
The 3 most important dishes to eat in spring, nourish the stomach and protect the liver, miss waiting for a year!

author:Little friends food

Spring food should also adapt to the changes of the seasons and choose seasonal delicacies that are both delicious and healthy. Among the spring delicacies, wormwood green tuan, stir-fried shredded pork with leeks and fried toon are particularly prominent, which not only have a unique taste, but also have the effect of nourishing the stomach and protecting the liver.

If you miss out on these 3 spring-only dishes, you may regret it for a whole year. Here's how to cook these dishes and take home the spring-like table.

【Wormwood Youth League】

Wormwood green color green, fragrant, wormwood has the effect of warming the meridian and dissipating cold, strengthening the spleen and stomach, and the glutinous but not greasy red bean paste is matched, which not only satisfies the taste buds, but also nourishes the spleen and stomach.

The 3 most important dishes to eat in spring, nourish the stomach and protect the liver, miss waiting for a year!

Ingredients: fresh wormwood, glutinous rice flour, red bean paste, edible alkali, white sugar


1. Select fresh wormwood, wash it and blanch it in boiling water, add a little edible alkali to keep the wormwood green. After blanching, remove the supercooled water, squeeze out the water, and chop it for later use.

2. Mix the chopped wormwood with glutinous rice flour, add an appropriate amount of white sugar, stir while adding water, and knead into a smooth green dough. Take an appropriate amount of dough and roll it round and flatten it, put in the red bean paste filling, close the mouth and pinch it tightly, and gently knead it into a green ball.

3. Put the wrapped green balls into the steamer and steam over high heat for 15-20 minutes until cooked through. Brush with a thin layer of oil while hot to prevent the skin from hardening.

【Stir-fried shredded pork with leeks】

Leeks are rich in dietary fiber, which helps gastrointestinal peristalsis, and its spicy flavor can relieve liver qi, while pork nourishes yin and moistens dryness, and the two are cooked with fried shredded pork with leeks, which can not only nourish the stomach but also protect the liver, making it an excellent choice for the spring table.

The 3 most important dishes to eat in spring, nourish the stomach and protect the liver, miss waiting for a year!

Ingredients: fresh and tender leeks, lean pork, red pepper, ginger, light soy sauce, cooking wine, salt, sugar, starch


1. Wash and cut the leeks into sections, shred the lean pork, marinate with light soy sauce, cooking wine and starch for 15 minutes, and shred the red pepper and ginger for later use.

2. Heat the pan with cold oil, add the ginger shreds and stir-fry until fragrant, then add the marinated shredded meat and stir-fry quickly until it changes color.

3. After the shredded meat is cooked, add the chives and red pepper shreds, and continue to stir-fry until the leeks are broken. Add an appropriate amount of light soy sauce, salt, and sugar, stir-fry quickly and evenly, and wait until the leeks are cooked and soft.

【Deep-fried toon】

Known as the "tree vegetable", toon is rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals, and has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, strengthening the stomach and regulating qi. Fried toon is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, with a strong aroma, which not only satisfies the appetite of the mouth, but also greatly benefits the health of the liver and stomach.

The 3 most important dishes to eat in spring, nourish the stomach and protect the liver, miss waiting for a year!

Ingredients: fresh toon sprouts, eggs, flour, corn starch, salt, pepper, cooking oil


1. Wash the toon buds, blanch them with boiling water, then quickly cool them in cool water, squeeze out the water and cut them into sections.

2. Crack the eggs into a bowl and stir well, add flour, cornstarch, salt and pepper to make a paste.

3. Evenly coat the toon segments in batter, add hot oil and fry until golden brown and crispy, remove and drain the oil.

The 3 most important dishes to eat in spring, nourish the stomach and protect the liver, miss waiting for a year!

Spring is the season when all things grow, and the three seasonal dishes of wormwood Qingtuan, fried shredded pork with leeks and fried toon not only give full play to the freshness of spring ingredients, but also cleverly integrate the health care concept of nourishing the stomach and protecting the liver.

In this wonderful season, you might as well make these delicacies to make the table full of spring atmosphere, and at the same time add points to the health of your family, don't miss it, otherwise you may really regret it for a whole year!

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