
"You are helping your son, and it has nothing to do with me" 1 week after the mother-in-law left, the daughter-in-law: Mom, I was wrong

author:Mature milk tea 3NW

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"You are helping your son, and it has nothing to do with me" 1 week after the mother-in-law left, the daughter-in-law: Mom, I was wrong

My name is Xiao Zhang, I am 30 years old, and I am a white-collar worker. I live in this three-bedroom home with my husband Xiao Ming, my 8-year-old son Xiao Zhao, my 65-year-old father-in-law, Mr. Zhang, and my 63-year-old mother-in-law, Mrs. Wang.

Life is barely enough, going to and from work every day, doing housework, and taking care of the children. It's hard work, but I've never felt anything unsatisfied. Until recently, my mother-in-law was always pointing fingers at me and always felt that I was not good enough.

"Xiao Zhang, look at the mess at home, can't you clean it up?" The mother-in-law sat on the sofa, pointed to a few cookie crumbs on the ground, and said with a frown.

I was cooking in the kitchen, and I quickly put down my work and squatted down to take a closer look. "What's the mess? I clean up every day. I explained, a little aggrieved.

"You can't even see this little thing, how do you say you do with housework?" The mother-in-law shook her head, her tone very dissatisfied.

When I heard this, my heart suddenly felt sad. I do take care of the housework very hard, but my mother-in-law just can't see my efforts. I lowered my head and said no more.

"You are helping your son, and it has nothing to do with me" 1 week after the mother-in-law left, the daughter-in-law: Mom, I was wrong

In the evening, my husband Xiao Ming came back from work and saw that I was not very happy, so he asked me what was wrong. I told him the truth what my mother-in-law said during the day.

"Mom is just hard-mouthed, don't take it too seriously. Xiao Ming comforted me, "You have worked hard, I can see it." "

Xiao Ming's words made me feel a little relieved, but I knew that my mother-in-law's attitude was not a matter of one or two days.

At noon, my mother-in-law was angry with me again. This time, it was because I made a lunch that she didn't think was fresh enough.

"Look at these greens, they're all almost yellow! How many times have I said you, you have to buy fresh vegetables!" The mother-in-law pointed to the greens on the plate and scolded.

I looked at the green greens, and I really didn't understand what was not fresh. But I didn't dare to refute my mother-in-law, so I could only bow my head and admit my mistake: "I'm sorry mother-in-law, I'll pay attention next time." "

"You are helping your son, and it has nothing to do with me" 1 week after the mother-in-law left, the daughter-in-law: Mom, I was wrong

My mother-in-law's face softened a little, but I knew that her dissatisfaction with me was far from over.

I couldn't stop crying.

At this moment, Xiao Zhao ran out and saw me crying, so he immediately asked, "Mom, what's wrong with you?"

I quickly wiped away my tears, not wanting my child to worry. "It's okay, Mom is just sentimental for a while. "

Xiao Zhao was not fooled by me, he said: "Mom, mother-in-law is just unforgiving." You've worked hard, don't take it too seriously. "

When I heard the child's words, tears flowed out of my eyes again. I nodded vigorously, but I choked up and couldn't speak.

"You are helping your son, and it has nothing to do with me" 1 week after the mother-in-law left, the daughter-in-law: Mom, I was wrong

And just like that, the days passed. My mother-in-law's accusations against me did not stop, but became more and more frequent. Sometimes it's that the food I cook is not to her taste, sometimes it's that I don't discipline my children properly, and sometimes that I don't clean up my house enough.

I know that my mother-in-law is old, and it is normal for her to be picky in some places. But her words were like a merciless whip, struck me again and again, and tormented me.

There were a few times when I couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to refute my mother-in-law's unreasonable accusations. But every time I came to my lips and saw her categorical expression, I swallowed back the words that came to my lips.

I don't want to go head-on with my mother-in-law, that would only make the situation worse. But I do think she's too me and too demanding.

This contradictory mood was tangled and tumbling in my heart, and I wanted to move out several times to stay away from my mother-in-law's "sugar-coated cannonballs".

But every time I think of Xiao Zhao, I dismiss this idea again. I don't want to affect my children's lives because of the conflict between myself and my mother-in-law. Xiao Zhao is too young and needs a complete family environment.

"You are helping your son, and it has nothing to do with me" 1 week after the mother-in-law left, the daughter-in-law: Mom, I was wrong

Therefore, I can only endure the grievances in my heart and continue to run around at home and take care of the housework.

Just when I was in great pain, an unexpected thing happened that brought my relationship with my mother-in-law to a freezing point.

At noon that day, I prepared lunch for everyone as usual. The greens are fresh and the dishes are rich and varied. I thought my mother-in-law wouldn't be fussy about anything this time.

Who knows, when everyone sat down to eat, my mother-in-law still had something to say about my craft.

"This fish is too old, and the flesh is old! Xiao Zhang, won't you see if the fish is fresh?" The mother-in-law frowned and said in an unkind tone.

Hearing this, my fire finally burned brightly. I almost gritted my teeth and responded, "Mother-in-law, I've really done my best! This fish was just bought in the morning, and it's so fresh! You're just being too me!"

"You are helping your son, and it has nothing to do with me" 1 week after the mother-in-law left, the daughter-in-law: Mom, I was wrong

My retort seemed to offend my mother-in-law, and her face sank with a single brush. "You still have the face to hit me?!" She snapped.

"Nothing just! You just look down on my old bones!" My mother-in-law stood up and glared at me angrily, "In that case, I will move out today, so that you and I don't look at each other unpleasantly every day!"

With that, she strode into the bedroom and began to pack her things.

"What is there to talk about? You and I have long been out of the question!" My mother-in-law shook off my hand, her face full of anger, "I've decided, I'll move out, you can do whatever you like!"

I watched my mother-in-law drag her suitcase and resolutely walk out of the house, feeling mixed feelings. On the one hand, I feel relieved that I no longer have to endure my mother-in-law's unreasonable accusations. But on the other hand, I felt a little guilty and uneasy in my heart.

Although my mother-in-law has an eccentric temper, she is my elder after all, and our relationship should not be so troublesome. But now that it's like this, I don't know how to undo it.

"You are helping your son, and it has nothing to do with me" 1 week after the mother-in-law left, the daughter-in-law: Mom, I was wrong

Xiao Zhao saw her mother-in-law leave, and she was at a loss. "Mom, mother-in-law, where is she going?"

I lowered my head and was speechless. Tears welled up in his eyes again.

Just when I was heartbroken, Xiao Ming came back from work. He saw the scene in the room, and his face was full of surprise.

"What's going on, Mom, where did she go?" He hurriedly asked me.

I wiped my tears and told him the truth about what had happened today. After hearing this, Xiao Ming let out a long sigh.

"Alas, it's all the fault of our juniors, so that my mother has been wronged at this age. He took my hand and said helplessly, "Forget it, I'll pick her up when she's in a better mood." "

"You are helping your son, and it has nothing to do with me" 1 week after the mother-in-law left, the daughter-in-law: Mom, I was wrong

I nodded, tears welling up in my heart. I was wrong, I was really wrong. I was the one who knew my mother-in-law's temper best, but I couldn't do anything at this juncture, and I let her leave the house so sadly.

I began to regret it, and I regretted that I had an argument with my mother-in-law at that time. I should have been a little more patient, a little gentler, and not so aggressive against her.

I began to hate my impulsiveness and willfulness, which made me hurt one of my closest people. If I could do it all over again, I would definitely choose to bow my head and apologize instead of confronting my mother-in-law.

However, everything has happened, and I have no choice but to regret it. I can only wait patiently for the day when my mother-in-law will be able to return to our home.

The week after my mother-in-law left, I was in a trance. When I go to work during the day, I am always absent-minded, thinking about the scene of the day over and over again. Just thinking of my mother-in-law's angry look and resolute tone, my guilt was like a rolling wave, completely drowning me.

When I get home from work, I don't have the heart to do any housework. The house was littered with debris, and dust swirled in the sun. I sat down on the couch and let the mess continue to spread.

"You are helping your son, and it has nothing to do with me" 1 week after the mother-in-law left, the daughter-in-law: Mom, I was wrong

Xiao Zhao also looked a little depressed when he saw the situation at home. "Mom, mother-in-law, hasn't she come back yet?" He asked me every now and then.

I shook my head, my eyes moistening uncontrollably again. Seeing this, Xiao Zhao could only walk away helplessly.

And just like that, the days passed in my self-reproach and pain. Xiao Ming advised me to calm down first, after all, my mother-in-law is old, and her temper will inevitably be more stubborn. But I can't let go.

I began to regret it, and I regretted my attitude at the time. I was so arrogant that I thought I had done enough to understand my mother-in-law's kindness. I'm just an ignorant and disrespectful daughter-in-law.

Just when my emotions hit rock bottom, a small episode happened that gave me some revelation inside me.

That day, when Xiao Zhao came back from school, he saw that I was once again in a deep self-blame, and he suddenly said something that I will remember for the rest of my life.

"You are helping your son, and it has nothing to do with me" 1 week after the mother-in-law left, the daughter-in-law: Mom, I was wrong

"Mom, don't blame yourself too much. Xiao Zhao sat next to me and said very immaturely, "Although my mother-in-law has high requirements for you, she actually does that because she loves you." "

I was stunned, deeply touched by my son's words. Yes, the reason why my mother-in-law is so harsh on me is actually out of kindness. She wants me to do better and live better.

"If your mother-in-law really doesn't love you, she won't be so critical of you. Xiao Zhao continued, "You should cherish your mother-in-law's love for you, and not blame yourself for her love." "

My tears flowed down my eyes at this moment. It turned out that I had always misunderstood my mother-in-law's intentions. I thought she was so critical because she couldn't get used to me, but in fact, she was out of love for me.

I suddenly realized how lucky I was to have such attention and attention from my mother-in-law. But I didn't cherish it, but turned a blind eye to her harsh love, which led to today's results.

I told myself that I must correct my shortcomings and face my mother-in-law again with a humble heart. We can't turn a blind eye to her kindness anymore, as we did in the past.

"You are helping your son, and it has nothing to do with me" 1 week after the mother-in-law left, the daughter-in-law: Mom, I was wrong

From that day on, I was determined to do my best to regain my mother-in-law's trust and affection.

Next, I began to pay attention to my mother-in-law's daily routine and eating habits. I carefully recorded her favorite dishes, and prepared her usual health soup on time every day.

Sometimes, I would go out of my way to buy some of her favorite snacks and put them on the table waiting for her to come back. Although there are only three of us left, I still insist on leaving a meal for my mother-in-law every day to show my sincerity.

In addition to these practical actions, I am also determined to get rid of those previous shortcomings. For example, we should learn to be more tolerant of criticism of our mother-in-law and stop being as stubborn as before. Another example is to try to meet her requirements, rather than turning a blind eye.

In this way, little by little, I am fulfilling my promise. Sometimes it feels like it's hard to get along, but I've never wavered in my determination. I vowed to use my actions to win back my mother-in-law's trust in me.

Finally, with all my sincerity and sincerity, a piece of good news came that made me cry with joy.

"You are helping your son, and it has nothing to do with me" 1 week after the mother-in-law left, the daughter-in-law: Mom, I was wrong

That afternoon, Xiao Ming suddenly called and said that my mother-in-law was going to come back! My mood was suddenly extremely happy, and I hurriedly cleaned the house again.

When it was dark, my mother-in-law finally stepped into the house. When I saw that she was still familiar, I couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Mother-in-law, I was wrong, really wrong. I stepped forward to give my mother-in-law a big gift and said sincerely, "Don't leave again, I will definitely correct my shortcomings and be filial to you!"

The mother-in-law was stunned, and then showed a long-lost smile. "Okay, it's all our own people, what are you talking about?" She stretched out her hand and pulled me up, and her tone was much softer, "In the future, you and I will get along well and tolerate each other." "

I nodded, tears streaming down my face. I sincerely thank my mother-in-law for her tolerance and am sincerely glad that I have lived up to her expectations.

Since then, my relationship with my mother-in-law has been on the right track. I learned to be considerate of her temperament, and she began to appreciate my intentions.

"You are helping your son, and it has nothing to do with me" 1 week after the mother-in-law left, the daughter-in-law: Mom, I was wrong

With mutual understanding, there is no longer any disagreement between us. My mother-in-law stopped pointing fingers at me, and I was happy to worry more about her. In this way, our family lived a happy life and enjoyed the joy of family.

When my mother-in-law returned home, I was relieved. I vowed to cherish this hard-won opportunity, be filial to my mother-in-law, and make up for my previous mistakes.

Since then, my attitude towards housework has changed dramatically. I no longer see housework as a burden, but with a reverent heart.

Every morning, I would prepare my mother-in-law's favorite soy milk fritters. I was extra careful when cooking, lest any mistake might affect her appetite.

Before going to work, I will help my mother-in-law prepare three meals for the day. I prepare her favourite home-cooked dishes and carefully divide them into insulated boxes to make sure they are still steaming hot when they reach her.

When I get home from work, I start preparing dinner for the whole family. At this time, my mother-in-law would often point fingers and sigh at the way I cooked. In the past, I might have been reluctant to do this, but now I have learned to accept my mother-in-law's advice wholeheartedly.

"You are helping your son, and it has nothing to do with me" 1 week after the mother-in-law left, the daughter-in-law: Mom, I was wrong

Sometimes she would say that there was too much salt in this dish, and sometimes she would think that my cutting skills were rusty. No matter what she says, I will be humble and correct it next time.

In this way, under the guidance of my mother-in-law, my cooking level has been greatly improved unconsciously. I'm starting to enjoy working in the kitchen more and more, because it gives me an inexplicable sense of accomplishment.

In addition to cooking, I am also paying more and more attention to household chores. Every day when I do housework, I pay extra attention to it, for fear of missing a corner. Although her mother-in-law is old, her presbyopia is not ambiguous at all. At the slightest bit of untidiness in the house, she would find out and reprimand me.

Once, when I had just finished cleaning the living room and was complacent admiring my masterpiece, my mother-in-law suddenly said, "Xiao Zhang, look at the windowsill, why is there still dust?"

I hurriedly looked, and sure enough, there was indeed a thin layer of dust on the windowsill. I was a little ashamed, so I quickly picked up the rag and wiped it again.

Since then, I have been paying special attention to the often neglected areas such as window sills and door frames when cleaning, for fear of being negligent again. My mother-in-law also praised me for my serious and responsible attitude.

"You are helping your son, and it has nothing to do with me" 1 week after the mother-in-law left, the daughter-in-law: Mom, I was wrong

"You have to take good care of your house, like a good housewife. She used to say to me, "I'm counting on you." "

Whenever I hear my mother-in-law's praise like this, my heart will spring up with warmth. I know that my mother-in-law has sincere expectations for me, so I have to do my best to live up to her trust.

In addition to housework, I also put more effort into my children's education. Xiao Zhao's academic performance has never been satisfactory, and I often feel sad about it. Although my mother-in-law didn't say anything directly, I could tell from her eyes that she was not satisfied.

In order to improve Xiao Zhao's grades, I began to accompany him to review his homework every night. Although my knowledge is limited, I still do my best to explain every knowledge point patiently and meticulously.

This series of "style construction" really made Xiao Zhao suffer a lot. Sometimes he thinks I'm too strict and gets into a childish tantrum with me. But I never wavered in my resolve because I knew it was all for his good.

Slowly, with the joint efforts of my mother-in-law and me, Xiao Zhao's academic performance finally improved. His habits have also changed dramatically, and he is no longer as idle and idle as before.

Seeing these improvements in her grandson, the mother-in-law's face is always full of relief. Sometimes, she would even take the initiative to pull Xiao Zhao to sit down and explain some allusions or philosophies to inspire his wisdom.

I watched from the sidelines, and my heart was extremely moved. I know that the reason why my mother-in-law is so attentive to us is because of a sincere heart. She sincerely hopes that we can live better and learn more, and this kind of love cannot be bought by any money.

In this way, under the guidance of my mother-in-law, our family's life is getting more and more on track. I learned to treat housework with heart, to be filial to my mother-in-law with love, and to teach my children with patience. And my mother-in-law slowly let go of the previous paranoia and began to truly appreciate our efforts and progress.

With mutual understanding and tolerance, there will be no more disagreements between us. Instead, there is a kind of warmth that brings our little family together.

It was in this happy atmosphere that we spent years and months. Xiao Zhao's academic performance continued to climb, and he finally got his wish and was admitted to a good university; My father-in-law and mother-in-law have also been in good health and have not been tortured too much by their age.

And Xiao Ming and I are growing old together in this big family full of love. Every time I look at the happy appearance of the family, I will thank my mother-in-law for her unintentional accusation. It is precisely because of her "strict love" that I finally embarked on the road of filial piety and reaped the happy life I have today.

Yes, although my mother-in-law is a little stricter with me, it is because of her deep affection. We should learn to be grateful for this kind of love and not turn a blind eye to it. Only by responding with tolerance and understanding can we enjoy the sweetness of family happiness.

"You are helping your son, and it has nothing to do with me" 1 week after the mother-in-law left, the daughter-in-law: Mom, I was wrong