
Robotaxi is coming! Musk's amplification of self-driving .......

author:School of Finance

Recently, there has been a lot of car news, from Huawei Sijie to Xiaomi, and then to Tesla, all of which are constantly releasing new news.

The industry is also accelerating from involution to autonomous driving in the industry.

Seeing that electric vehicles are surrounded by Chinese car companies, Tesla has come up with a new trick!

Recently, Tesla CEO Elon Musk posted on the X platform that Tesla plans to launch a new generation of driverless taxi "Robotaxi" on August 8.

A few days ago, Tesla changed the name of FSD from the beta version of "FSD Beta" to "FSD Supervised", which means that FSD has ended the public beta and entered the large-scale commercialization link, providing confidence for this official announcement.

At the same time, Musk said that Tesla's investment in self-driving projects this year will exceed 10 billion US dollars (a total of 72.4 billion RMB).

Some netizens said that this may be a key battle for Tesla's turnaround.

Driverless taxis

As the name suggests, this is a taxi controlled by artificial intelligence and autonomous driving technology, which does not require a driver and can drive autonomously to the destination specified by the passenger.

The realization of the autonomous driving system mainly relies on the three modules of perception, decision-making and execution, and collects vehicle dynamics and surrounding environment data with various sensors such as inertial navigation, radar, and vision during driving, transmits the data to the on-board computing platform for analysis and makes corresponding decisions, and finally the decision-making layer sends instructions to the execution module to change the driving state of the vehicle.

Perception: All kinds of sensors, such as cameras, lidar, millimeter-wave radar, ultrasonic radar, etc.

Decision-making: hardware (chips, domain controllers), software (operating systems, middleware, application software).

Execution: steering, braking, etc.

Robotaxi is coming! Musk's amplification of self-driving .......

Among them, the camera mainly provides 2D visual information of the environment;

Millimeter-wave radar provides distance and angle information of the target object;

LiDAR can provide 3D environmental information, including distance and speed, and achieve autonomous positioning.

Ultrasonic radar can also provide information about the presence and distance of target objects, but it is mostly used in parking systems due to its short range.

Trends in intelligent driving

First of all, with the support of suppliers, players whose products can achieve urban NOA will become the next generation, and players whose products can achieve high-speed NOA will become contemporary, and players without NOA products will be directly behind one generation, and players without L2 function will be directly two generations behind.

Secondly, driven by sales, players with high sales can form a data scale advantage faster, tie the leading level, stir up the status quo, and form a new pattern.

More importantly, all players will gradually form a unified standardized data container, and nesting dolls will be the trend.

This will be beneficial to data sources, obtain better data, and help the intelligent driving system capabilities to iterate to a higher level.

Robotaxi is coming! Musk's amplification of self-driving .......

Generally speaking, in 2023, the echelon of China's intelligent driving pattern, the core judgment and influencing factors, and the leading technology account for a larger proportion, and the players who can take the lead in coming up with a leading generation of urban NOA solutions are in a very high position and occupy a first-mover advantage.

In other words, the intelligent driving pattern will be determined in 2023, there is no player with a stable position, and the race has just begun.

However, from the perspective of the industrial chain, no matter who will lead autonomous driving in the future, its upstream shovel sellers will benefit, especially the incremental direction of automation demand brought by autonomous driving, such as cameras and computing power.

(Summary of related industry stocks, not recommended)

Robotaxi is coming! Musk's amplification of self-driving .......
Robotaxi is coming! Musk's amplification of self-driving .......

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