
Next Week's Horoscope: Queen of Astrology April 15 - April 21, 2024 Zodiac Signs Weekly Horoscope

author:Angel Horoscope

Next Week's Horoscope: Queen of Astrology April 15 - April 21, 2024 Zodiac Signs Weekly Horoscope

Next Week's Horoscope: Queen of Astrology April 15 - April 21, 2024 Zodiac Signs Weekly Horoscope

Week Overview: April 15-21, 2024:

One of the most anticipated cosmic events of 2024 will take place this week, dear!Can you guess what?Can't you guess?Then get ready for a trip of your life!Lucky Jupiter and exciting, unpredictable Uranus will meet this week. Hee-ha

This explosive, expansive aspect is the star of the year (except, of course, the powerful Pluto entering Aquarius in January). It hints at unexpected, opportunity-driven, auspicious developments that we may have, especially when it comes to money and security. For example, we may receive a windfall from a tax collector. Or be lucky enough to get out of a crushing debt. Perhaps a wealthy relative will give us a much-needed resource. Or, we found a happy miscalculation in the budget. Or even just a forgotten hundred-dollar bill in jeans. It's all important, my dear.

Dear, now is the time to seize every opportunity. Don't be half-hearted. Don't look around. The energies of Uranus only want to liberate us, while Jupiter desires to expand us. It's all going to unfold on Saturday, so make a note in your journal about the weekend and the days before and after, especially if your planet is close to the last few degrees of the fixed sign – Taurus, Leo, Aquarius, or Scorpio.

Of course, we're catching up, and there are other permutations worth mentioning ahead of this Titan Superstar meeting. For example, retrograde Mercury conjuncts Chiron, the healer, and Venus on Tuesday and Friday, respectively. This illuminates a conversation from the past, perhaps romantic. In the beginning, things were stormy, but just as they started to burn out a bit, the Sun slipped into soothing Taurus on Friday, which happens to be Venus Day. Grab yourself a delicious cup of hot chocolate, curl up with a book in your hand, and grab your favorite snack. Keep a journal. Be lazy. Indulge yourself. Baby, take a moment to heal and deal with it. Because by Saturday, as we have seen, everything will go wild in the best possible way.

Final Word – On Sunday, the Sun and Pluto oppose each other form a shocking aspect that heralds some degree of intensity and control. Don't do that. Let go. Let the energies of Jupiter and Uranus open your heart instead of trying to take control. Now is the time. Isn't it less tired, dear?


Aries (March 20 - April 19)

My dear, your birthday season is officially over. Wave goodbye, okay? Before that—Friday, to be exact—you know, you need some healing. Some closures. Some difficult conversations, but also very long ones. Now, healing and opening your heart to more joy seem to go hand in hand. As the sun moves into this zone over the weekend, money will also become more of a focus and may even be a source of stress. Jupiter's conjunction Uranus on Saturday suggests a lucky windfall, but you must decide what to do with the money. Surrender, baby. You can't control everything, you know.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Hello, birthday season. It was a hilarious minute. Now, close your eyes and make a wish. What do you really crave in your heart?What's the best birthday present?Can you give it to yourself within reason?Maybe it's a bit too much to travel around the world, but there's definitely something you can do. Even if it takes a year or two to achieve, now is the time to sow seeds, baby. Jupiter's aspect to Uranus on Saturday happens right in your sign, giving you a variety of exciting opportunities to jump out of your comfort zone happily.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

On Tuesday, you might have a painful conversation with a good friend. Rest assured that you will be able to handle it with the utmost love and care while still remaining direct, open, and honest. Think of this as a lesson in openness and authentic beauty. Everything will be fine, and there will be a good ending. Promise. On Friday, take some time out and be yourself. Not just for one day. Not even a week. More than that, dear in your subconscious, things are changing and vibrating, and you need to be fully focused in order to reap the rewards from this powerful energy.

Cancer (June 21 - July 21)

Get ready to fulfill, rekindle or kick-start your cherished wish this weekend. Saturday will be a tangible reward for the work you've done so far, while bringing an inspiring new vision for the future. It's like this, my dear – things may not go exactly the way you expected or imagined them. You just have to be as flexible as possible. You have to adapt. You must be open to the surprises that the Universe has in store for you. People, in particular, are likely to be the source of these exciting developments, whether it's friends, acquaintances, or new friends with whom you rub shoulders with you.

Leo (July 22 - August 22)

Your ruling star, the fiery sun, illuminates your career field from Friday. How exciting, my dear. You will shine like never before. But what's even more exciting is that Jupiter and Uranus align in your career house on Saturday, giving you hard-earned opportunities for growth and freedom. Your shackles are falling off, darling. You can finally breathe again. Of course, it's a whole new world that might scare you. But don't worry. You have the heart of a lion. Now, go and conquer

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

On Tuesday, an initially challenging conversation began, which might leave you wondering how to fix what was broken. Luckily, love fixes everything. The same goes for honesty. Be direct and speak from the heart. Name the vulnerable side. Like a child. You might be surprised to learn that our words are likely to be just right. With the arrival of Friday, the energy shifts from mild tension to expansive, hopeful, and spiritual. You are now entering a wonderful stage of growth. Growing up is astounding because you probably didn't expect it to be like this. But that's it. Take this opportunity to spread your wings and fly high.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Venus and Mercury square your opposite house this week, which is your house of affection. This sweet exchange gives you the opportunity to talk to your lover, crush, colleague, or girlfriend in a way that is both cordial and confident. It's good to clear your mind, isn't it? On Friday, the energy shifts from fiery and passionate to soft and nourishing. Starting on Fridays, and especially Saturdays, it seems like the universe can't wait to deliver you a gift. A resource you never knew you needed. Money in the bank. A car for friends when they're out and about. Or maybe something else entirely. Something you didn't expect.

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)

Relationships seem to be your top priority this week, baby. On Friday, the Sun enters this area of your chart and illuminates your relationships, bringing a warm, fuzzy feel to your platonic, professional, and romantic relationships. The energy is stable and safe. This gives you peace of mind. However, my dear, there is something else. On Saturday, Jupiter and Uranus are conjunct in this region, which may bring about a major shift in your relationship and even in the actual relationship itself. It's all about freedom – the freedom to play, to explore, to connect, to commit and even to disconnect, if that's what your heart desires.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 20)

The celestial phenomena are very lively this week, and your ruler Jupiter will be conjunct Uranus on Saturday. How exciting! This will light up your daily affairs and work areas, and you will usher in a complete change in your old habits and lifestyle. This is exactly what the doctor ordered. Pack up your desk and get ready, dear. It's time for a change. Freedom beckons to you, no matter how it happens. Don't try to predict how this will happen. Just trust that it will be in your best interest, even if it will be a little uncomfortable at first.

Capricorn (December 21 - January 19)

Your creativity is about to spew out, get ready, dear. All the energies that could have been stopped, slowed down, or blocked, are now ready to be expressed in the most surprising way. Friday is the beginning of a new chapter, and there will be big things happening on Saturday. It can also have to do with your love life, where sensuality and security coexist. My dear, you are ready for romance, whether with a current lover or a new tasty one. Love can also come suddenly when you least expect it, so stay awake.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 17)

Feeling restless? It's a power storm that is poised to erupt on Saturday. It's a good kind of storm, though. Necessary confusion. Necessary changes. On the one hand, on Friday, you're ready to curl up and live comfortably in your own space. On the other hand, on Saturday you're eager to explore other options, especially if you're offered a new opportunity. Maybe it's the opportunity to own a commune. Or the opportunity to live abroad for a while. Or let your lover move in with you unexpectedly. Whatever it is, it's bound to exude an unorthodox delicacy. Yum.

Pisces (Feb 18 - Mar 19)

Be careful with your wishes, for the universe may grant your wishes. Adventure beckons you from Saturday onwards, although you will intuitively feel that the energy is building up long before that. Maybe this weekend just shows that you're ready to start making the real leap. Embrace the unknown – why not, it's a time for you to grow, learn and experience different perspectives. Maybe you'll spontaneously decide to sign up for a course. Maybe you'll get a teaching or coaching job. It could also be a completely different opportunity. Seize the moment. This is your chance.

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