
Russia-Ukraine and Kazakhstan 4.8: The main forces of the Israeli army withdrew from Gaza, and the Ukrainian army damaged 7 Russian planes in Yeysk

author:Morning mist

Russia-Ukraine and Kazakhstan 4.8: The main forces of the Israeli army withdrew from Gaza, and the Ukrainian army damaged 7 Russian planes in Yeysk

Original Xiaolean A place to write 2024-04-08 20:11

Morning Mist / Repost

Original Creator: Sue Fei

Dear readers and friends, this is a series of original articles on the situation of the Russian-Ukraine-Kazakhstan-Israel war on April 8, 2024.

The Kazakh-Israeli conflict has now ushered in its first major turning point since October 7 last year: last night local time, the Israel Defense Forces announced that they would withdraw most of their ground forces from the southern Gaza Strip, leaving only one brigade.

A statement provided to AFP by the Israeli army said that "the 98th Division has completed its mission in the city of Khan Younis and left the Gaza Corridor to recharge and prepare for future operations".

"A significant number of troops, led by the 162nd Division and the 933rd Nahar Brigade, will continue to be deployed in the Gaza Corridor to preserve the IDF's freedom of movement and ability to conduct precision intelligence activities," the statement added.

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz called the operation a tactical withdrawal.

According to other sources, the Israeli army is fully prepared to fight Allah in the north. It is also possible that the withdrawal may have been prepared in response to an attack on the annex of the Iranian embassy in Syria.

Despite this, the scale of the Israeli withdrawal this time was very large, there was no ventilation in advance, and the implementation was very sudden, so it still caused all kinds of speculation in the outside world. Hu Xijin, the retired former editor-in-chief of Huanshi, issued an article vowing that Israel would lose the Gaza war if it lost its moral support and its teachers were useless.

However, at least at the official level of Israel, the withdrawal is not recognized as an end.

The Chief of Staff of the IDF, Lieutenant General Al-Khalwi, believes that despite the withdrawal of troops from the Gaza Strip, the war against Hamas continues and is far from over. He also said that senior Hamas officials are still in hiding and that "sooner or later we will find them."

Russia-Ukraine and Kazakhstan 4.8: The main forces of the Israeli army withdrew from Gaza, and the Ukrainian army damaged 7 Russian planes in Yeysk

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said today that Israel's war in Gaza is "one step away from victory" and vowed that there could be no truce until Hamas freed all hostages.

Agence France-Presse reported that Netanyahu's exact words were: "We are one step away from victory, but we have also paid a painful and heartbreaking price".

As Israel, Hamas and international coordinators expected the resumption of truce talks in Cairo, the Egyptian capital, Netanyahu asserted: "There will be a ceasefire only when the hostages are returned, and that's what happened." He stressed that Israel is ready to reach an agreement, but does not intend to make concessions.

Netanyahu also mentioned: "International pressure on Israel will only harden Hamas's position." The international community should put pressure on Hamas in order to get the hostages released."

The international pressure that Netanyahu talks about is indeed bad for Israel. The United States will not turn its face with Israel, but Biden is facing election pressure this year, and the United States has called on Biden to put pressure on the Israeli army to cease the war wave after wave, so the Biden administration has repeatedly called on Israel to suspend its actions.

Of course, Biden is not calling for a permanent truce in Israel.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak expressed his support for Israel, stressing that there would be no peace in the Middle East unless Hamas was completely eradicated, and therefore supported Israel in exercising its legitimate right to self-defense.

It has to be said that as the most experienced country in dealing with international affairs in the world, the UK's political foresight is unmatched.

There are two interpretations of Israel's withdrawal of most of its troops from southern Gaza: one is that the Israeli withdrawal is aimed at calming the pressure of public opinion and resuming the war after the rumors have passed, and the other is that the Israeli army has basically completed its combat mission in southern Gaza and no longer needs a large number of troops.

As for the Israeli Government's strategy for the future, there are two predictions: one is that Israel is unsustainable and will have to abandon its goal of completely eradicating Hamas, and the other is that Israel will continue its efforts to completely eradicate Hamas. We can only take one step at a time to see who is right and who is wrong in these views.

The Middle East issue has been involved for a long time, and the forces involved are even more intertwined, so the Middle East issue is extremely complex. If the Israeli military stops and gives up this opportunity to completely eradicate Hamas, it will only show that the Middle East issue is too difficult to solve.

Briefing on the overall situation of the war between Russia and Ukraine:

1. On the 775th day of the war, according to the report on the results released by the Ukrainian General Staff this morning local time, in the past day, a total of 76 battles took place on the entire front, and most of the attacks took place in the Bakhmut direction.

As of yesterday, the Russian army has accumulated 448,400 casualties, with 890 new losses yesterday.

Russia-Ukraine and Kazakhstan 4.8: The main forces of the Israeli army withdrew from Gaza, and the Ukrainian army damaged 7 Russian planes in Yeysk

The Ukrainian army also destroyed a total of 7,087 Russian tanks, 13 new ones, 13,575 armored vehicles, 24 new ones, and 11,356 artillery pieces, 40 new ones.

2. In terms of air strikes: In the air strikes in the early hours of this morning, the Ukrainian Defense Forces destroyed 14 of the 17 Shahid suicide drones, as well as a cruise missile.

3. According to the latest data, drones of the Main Intelligence Directorate damaged seven Russian aircraft at the airfield in the Russian city of Yeysk (Krasnodar Krai) on April 5.

Ukrainska Pravda made the above report, referring to its sources in the Main Intelligence Directorate. According to them, on April 5, the airport was attacked by Ukrainian drones, as a result of which 7 Russian aircraft were damaged of varying degrees. Among them are 4 Su-30SM multi-role fighters, two military transport aircraft and one BE-200 amphibious aircraft. The diesel substation at the airport was also destroyed.

It is said that the protection of this Russian airfield was carried out by units of the 726th training center of the 51st Air Defense Division of the Russian Army. To repel the attack, the Pantsir-S "Pantsir" anti-aircraft system, as well as other small arms, were used.

Despite the tight defense, the five Ukrainian "birds" broke through the defense and achieved the above results.

4. In Russia, they were forced to close another refinery, but this time not because of Ukrainian drones.

The flooding in the Russian city of Orsk has raised a lot of questions. In order to avoid further expansion of the disaster, the Russians had to close another refinery, which would lead to a further decline in the production of refined oil products in Russia.

Some Ukrainian military experts point out that the Russians do not leave all refineries unprotected, on the contrary, at least around the perimeter of some of them, they have deployed a considerable number of Pantsir artillery and artillery air defense systems. Since these systems have anti-aircraft radars, anti-aircraft missiles and 30-millimeter anti-aircraft guns, they are theoretically sufficient to deal with all flight threats from an altitude of 15,000 meters to a low altitude of 20 meters.

Russia-Ukraine and Kazakhstan 4.8: The main forces of the Israeli army withdrew from Gaza, and the Ukrainian army damaged 7 Russian planes in Yeysk

Despite this, it is always difficult for the Russians to destroy all the Ukrainian drones that come to attack, so although not every Ukrainian drone hit the target, these waves of drone attacks launched by the Ukrainian army have succeeded in setting the Russian oil refinery on fire each time, and then had to stop work.

5. On Sunday, three drones crashed in and near the occupied Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, hitting surveillance and communications equipment and a military vehicle on top of the reactor of the 6th power unit. There were blood stains next to the military vehicle, indicating that at least one person was wounded.

This has sparked intense concern from the IAEA, whose director general, Rafael Grossi, said IAEA experts had not found "any structural damage to systems, structures and components that are important for nuclear safety". But "although the damage to Unit 6 did not jeopardize nuclear safety, it was a serious incident that could compromise the integrity of the reactor's containment system".

He condemned any attack on the nuclear power plant and called on military decision-makers to "refrain from any action that violates the basic principles of the protection of nuclear facilities."

The Russian army believes that this is an operation carried out by Ukraine, but Yusov, a spokesman for Ukraine's Defense Intelligence, has denied such accusations, saying that Ukraine has nothing to do with the incident. Yusof also said that the Russians have been attacking nuclear power plants on Ukrainian territory and are also good at conducting "false flag operations". Russia must withdraw its troops from all facilities at the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, and only then will it be possible to restore compliance with all necessary international standards and control over important nuclear energy facilities.

The Russian army has tasted the sweetness with gliding bombs, or uses a larger yield of aerial bombs:

When the United States' aid to Ukraine was "stuck" by the House of Representatives, and the military-industrial mobilization of European countries was "green and yellow", the Russians were not idle.

In a recent assessment, the Institute for the Study of War wrote that the Russian military "used a large number of gliding bombs in mid-February, with tactical effect." Hundreds of gliding bombs razed the town, forcing Ukrainian forces to retreat, the report states.

Russia-Ukraine and Kazakhstan 4.8: The main forces of the Israeli army withdrew from Gaza, and the Ukrainian army damaged 7 Russian planes in Yeysk

Egor Suge, a Ukrainian soldier who fought in Avdiivka, wrote on social media: "These bombs completely destroy any position. In one day, they dropped 60-80 bombs on us".

Michael Kofman, a military analyst at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, said the sheer number of Russian gliding bombs and their destructive power had an impact on the morale of Ukrainian soldiers. "If you see the craters caused by two bombs weighing 500 kilograms, you will be impressed by them", he said.

Ironically, although the French are supplying Ukraine with 250-kilogram "Hammer" gliding bombs, they can only supply 600 a year.

The lack of an adequate "Patriot" system has also allowed the activity of Russian tactical bombers to become more and more rampant. The commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army, Syrsky, cited gliding bombs as the main reason why the Ukrainian army had to retreat from Avdiivka.

It can be said that it is precisely because of the tactical efforts of the Russian Aerospace Forces that the Ukrainian army's defense line has become fragmented, and the lack of artillery shells has led to the inability of the Ukrainian army to resist the advance of the Russian army.

If the Russian army continues this two-pronged approach in Chasiv Yar, they may be able to achieve greater results in the near future, and make the Ukrainians suffer a big loss before the Americans and Europeans react.

This is not alarmist. The Russians are trying to turn a Soviet-era 3-ton bomb into a guided gliding kit and turn it into a gliding bomb. As for the 1,500-kilogram gliding bomb, the Ukrainian army reported that it had already encountered it on the front line.

Russia-Ukraine and Kazakhstan 4.8: The main forces of the Israeli army withdrew from Gaza, and the Ukrainian army damaged 7 Russian planes in Yeysk

While I believe that the 3-ton gliding bomb must not be very good because it is simply too heavy, and the plane that can hang such a bomb must have a hard time flying and will be more easily shot down, the Russians' efforts in this regard will definitely bear some fruit and cause more suffering and casualties for the Ukrainian infantry.

I sincerely pray that Americans and Europeans will soon wake up and provide adequate assistance before things get worse!

Ukraine's Minister of Digital Transformation said that AI drones will appear on the battlefield this year: Ukraine's Minister of Digital Transformation Mikhailo Fedorov said that the Russian-Ukrainian war has become a war of unmanned equipment, and Ukraine must gain technological advantages. Not only must we make progress in terms of numbers and range, but we must also have artificial intelligence to autonomously find and track Russian targets for destruction.

Fedorov said that at present, Ukraine already has drones with a range of more than 1,000 kilometers, and now it is solving the problem of communication and intelligent target search for the collective flight of drone swarms. The relevant issues will be resolved this year, and AI-enabled drones will be deployed on the battlefield in Russia and Ukraine.

Russia-Ukraine and Kazakhstan 4.8: The main forces of the Israeli army withdrew from Gaza, and the Ukrainian army damaged 7 Russian planes in Yeysk

He also mentioned that his team has fairly close ties to Musk's Starlink team. Ukrainian drones will benefit from the datalink provided by Starlink.

He also said that Russia has also begun to obtain Starlink terminals through third-party channels for use on the battlefield, but that is only sporadic. Previously, in response to the Russian army's start to use Starlink on the battlefield in Ukraine, Musk was questioned by US government sources, and even wanted to investigate whether SpaceX violated US sanctions against Russia. But some people believe that the Russian army just purchased Starlink terminals from certain countries in the Middle East and activated them for use on the battlefield.

Fedorov said that the connection with the Starlink team should be the support of navigation. UAVs with a range of more than 200 kilometers are unlikely to fly remotely, because the radio beam travels in a straight line, while the earth's surface is arc-shaped, and it is difficult to remotely control more than 200 kilometers. If you have to control it remotely, the cost of the technology will be unacceptably high.

Therefore, Ukrainian UAVs with a range of more than 200 kilometers will probably use Starlink terminals to transmit navigation and control signals through the constellation system, which is an excellent solution in terms of cost and effectiveness.

SpaceX could create a "white list" of Starlink terminals on Ukrainian drones, which can still connect to the constellation system despite flying in Russia. And Russia clearly does not have access to such technology.

This is another example of "many ways and many helps".

On the other hand, if the Ukrainian army really develops a drone AI system, it can make the behavior of suicide drones more efficient, which means less manual operation and a higher hit rate. Considering that the Ukrainian army will produce at least 1 million drones this year, and the production will gradually increase in the future, this AI drone system can greatly reduce the dependence on Ukrainian pilots.

It is conceivable that 1 million drones, even if only 20% can hit the Russian infantry or heavy equipment, is enough for Shoigu and Gerasimov to drink a pot.

As for the drone AI systems of the Russians, no kidding, the Russian programmers who can develop these systems are still living in tents in the wilderness to evade conscription.

At the end of today's content, let's talk about a thing that people and gods are angry about:

A new orc killing in the Kherson region: On Sunday, April 7, a Russian army Telegram channel circulated a video recording the shooting of three captured Ukrainian servicemen by Russian troops.

Russia-Ukraine and Kazakhstan 4.8: The main forces of the Israeli army withdrew from Gaza, and the Ukrainian army damaged 7 Russian planes in Yeysk

The video shows a soldier of the Russian Armed Forces firing multiple shots at unarmed Ukrainian soldiers who had already surrendered, possibly using automatic weapons.

The description under the video states that the incident occurred near the village of Klinki in the Oleshki community of the Kherson region. Near that is the bridgehead created by the Ukrainian army on the left bank of the Dnieper.

The Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Lubinets, has appealed to the United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

The Russian orcs have absolutely no humanitarian ideas in their minds, and they do not take into account the laws of civilization and modern rules.

This is not the only orc captive killing, but one of many that have happened repeatedly. On January 6, Dmitry Kurashov, a rifleman of the 127th Motorized Infantry Division of Russia's Eastern Military District, was convicted by a Ukrainian court for shooting and killing a Ukrainian soldier. The Ukrainian soldier was captured during a Russian attack, and Kulashov fired at least three shots at him.

and the veteran of the Ukrainian army who lightly spit out a cigarette, said "glory belongs to Ukraine" and was shot, and was a victim of the orc killing and captivity.

Russia-Ukraine and Kazakhstan 4.8: The main forces of the Israeli army withdrew from Gaza, and the Ukrainian army damaged 7 Russian planes in Yeysk

If you were a Ukrainian, what would you think and do when you saw this kind of picture? Do you flee to Russia and kneel and beg for mercy, or do you go to the presidential palace en masse to demonstrate and demand the surrender of the whole country?

Therefore, the orc killing and captivity incident will not only not make the Ukrainians submit, but will provoke more Ukrainians to resist more resolutely!

The fundamental reason why the Russians harbor a deep greed for land, a belief in violence, and a myth of autocracy is that many of the peoples living in that land cannot get rid of the nomadic genes in their hearts. They admire the strong but do not respect the rules, are bloodthirsty and do not respect life, and their understanding of modernization and globalization is stuck at the level of subjugating the weak and small peoples around them with lethal weapons. 1,000 years have passed, but they are no different from the Mongols who roamed the steppes, killing men, and plundering other people's wives and daughters and wealth.

Because of this, both historically and in reality, they have always tended to behave externally and maintain stability at home, which has allowed them to harvest a large amount of territory and population in a short period of time, but they can only produce enough food to survive, and there is a massive loss of talent. Thus, the state of the Russians is gradually insulated from civilization and is thrown by the mainstream of the world at a grand distance of light years.

On the contrary, thanks to a higher degree of modernization and urbanization, and thanks to its proximity to the core cultural circle of the West, the Ukrainian nation has gradually moved away from its nomadic habits in the last two to 30 years. Compared with their Slavic brothers, Ukrainians are more inclined to respect human life, pay more attention to the subjective initiative of people, and pay more attention to guaranteeing the individuality and freedom of each person. These subtle changes finally made the Ukrainians finally make a completely different choice from the Russians, that is, to go all the way to the west and embrace civilization.

Because of this, even before the outbreak of the war in 2022, Ukraine was gradually demolishing many of the statues, sculptures, monuments and emblems left by the Russians in Ukraine during the Soviet army, and gradually realizing de-Russification.

The stone statues of Soviet Red Army generals, rusty T-34 tanks and MiG-15 fighters will gradually disappear from the sight and mind of Ukrainians.

Russia-Ukraine and Kazakhstan 4.8: The main forces of the Israeli army withdrew from Gaza, and the Ukrainian army damaged 7 Russian planes in Yeysk

There is no doubt that the process of de-Russification of Ukraine will continue in the future, and people on both sides of the border in 1991 will have completely different memories of this war, thus moving the two Slavic peoples apart. If Russia can still do anything wrong with Ukraine in the name of "protecting the Russian ethnicity", in the foreseeable future, the two will eventually evolve into completely different peoples, their customs and concepts will be very different, Russia will continue to be wild, and Ukraine will definitely become more and more similar to its allies in Europe!

Although Ukraine is now in a lot of difficulty, they are still holding on. Many questions may not be solved immediately, and many questions may seem unanswered, but I believe that time will gradually bring the answers to the fore. A reader friend said that Zelensky is probably the leader of the country in the most difficult situation in the world at present, and I deeply agree, but we all agree that as long as he leads the Ukrainians to stick to the past, he will definitely usher in a better tomorrow and Ukraine will definitely be reborn! Let us pray that day will come as soon as possible!

Information source: 2024-04-08 WeChat official account A place to write things

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