
ETC is going to be eliminated? In the future, if you scan the license plate, you will be automatically deducted? What do you think about this?

author:Yu Ōtora


ETC is going to be eliminated? In the future, if you scan the license plate, you will be automatically deducted? What do you think about this?

The main meaning of this article is that the ETC technology is outdated, and the charging system will be directly linked to the license plate in the future, as long as the car drives over, you will know whose car it is, and then it will be automatically deducted from the personal account. In this way, there is no need for ETC to be installed in the vehicle. Anyway, turning over and over is talking about one point: ETC technology is very backward and has been eliminated.

ETC is going to be eliminated? In the future, if you scan the license plate, you will be automatically deducted? What do you think about this?

Why should I keep the manual charges?

Because that's what the law says

So what's the truth? I'm going to analyze it. First of all, there are two modes of toll collection on the mainland expressway, ETC and manual. There are two main reasons, one is that many car owners rarely go on the highway, and they may only do so once or twice a year, and there is no need to install ETC.

ETC is going to be eliminated? In the future, if you scan the license plate, you will be automatically deducted? What do you think about this?

The second reason, we think, has to do with the law. Because the laws of the mainland are very clear: any charging behavior shall not refuse the RMB cash settlement method. To put it simply: as long as I am willing to pay cash, you must accept it unconditionally! Don't ask me why, the law stipulates that! In order to reflect the seriousness of the law, the toll booth must retain manual toll channels...... As for whether you believe it or not, I don't believe it anyway!

ETC is going to be eliminated? In the future, if you scan the license plate, you will be automatically deducted? What do you think about this?

The license plate payment system can do it

"No Stop, No Sense Charge"?

So the topic goes back to the ETC fee, and the license plate recognition fee itself, who can be more convenient to achieve "non-stop and non-inductive charging"? For the time being, ETC has the upper hand for the time being. We can see the answer from the underground garages in many large cities: usually the basement uses a license plate recognition charging system. So whether it can achieve "no stop and no sense charge" ?—— answer is obviously No!

ETC is going to be eliminated? In the future, if you scan the license plate, you will be automatically deducted? What do you think about this?

According to the author's own test, only a very small number of systems in Shanghai allow vehicles to pass slowly at 2~3 kilometers per hour (indeed slower than walking, about the speed of the elderly walking) to ensure the success of license plate recognition. The license plate recognition system of most communities or shopping malls cannot judge the moving vehicle, which often leads to the failure of deduction.

ETC is going to be eliminated? In the future, if you scan the license plate, you will be automatically deducted? What do you think about this?

The vehicle needs to slow down first, and then stop in front of the barrier, the camera shoots the license plate, the computer reads the digital information, and then calculates the parking time and fee, and automatically completes the account deduction, the barrier lifts the pole, and the vehicle drives out. —— The whole process takes about 2~3 seconds, which is relatively fast.

ETC is going to be eliminated? In the future, if you scan the license plate, you will be automatically deducted? What do you think about this?

The technical difficulty of the ETC system is low

Relatively more mature

But compared to ETC, this gap is not small. ETC officially requires that the speed of the vehicle is less than 20km/h, but in fact, the speed of the vehicle within 40km/h can generally be read normally, so it is a proper "non-stop and non-inductive charge". In terms of efficiency, it is much higher than the "license plate charging system".

ETC is going to be eliminated? In the future, if you scan the license plate, you will be automatically deducted? What do you think about this?

Even if in the future, with "long-distance high-definition camera" as the main body, the premise of building a "non-stop and non-inductive charging" system is also a very amazing huge computing power. And when this computing power will be realized, no one dares to say at present. Moreover, even the "long-range high-definition camera" often fails in rainy and snowy weather, so the technical difficulty can be imagined!

ETC is going to be eliminated? In the future, if you scan the license plate, you will be automatically deducted? What do you think about this?

What is the media shocked about?

The public should not listen to the "roadside club"

If we really want to talk about the feasibility of technology, the free flow highway toll system based on Beidou high-precision positioning technology may be more promising! At least this system has been tested in the highway network of Jiangxi Province, and it is confirmed that the speed of the vehicle can be accurate within 60km/h, and the background computing power does not need to be so exaggerated.

ETC is going to be eliminated? In the future, if you scan the license plate, you will be automatically deducted? What do you think about this?

This media nonsense should really be properly managed! Don't be "shocked," "burst," "shocked," and "sudden" when you have nothing to do every day! At present, we have not checked the state announcement that "we want to test the non-stop deduction system based on license plate recognition technology," so let's not easily listen to the "roadside club"!