intelligence Power' - The 13th Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Science and Technology Award Ceremony and the 2023 Chinese Artificial Intelligence Industry Annual Conference" in Suzhou Industrial Park.


Background of the event

In recent years, with the rapid development of a new round of global scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, generative AI, large models and general artificial intelligence have become key areas for the emergence of new industries, new forms of business and new models. It is particularly important to promote the optimization and upgrading of the industrial chain and supply chain, strengthen the research of key core technologies of artificial intelligence, focus on solving major application and industrialization problems, actively cultivate emerging industries and future industries, strengthen the national strategic scientific and technological strength, accelerate the construction of new quality productivity, and build a digital industrial cluster with international competitiveness.

Encourage innovation and take responsibility intelligently. 2024 is the 30th anniversary of the development and construction of Suzhou Industrial Park by the Chinese government and the Singapore government, and it is also a key year for the Society to implement the spirit of the National People's Congress and the National People's Congress and the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China, empower Suzhou to actively carry out the "Artificial Intelligence +" action, give full play to the exploration, leading and exemplary role of Suzhou Industrial Park, promote the deep integration of artificial intelligence and the real economy, and take high-quality development to a new level, strive to build a world-class high-tech park with openness and innovation, and expand exchanges and cooperation between the Society and local governments.


Forum features

The 2023 Chinese Artificial Intelligence Industry Annual Conference China Artificial Intelligence Industry Annual Conference (CAIIAC2023) was initiated and hosted by the Chinese Industrial Intelligence Society, and has successfully held nine industry annual conferences so far. As the theme supporting activity of the Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Science and Technology Award Ceremony, the conference integrates closed-door discussions, honorary commendations, high-end forums, product displays, report releases and other core sections, and is an annual artificial intelligence landmark awards event with high authority, large scale, strong brand power and far-reaching industry influence in China.

With the theme of "Innovation-driven, Digital Intelligence Power", the conference set up a "1+10+X" model, including 1 main forum, 10 special forums, as well as authoritative awards, launching ceremonies, report releases, science nights and other special activities. The organizer invites leading experts from ministries and commissions, academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, members of Wu Wenjun's Artificial Intelligence Science and Technology Award Committee, nominating and judging experts, award-winning representatives and entrepreneurs to discuss and exchange, give full play to the academic, talent, technological and industrial advantages of the award-winning project team and the achievements of artificial intelligence colleges, and set up a special report meeting of the president of "Intelligent System - Artificial Intelligence" in the theme report link, focusing on how to promote the coordinated development of the application of cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology and industrial ecology. By looking forward to the future trend of artificial intelligence, exchanging key core technologies and future industrial innovation, the intelligent system promotes the in-depth thinking and collision of views on the integration of industry and education in colleges and universities.


Report Highlights:

On the morning of April 14, the organizing committee of the conference will grandly launch the special forum on "intelligent energy storage and new energy photovoltaic", and invite Song Ke, director of the National Fuel Cell Innovation Institute and associate professor of Tongji University, to serve as the chairman of the forum. The forum is also honored to invite authoritative scholars and outstanding experts from well-known universities and leading enterprises across the country, who have made remarkable achievements in the field of intelligent energy storage and new energy photovoltaics, including postdoctoral fellows of the "Boxin Plan" of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, experts from the Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission, leading technical experts in the field of artificial intelligence of China Southern Power Grid, and scholars and experts selected by the National and Shanghai Talent Plans. This forum focuses on key technologies in the field of intelligent energy storage and new energy photovoltaics, and provides in-depth analysis of how artificial intelligence can optimize the management of intelligent energy storage systems, improve the efficiency of photovoltaic power generation, and effectively predict and balance energy supply and demand through accurate data analysis and algorithm learning. We will discuss the application of AI in improving energy system responsiveness, fault prediction and diagnosis, reducing maintenance costs, and improving the overall reliability and safety of energy systems. Experts will also share the latest research progress and discuss how AI can be used to promote technological innovation in the new energy PV industry, including efficient algorithms, intelligent control strategies and system integration solutions.

This forum aims to promote close cooperation between academia and industry, jointly explore the application and challenges of smart energy storage and new energy photovoltaic technologies in achieving the goals of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, further accelerate the innovation and application of green energy technologies, and make important contributions to building a sustainable green and low-carbon society. Discuss the key role of artificial intelligence in promoting the advancement of smart energy storage and new energy photovoltaic technologies, and how these technologies can help achieve the country's dual carbon goals.

Here, the organizing committee of the forum sincerely invites colleagues from all walks of life to come to this conference to discuss the new changes, new opportunities and new challenges in the era of artificial intelligence.


Agenda of the Forum


Forum Organizing Committee

CAIIAC丨Intelligent Energy Storage and New Energy Photovoltaic Forum is coming!

Science Technology

Chairman of the forum - Song Ke

Sino-German joint training doctor of engineering, associate professor and doctoral supervisor of the School of Automotive Engineering of Tongji University. Director of Tongji University-Rheinmetall Hydrogen Fuel Cell Laboratory.

He has been engaged in the research and teaching of key technologies and theories of fuel cell power systems for transportation vehicles for a long time. He has presided over and undertaken nearly 20 general projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the National Key R&D Program/National Major Instruments and Equipment/National Science and Technology Support/National 863 Project, and the international cooperation projects of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. It has carried out extensive industrialization innovation cooperation research with SAIC Group, Guangzhou Automobile Group, Yutong Bus, Rheinmetall Group, Bosch AG, Volkswagen Group, Schaeffler AG and other domestic and foreign enterprises. So far, he has published more than 90 relevant academic papers in domestic and foreign academic journals and conferences such as Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Applied Energy, Journal of Power Sources, Energy, etc., and has been authorized dozens of domestic and foreign invention patents and published 6 books. He has served as a guest editor and reviewer for several international academic journals.

He is currently a member of the Vehicle Control and Intelligence Professional Committee of the Chinese Society of Automation, a member of the Flying Car Special Committee of the Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics, a member of the New Energy and Energy Equipment Expert Group of the Expert Committee of the Chinese Energy Society, the vice chairman of the Chongqing Unmanned System Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance, the vice chairman of the Service Robot Expert Committee of the Henan Computer Industry Association, and a member of the Expert Committee of the Henan Society of Automotive Engineers. Winner of the International Energy Efficiency Award from HORIBA, Japan.


Invited speaker

CAIIAC丨Intelligent Energy Storage and New Energy Photovoltaic Forum is coming!

Science Technology

Topic: Multi-scenario application of smart hydrogen fuel cells

Speaker: Song Ke

Summary of the report

Under the background of the "dual carbon strategy", energy transition has become an inevitable trend, and hydrogen fuel cell technology has played an increasingly important role in this process because it is based on carbon-free energy carriers. In addition to the traditional application of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, the application scenarios in pan-transportation and energy storage have also been rapidly enriched in recent years. Through the analysis of typical cases in different application scenarios, the technical challenges encountered by hydrogen fuel cells are revealed, as well as some new technological progress and development trends in this field with the help of artificial intelligence and other methods.

CAIIAC丨Intelligent Energy Storage and New Energy Photovoltaic Forum is coming!

Science Technology

Topic: Domain Adaptive AI4Energy

Speaker: Li Jingjing

He is a professor of "100 People" of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, a doctoral supervisor, and a postdoctoral fellow of the "Boxin Program" of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. His main research interests are machine learning and its cross-application in energy systems. At present, he has published more than 80 long papers in JCR Zone 1 journals such as TPAMI, TIP, TPEL, TKDE and CVPR and CCF Class A conferences, and has obtained 10 authorized patents. His doctoral dissertation won the 2018 ACM Chengdu Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award and the 2018 Chinese Institute of Electronics Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award. He has successively won the Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Outstanding Youth Award, the ACM SIGAI China Rising Star Award, the second prize of Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Natural Science, the first prize of Sichuan Science and Technology Progress Award, and the second prize of Shandong Natural Science Award. The research results were selected as one of China's 100 most influential international academic papers, the CCF-Tencent Rhino Bird Foundation Outstanding Project, and the Huawei Problem Challenge Award.

Summary of the report

This report focuses on the key applications of domain-adaptive machine learning technology in battery lifecycle management, covering volume-free technologies for battery production, accurate estimation of SOC/SOH during service life, and forward-looking prediction of battery remaining useful life (RUL). By introducing advanced domain-adaptive AI technology, we have successfully simplified the battery production process and realized the direct learning of battery performance metrics from raw data, thereby significantly improving production efficiency and ensuring the performance consistency of the battery pack. During the battery life phase, the technology can accurately monitor the battery status and predict battery performance degradation by analyzing real-time data, providing reliable decision support for battery maintenance. In addition, RUL's predictions provide a scientific basis for timely replacement and effective recycling of batteries, enhancing the safety and economic efficiency of the energy system. This study demonstrates the great potential of field-adaptive machine learning technology to improve the intelligent level of energy management and promote the sustainable development of the energy storage industry.

CAIIAC丨Intelligent Energy Storage and New Energy Photovoltaic Forum is coming!

Science Technology

Theme: AI-Enabled Energy Storage: A New Chapter of Intelligent Lifecycle Management

Speaker: Liu Bo

Graduated from Tongji University as a master's supervisor. Founder of Guangai Technology, President of Tongzhan Advanced Intelligent Vehicle Research Institute. He has been engaged in the research of battery life cycle management for a long time. Expert of Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission, expert tutor of Entrepreneurship Center of Shanghai Caohejing Development Zone, expert of the Special Committee of Energy Storage Branch of Shandong Electric Power Industry Association, independent director of A-share companies to be listed. He has published 14 papers in Chinese and English, and has 44 Chinese patents, including 14 invention patents. He is responsible for 1 project of the Ministry of Science and Technology and 5 projects of the Shanghai Science and Technology Commission. He served as the leader of 1 sub-project of 863 projects, 1 973 project, 1 major special project of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and 1 artificial intelligence project of the Ministry of Education. Participated in the formulation of 6 standards such as national standard landmarks. International peer reviewer of international journals such as Energy Sources.

Summary of the report

The field of electrochemical energy storage faces many safety challenges and problems, and if not handled properly, it can cause significant economic losses. In order to effectively address these challenges, a proactive security operation and maintenance system empowered by AI technology has been introduced. Through accurate data processing and intelligent analysis, the system effectively reduces the probability of battery accidents, improves operation and maintenance efficiency, and prolongs the service life, thereby greatly improving the safety and economy of the energy storage system.

This report expounds on the collection, transmission, extraction and application of data, the application of AI algorithms, the active warning and active maintenance strategies, and the optimization of operation strategies. In addition, the engineering application cases in the 2024 new energy storage pilot demonstration project of the National Energy Administration are introduced.

CAIIAC丨Intelligent Energy Storage and New Energy Photovoltaic Forum is coming!

Science Technology

Topic: Thoughts and Prospects of Power Large Model Technology

Speaker: Huang Wenqi

Professor-level senior engineer, leading technical expert in the field of artificial intelligence of China Southern Power Grid, has been engaged in the research and development and application of power artificial intelligence technology for a long time. It has undertaken 1 major national project, participated in 3 national key R&D plans, and undertaken 1 new generation of artificial intelligence benchmarking project of the National Development and Reform Commission. He presided over the research and development of the visual intelligent analysis platform for power inspection, and realized the large-scale application of power grid inspection map. He presided over the research and development of online intelligent safety analysis software for power grids, which supported the major needs of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao transmission interconnection operation. Participated in the compilation of 1 ISO international standard, published 1 book, authorized 27 invention patents, and published 48 papers. As the first person to complete, he won the first prize of Wu Wenjun's artificial intelligence science and technology progress award, the first prize of China Electric Power Science and Technology Award, and many other provincial and ministerial awards.

Summary of the report

With the development of new power systems, the analysis and decision-making of power systems are facing challenges of scale, randomness and complexity, and advanced artificial intelligence technology is urgently needed to promote the safe and economic operation of new power systems. Starting from the development needs of the power system, this report puts forward four core requirements for power artificial intelligence technology, interprets the difference between power models and general models such as language, puts forward the key core technologies of power models, and looks forward to the application prospects of power models.

CAIIAC丨Intelligent Energy Storage and New Energy Photovoltaic Forum is coming!

Science Technology

Topic: High-resolution global weather forecasts driven by spatiotemporal intelligence

Speaker: Bai Lei

He graduated from the University of New South Wales with a Ph.D. and worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Sydney, and is now a young scientist at the Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. He has published more than 70 papers in top academic journals and conferences such as Nature, IEEE Transactions, CCF Recommendation Conference, etc., and has served as a reviewer or member of the program committee of related journal conferences for a long time. Global Times and other mainstream media reports. Based on his research work, he was selected into the National and Shanghai Talent Plans, and won the Yunfan Award at the 2022 World Artificial Intelligence Conference, the 2020 UNSW Engineering Research Excellence Award, and the 2019 Google PhD Scholarship.

Summary of the report

High-quality weather forecasting is one of the basic technologies for power system regulation and control and the development of new energy power. With the increasing abundance of various data perception methods represented by satellites and radars and the improvement of large-scale computing platforms, the advantages of artificial intelligence technology in processing large-scale meteorological data have gradually emerged, providing a new idea for meteorological forecasting. This report will first review the past accumulation of spatiotemporal intelligence technology and the recent research trend of spatiotemporal intelligence large model of the sharer team, and then introduce the recent research progress of the sharer's spatiotemporal intelligence method in global meteorological and climate forecasting – the high-resolution global weather prediction model "Fengwu GHR".

CAIIAC丨Intelligent Energy Storage and New Energy Photovoltaic Forum is coming!

Science Technology

Topic: AI PV Power Generation Prediction and Energy Storage Scheduling

Speaker: Pan Liuhua

Graduated from the Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, he is currently the research director and chief researcher of digital energy at SenseTime, and has presided over the research of several energy models. Dr. Pan Liuhua has long focused on deep learning algorithms and technologies such as image recognition, behavior analysis, data prediction, and decision control, and is mainly engaged in the research and development of algorithms such as defect detection, new energy power generation prediction, and optimal decision-making, and has published more than 10 papers in domestic and foreign academic journals such as Optical Express, and applied for 28 national patents.

Summary of the report

New energy photovoltaic power generation has been widely valued in the energy field due to its renewable, low carbon emissions, green and safe characteristics, but due to its influence by the weather, the power generation power fluctuates greatly, which will have a great impact on the safety and stability of the power grid, so the prediction and control of photovoltaic power generation is an urgent problem to be solved. On the one hand, we start from the weather prediction, optimize the photovoltaic power generation power prediction algorithm to ensure the safe and stable operation of the power grid, on the other hand, store the photovoltaic power generation, and carry out intelligent scheduling application research according to the power generation data, load data and demand data, so as to realize the efficient utilization of new energy photovoltaics.


Topics and guests of the roundtable dialogue

Conversation topics

Moderator: Ke Song, Associate Professor, School of Automotive, Tongji University, Director of the Institute of Drive System Innovation

Topic: Artificial Intelligence Helps the Development of New Productivity in Energy Transition


Li Jingjing, professor of "100 students" of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

Huang Wenqi is a leading technical expert of China Southern Power Grid Corporation

Liu Bo is the founder of Guangai Technology and the president of Tongzhan Advanced Intelligent Vehicle Research Institute

Bai Lei is a young scientist at Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

Pan Liuhua, SenseTime Group Co., Ltd., Digital Energy Research Director and Principal Researcher