
Deyun Club and Guo Degang are in danger! Cross talk peers and officials don't take them to play anymore!

author:Xiao Xu said entertainment

Deyun Club and Guo Degang are in danger! Cross talk peers and officials don't take them to play anymore

Recently, the cross talk circle has been full of many turmoil and disputes. As the number one group in today's cross talk industry, Deyun Club, and its leader Guo Degang have obviously been snubbed and even suppressed by peers and officials. This makes people ask, what happened to Deyun Club and Guo Degang, and why did they encounter such an embarrassment?

First, peers are crowded, and the official does not pay attention to it

If you want to talk about the causes of this series of disputes, the first thing to bear the brunt of is the grievances and competition between cross talk groups. As veteran celebrities in the current cross talk industry, Deyun Club and Guo Degang are undoubtedly the target of public criticism.

First of all, from the perspective of the peer circle, the famous cross talk actor Miao Fu recently held a Xi'an cross talk festival, which can be said to have invited the most famous cross talk groups at the moment. But what is surprising is that Deyun Club is not invited.

Deyun Club and Guo Degang are in danger! Cross talk peers and officials don't take them to play anymore!

This practice has undoubtedly sparked widespread speculation and questioning. After all, how could Deyun Club, as the leader of the current cross talk industry, be "snubbed" at such an important cross talk celebration? This undoubtedly gives people a feeling of deliberate "targeting".

And Miao Fu himself has never explained this. Industry insiders speculate that the reason for the rejection of Deyun Club is likely to be due to a "grudge". As we all know, Miao Fu also has its own unique faction in the cross talk world, and there are certain differences with the genre of Deyun Club.

Therefore, Miao Fu may be worried that if Deyun Club is invited in, it will steal his limelight and spotlight. In order to maintain his position and influence, he had to take such measures to "ostracize" Deyun Club.

Deyun Club and Guo Degang are in danger! Cross talk peers and officials don't take them to play anymore!

Of course, this is not to say that Miao Fu is completely selfish. As another important force in the cross talk industry, he also has his own artistic pursuits and ideals, and he may not fully agree with the cross talk route of Deyun Club. The differences and exchanges between the two genres are also the needs of the healthy development of the cross talk industry.

But the problem is that Miao Fu actually took such extreme measures and simply excluded competitors. This has undoubtedly intensified the contradictions in the peer circle, and also exposed a certain narrow-mindedness.

Immediately afterwards, the official movements in the music industry also revealed some disturbing signals. As the chairman of the Chinese Quyi Artists Association, the famous cross talk actor Feng Gong also seems to have a negative attitude towards Deyun Club.

It is reported that at a meeting of the cross talk industry, Feng Gong said that cross talk should be closer to the masses and mingle with the people, not just to please the public. At the same time, he also hinted that Deyun Club needs to carry out "rectification".

This kind of speech undoubtedly gives people a feeling of "suppression". Although Feng Gong did not clearly point to Deyun Club, combined with Miao Fu's approach, it is difficult not to let people associate it with Deyun Club.

Deyun Club and Guo Degang are in danger! Cross talk peers and officials don't take them to play anymore!

You must know that Deyun Club, as a leader in the cross talk industry, its social influence and artistic status cannot be ignored. Now it has been "suppressed" by peers and officials, which can't help but make people worry about the future of Deyun Club.

2. Why did Deyun Club offend everyone?

Since the status of Deyun Club and Guo Degang is so important, why have they been so "coldly received" by their peers and officials? The reason for this is probably still to be analyzed from the development process and characteristics of Deyun Club itself.

First of all, as the leader of the current cross talk industry, the rise of Deyun Club is indeed too rapid. Since the 90s of the last century, under the leadership of Guo Degang, Deyun Club has quickly become popular with its unique cross talk style and has become the darling of the audience.

This rapid rise naturally aroused the uneasiness and jealousy of other cross talk groups. After all, cross talk has always been a mixed business, and changes in the pattern of interest distribution will inevitably cause some grievances and suspicions.

Deyun Club and Guo Degang are in danger! Cross talk peers and officials don't take them to play anymore!

The key to the rapid rise of Deyun Club is that it has always kept up with the trend of the times and continued to innovate. Different from traditional cross talk that focuses on "learning art", Deyun Club pays more attention to "audience experience" and grasps the aesthetic needs of modern people.

This kind of continuous innovation and creation of mass IP will naturally cause dissatisfaction among some conservative cross talk actors. They prefer that cross talk can maintain the purity of tradition and should not cater too much to the taste of the public.

Therefore, when Deyun Club gradually surpasses them and becomes the leader of the cross talk industry, they will inevitably have a sense of anxiety about being marginalized, and then adopt the practice of "exclusion".

To a certain extent, this actually reflects the contradiction between "conservative and innovative" within the cross talk industry. Deyun Club represents the innovation and openness of the art of cross talk, while some other groups are more inclined to conservative traditions.

Deyun Club and Guo Degang are in danger! Cross talk peers and officials don't take them to play anymore!

And for the official, this contradiction is undoubtedly a double-edged sword. On the one hand, they need to maintain the inheritance of traditional culture, and cannot overindulge those "flashy" commercialization practices. But on the other hand, we can't completely abandon the power of innovation, otherwise the art of cross talk will stagnate.

Therefore, for the attitude of mainstream cross talk groups such as Deyun Club, the official will naturally take a cautious "wait-and-see" position. On the one hand, we cannot completely deny their innovative achievements, but at the same time, we must be wary of some "conservative" tendencies that they may have.

This contradictory attitude will naturally be reflected in the remarks of official representative Feng Gong. He asked cross talk to keep up with the pulse of the masses, which undoubtedly pointed to some practices of Deyun Club; At the same time, it emphasizes that it is not easy to please the public, which shows a certain "protection" of innovation.

At the same time, in the development process of Deyun Club, there will inevitably be some roughness. For example, Guo Degang himself has been controversial in the peer circle for a long time and has been repeatedly criticized. Some of his words and deeds are also sometimes prone to controversy.

Deyun Club and Guo Degang are in danger! Cross talk peers and officials don't take them to play anymore!

These problems that cannot be ignored have undoubtedly given peers and officials some capital to attack. They can use these problems to criticize and crack down on Deyun Club, so as to consolidate their position Third, the prospect is worrying, how to solve the dilemma?

To sum up, the reason why Deyun Club and Guo Degang encountered the dilemma of peer rejection and official neglect is also rooted in some problems in the development process of Deyun Club itself.

On the one hand, the rapid rise of Deyun Club has aroused jealousy and dissatisfaction among peers. As a cutting-edge force in the cross talk industry, Deyun Club's innovative attempts made the traditional cross talk groups feel a sense of crisis, and then adopted the means of "crowding out". In this process, the official will inevitably adopt a cautious wait-and-see attitude, which can not completely deny the innovative achievements of Deyun Club, but also be wary of its possible "conservative" tendencies.

On the other hand, there are also some issues worthy of attention within Deyun Club. For example, some controversial words and deeds of the leading figure Guo Degang himself are easy to trigger criticism and suppression from peers and officials. These problems have undoubtedly added some uncertainties to Deyun Club's situation.

Deyun Club and Guo Degang are in danger! Cross talk peers and officials don't take them to play anymore!

It can be said that the current predicament faced by Deyun Club and Guo Degang is not only the pressure of the external environment, but also some shortcomings in their own development process. These factors are intertwined, casting a dark cloud over the prospects of Deyun Club.

So, in the face of such a predicament, how should Deyun Club and Guo Degang break the situation? I think the key lies in the following aspects:

First of all, Deyun Club should face up to its own problems and take the initiative to rectify and correct. We cannot simply blame the contradictions on the suppression of peers and officials, but have the courage to face our own shortcomings and shortcomings. Only by constantly improving ourselves can we win the recognition and respect of more people.

Deyun Club and Guo Degang are in danger! Cross talk peers and officials don't take them to play anymore!

Secondly, Deyun Club should take the initiative to communicate and coordinate with peers and even officials to resolve differences and contradictions. After all, the development of the cross talk industry requires the joint efforts of all parties, and we cannot rest on our laurels. It is only through communication and exchange that we can find common ground and achieve reconciliation.

Thirdly, Deyun Club should further innovate its own art forms and expressions, so that the art of cross talk can better be close to the pulse of the times and the needs of the masses. It is necessary to respect the tradition, but also have the courage to pioneer and innovate, which is the key to the sustainable development of cross talk art.

Deyun Club and Guo Degang are in danger! Cross talk peers and officials don't take them to play anymore!

Finally, Guo Degang, as the leader of Deyun Club, also needs to be more cautious and self-disciplined in words and deeds, and establish a good image by example. Only the leaders of Deyun Club can lead the team with a high sense of social responsibility and ethics, and Deyun Club can truly win the trust and support of the audience.

In short, in the face of the current predicament, both Deyun Club and Guo Degang need to make positive changes and adjustments. Only through self-improvement and active communication can external pressures be resolved and a brighter future can be dissolved. I believe that as long as Deyun Club and Guo Degang can do this, they will be able to regain the recognition of their peers and officials, and continue to write a glorious chapter in the cross talk industry.

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