
Rose Classroom | Don't let "it" ruin your pelvic floor muscles!

author:Guangxi Maternal and Child Health Hospital

Spring is far away,

Summer is coming,

A mother who is out of shape

If you want to regain your confidence through exercise,

Take on a challenge to lose weight quickly.

As everyone knows, the little man's waist didn't come back,

but damaged the pelvic floor muscles~~

Rose Classroom | Don't let "it" ruin your pelvic floor muscles!

Why does rapid weight loss damage pelvic floor muscles?

Let's find out together~

Popular science on maternal and child health

The pelvic floor muscles are the muscle groups that seal the pelvic floor. Like a hammock, it holds up pelvic organs such as the bladder, uterus, and rectum in the perineum and anus. The pelvic floor not only carries almost 70% of the weight of the human body, but also maintains many physiological functions such as our body curves, sexual pleasure, urination, and defecation. It can be said that the pelvic floor dominates many important things in a woman's life.

Loose pelvic floor muscles can lead to constipation, incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, sexual dysfunction, chronic pelvic pain, and more.

Rose Classroom | Don't let "it" ruin your pelvic floor muscles!

When we talk about pelvic floor injuries, most people think of physiological problems such as pregnancy, childbirth, age, or other genetic factors. However, pelvic floor disease is no longer the patent of postpartum women, and more and more unmarried women with children also suffer from pelvic floor problems (the youngest patient in the pelvic floor clinic is currently 12 years old), standing for a long time, squatting for a long time, lifting heavy objects, heavy physical labor, wearing shapewear, tying up the abdominal belt and other actions that increase abdominal pressure, obesity, chronic cough, constipation, holding urine, smoking, squatting in the toilet and playing with mobile phones for too long. In particular, improper exercise has also become a "trap" for pelvic floor injuries. Excessive or wrong exercise can worsen pelvic floor damage.

The relationship between exercise and pelvic floor disorders

Many women, in order to lose weight quickly, are anxious to exercise without getting a professional pelvic floor assessment, blind exercises such as running, jumping, squatting, lifting iron, sit-ups, etc., some follow the online small video, focusing on the core exercise, but mistakenly think that the core is the abdominal muscles, strongly exercise the abdominal muscles, do not know that the pelvic floor muscles also belong to the core muscle group, the so-called core strength, is to stabilize the core part of the human body, control the center of gravity movement, and transmit the strength of the upper and lower limbs. In sports, it can also take the initiative to exert force, which is an important "source of force" for the human body.

Rose Classroom | Don't let "it" ruin your pelvic floor muscles!

The core muscles are not limited to the muscles around the abdomen that we can see, but also include the inner core (diaphragm, transverse abdominis, pelvic floor muscles, etc.) and the outer core (rectus abdominis, internal and external oblique muscles, erector spinae, etc.). These muscle groups work together to keep us balanced, and if you focus too much on some areas of the muscles during exercise, you can cause injury to other muscles due to imbalance.

Similarly, if too much pressure is applied to the abdomen and the pelvic floor cannot withstand this pressure, the internal organs will be squeezed and displaced, which may lead to the prolapse of the pelvic organs in the long run.

What are the manifestations of pelvic floor muscle injury?

1. Coughing, sneezing, laughing, lifting heavy objects, and involuntary urine leakage during exercise (urinary incontinence);

2. Urinary urgency, frequent urination, difficulty urinating, delayed urination, incomplete urination;

3. Constipation, difficulty in defecation, fecal incontinence;

4. Low libido, sexual arousal disorder, orgasmic disorder, dyspareunia, and painful intercourse

5. Vaginal laxity, dryness, repeated gynecological inflammation, and unsatisfactory sexual life

6. Pelvic pressure or swelling, lumbosacral pressure or pain, and prolapse of a mass at the vaginal opening or inside and outside the vagina

Rose Classroom | Don't let "it" ruin your pelvic floor muscles!

Scientific exercise is particularly important: if you are pregnant or confined, if you want to maintain a good figure, you have to start with professional maternity exercise!

Waff exercise is a very popular rehabilitation exercise during pregnancy and childbirth, which is derived from the French WAFF sports rehabilitation technology, which is a rehabilitation technology that conducts all-round training through ergonomic air cushions. According to the principle of pelvic and abdominal dynamics, the unbalanced support movement, combined with dynamic and static, activates and enhances the perception of nerves, fascia and muscles, so as to promote the reflex and coordination of nerves and muscles, and then realize the training of thoracic, abdominal and pelvic core muscles.

Waff exercise has the characteristics of simple, efficient, safe and interesting, and it has many advantages in pelvic floor rehabilitation training, which is a simple, safe, efficient and interesting overall program for the special physiological and psychological changes of pregnant women.

Waff exercise can enhance the strength, toughness and coordination of pelvic and abdominal muscles, and promote the recovery of rectus abdominis and pelvic floor muscles without increasing pelvic floor pressure.

Prevent pelvic floor damage from being aggravated by improper exercise,

What to look out for?

1. Avoid excessive exercise: Excessive exercise may lead to pelvic floor muscle fatigue, which can aggravate the injury. Therefore, we should do proper exercise according to our physical condition and athletic ability.

2. Master the correct exercise method: Regular pelvic floor muscle training can enhance the strength and stability of pelvic floor muscles, thereby reducing the risk of injury.

3. In addition to WAFF exercise, it is recommended that mothers can choose a professional hospital for professional and scientific fitness, start the pelvic floor muscles to reduce the damage of pelvic floor muscles when exercising, and do not ignore the exercise of pelvic floor muscles while exercising.

4. If you have discomfort such as urine leakage and lower abdominal distension during exercise, you should seek medical attention in time in order to get professional diagnosis and treatment.

Keeping your pelvic floor healthy is something that every one of us should be concerned about. Let's stay away from the "pitfalls" of pelvic floor injuries with the right exercises and exercises.

Ways to train your pelvic floor muscles at home


1. Do the action of tightening the vagina and anus, and avoid exerting force on the abdomen and thighs;

2. Contraction for 5-10 seconds each time, relaxation for 5-10 seconds, a total of 150-200 times/day;

3. You can do it in any posture and position anytime, anywhere (don't do it for vaginal bleeding).

Glute bridge training

1. Lie on your back, in a neutral pelvic position, inhale slowly through your nose, and relax your pelvic floor muscles;

2. Exhale slowly through the mouth, tighten the pelvic floor muscles and lift the gluteal muscles upwards for 5-8 seconds;

3. Inhale and relax, the buttocks are on the mat, relax for 5-10 seconds;

4. Repeat 10-15 times, 3 times a day.

Rose Classroom | Don't let "it" ruin your pelvic floor muscles!

What are you waiting for?

Hurry up and get moving,

Let's be a hot girl with good pelvic floor muscles!

(The picture comes from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete)

Photo丨Qi Yanhua, Yao Jieqing, Wei Linyi