
"Self-control" dismantling the book: Self-control is self-discipline, which is an antidote to life

author:Open the book every day - Zhishu sauce

Have you ever vowed to do something, only to give up again and again under the temptation of your phone and computer?

After watching the movie "Hot and Hot", have you ever made up your mind to lose weight, but you lost in front of food?

If your answer is yes, then you may be facing a seemingly simple but difficult problem to overcome – self-control.

Self-control is like a guardian in our brain, helping us make the right choices in the face of temptations and challenges. However, this guardian is not always so powerful, and sometimes it needs our help.

The book "Self-Control" is a guide on how to cultivate and strengthen this guardian.

"Self-control" dismantling the book: Self-control is self-discipline, which is an antidote to life

The book mentions that self-control is not innate, but can be improved through hard work. Even if we are not good at self-control right now, there is no need to be discouraged, because as long as we are willing to put in the effort, we will definitely become better.

For example, the book mentions that eating a healthy diet can help us improve our self-control. You may think that whether or not you eat junk food has anything to do with self-control, but in fact, our eating habits have a direct impact on how our brains work. When we consume too much sugar and fat, the brain becomes sluggish and self-control naturally decreases. So, choosing healthy snacks, such as nuts and fruits, will not only keep us in shape, but also keep our brains clearer.

In addition, the author suggests a lot of good habits that can help us improve our willpower:

1. Stress is only harmful if you think it's harmful. When you encounter a stressful situation, don't be afraid and develop a calm mind. Think of it this way: taking stress helps my health and vitality; Dealing with stress improves my performance and efficiency; Being under pressure pushes me to learn and grow; The effects of stress are positive and should be harnessed.

2. Don't habitually avoid stress. Trying to escape stress can greatly reduce happiness, life satisfaction, and happiness. In addition, often escaping stress can lead to loneliness. The more determined you are to avoid stress, the easier it is to fall into a downward spiral.

"Self-control" dismantling the book: Self-control is self-discipline, which is an antidote to life

3. Learn to turn pressure into strength. When you feel your heart pounding or your breath is short, realize that it's your body trying to provide you with energy. If you notice tension in your body, remind yourself that the stress response is allowing you to receive strength. Sweaty palms? The palms of the hands will only sweat when you are close to what you desire. If you have stomach cramps, know that it's a signal of meaning. Spasms are your gut feeling saying, "This is important. No matter what stress feels like, stop anxiously trying to get rid of it, and focus on what you can do with the energy, the motivation that stress gives you. Your body is providing resources to help you cope with challenges. Instead of taking a deep breath to calm down, take a deep breath and feel the energy you can absorb. Then use it and ask yourself, "What can I do?"

4. Learn to regulate your emotions. Emotional states affect the brain's chemical balance and the secretion of neurotransmitters, which in turn affects our ability to make decisions and control our behavior. Positive emotions can stimulate the brain's reward system, increasing motivation and self-control, while negative emotions can lead to distraction and decreased decision-making ability.

5. Consciously observe every decision you make in your daily life, especially those that require the use of willpower. This process can help us better understand our habit patterns, trigger points, and possible weaknesses.

First of all, we need to realize that we are faced with many choices that require self-control throughout the day. Whenever we are faced with such a choice, we can make a simple record in our diary, mobile app, or computer. The content of the record may include specific choices as well as our final decision. By regularly reviewing these records, we can spot some patterns. For example, we may find ourselves more likely to give up a healthy diet at night or more easily distracted at a particular time period. Once we understand these patterns, we can develop strategies to deal with them. For example, if we find ourselves prone to eating junk food at night, we can prepare a healthy dinner ahead of time or schedule some activities that don't involve food during that time period.

"Self-control" dismantling the book: Self-control is self-discipline, which is an antidote to life

Willpower is not a subjective attitude, but a physiological activity based on the prefrontal lobe of the brain and the body.

Your self-control is weak, but it's a common human trait, and recognizing this is the first step to improving your self-control.

By dealing positively with stress and developing a set of good self-control habits, we will feel more confident in ourselves.

As the book says: self-control is self-discipline, which is an antidote to life.

Self-control, self-emotion management, personality, aura, love philosophy, life philosophy, time management, books about self-discipline ¥9.9 Buy