
The stalk on the members of the seventh class in the Hokage: Kaden Doru has a dog's head hanging on the wall, and Sakura confidently catches up with Narusa

author:The Blood Feather Swordsman said anime

In Naruto, there are a lot of stalks that Naruto fans talk about, especially the members of the seventh class, and there are a lot of interesting stalks. Now, let's talk about the stalks on the members of the seventh class in Naruto!

Kakashi Flagaki: Hanging dog heads on the earth flow wall, flagwood five or five open

The stalk on the members of the seventh class in the Hokage: Kaden Doru has a dog's head hanging on the wall, and Sakura confidently catches up with Narusa

Due to the lack of Uchiha bloodline, he was unable to close the chakra eye that continued to consume chakra, resulting in Kakashi Hachiki often missing chakra in battle. However, no matter how short of chakra there is, Kakashi Hachiki has an obsession, that is, a dog's head must be carved on the wall of the earth flow! It is worth mentioning that during the battle of Payne's invasion of Konoha, Kakashi Hachiki eventually died due to the exhaustion of chakra. And if Kakashi and Payne didn't carve a dog's head on the Earthflow Wall when they were fighting, the saved loss of Chakra would be very likely to save his life, and Kakashi wouldn't need to be resurrected by Payne's reincarnation!

The stalk on the members of the seventh class in the Hokage: Kaden Doru has a dog's head hanging on the wall, and Sakura confidently catches up with Narusa

Kakashi Hagi, as a supporting character who is very important from the beginning of the plot to the finale, his strength is strengthened step by step with the plot, although it is not as good as the protagonist Naruto Uzumaki's ascension, but it is also much stronger than other characters. In this way, it is natural that whether it is a shinobi like Momochi and no slashing, or the apex of the ninja world like Otsuki Kaguya, Kakashi can live a few hands, and the name of Hagi Wukai is naturally respected by many Naruto fans!

Naruto Uzumaki: Not good at preaching

The stalk on the members of the seventh class in the Hokage: Kaden Doru has a dog's head hanging on the wall, and Sakura confidently catches up with Narusa

Among the stalks about Naruto Uzumaki, the most famous is the mouth escape, Hinata Ninji, I Airo, Nagato, Uchiha Obito and other people who were persuaded by Naruto must be very touched by his mouth escape. However, in Naruto Uzumaki's own opinion, he is not good at preaching. A person whose mouth is comparable to the art of other gods says that he is not good at preaching, and it is no wonder that this stalk has been widely spread!

Sasuke Uchiha: The sky cleared, the rain stopped, and the two pillars felt like they were doing it again

The stalk on the members of the seventh class in the Hokage: Kaden Doru has a dog's head hanging on the wall, and Sakura confidently catches up with Narusa

Naruto Uzumaki has a mouth escape, and Uchiha Sasuke also has a pretending to escape. However, unlike Naruto's mouth that can convince others most of the time, Sasuke's pretending to escape is often slapped in the face. kept saying that he wanted to solve Xiao Li in 5 minutes, but he was directly solved by Xiao Li in a few moves; he was confident that he wanted to capture Yao, but he was not only seriously injured by Kira, but also deceived by a tentacle; he went to make a big fuss about the Five Shadows Talks, but he was successively taught a lesson by the four generations of Thunder Shadow and the fifth generation of Mizukage Terumi Ming, and even if he didn't bring soil to rescue, he would die directly under the dust of the third generation of Tsuchikage Onoki and so on, so that Uchiha Sasuke was ridiculed by many Hokage fans as a Sunny Sky Pillar. The so-called Sunny Sky Pillar, that is, the sky is clear, the rain has stopped, and the second pillar feels that he is doing it again.

Sakura Haruno: I've finally caught up with them

The stalk on the members of the seventh class in the Hokage: Kaden Doru has a dog's head hanging on the wall, and Sakura confidently catches up with Narusa

Sakura Haruno, as the weakest of the members of the seventh class, is much stronger than ordinary ninjas. Sakura Haruno, who was only a teenager, learned almost all the abilities of the five generations of Hokage Tsunade. Whether it's medical ninjutsu, or strange physical arts, or forbidden techniques such as creating the technique of regeneration, Sakura is easy to use, which naturally gives her unprecedented confidence. So, in the Fourth Ninja World War, in the face of the Ten-Tails Split, Naruto and Sasuke didn't need to use all their strength at all, but Sakura was able to cooperate with them, and she felt that her strength had finally caught up with Naruto and Sasuke!

The stalk on the members of the seventh class in the Hokage: Kaden Doru has a dog's head hanging on the wall, and Sakura confidently catches up with Narusa

However, when Naruto and Sasuke's strength is fully displayed, Sakura's not weak strength is simply unattainable, and her mysterious confidence will naturally be ridiculed by many Naruto fans!

The stalk on the members of the seventh class in the Hokage: Kaden Doru has a dog's head hanging on the wall, and Sakura confidently catches up with Narusa

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