
Xi Mengyao angrily scolded He Youjun on the street, and the man was still yelled at several times for peace Netizen: I haven't seen a wealthy family

author:Qingyun's life


Wow, you must have a hard time believing it! Today, a fierce "battle of love" drama was staged on the streets! That's right, it was the enviable and sweet couple Xi Mengyao and He Youjun who actually "collided emotionally" on the street and quarreled fiercely! What happened to make this long-awaited loving CP fall to the point of public "quarrel"?

Let's uncover the mystery of this "sweet battle"! All the witnesses at the scene were stunned by this scene. The Xi Mengyao and He Youjun I usually see are always glue-like and sweet, and it is hard to imagine that they will have such a fierce dispute. It is reported that the picture at that time was comparable to the scene of a TV series,

Xi Mengyao angrily scolded He Youjun on the street, and the man was still yelled at several times for peace Netizen: I haven't seen a wealthy family

Xi Mengyao looked angry and kept yelling at He Youjun, while He Youjun tried hard to appease her, and his movements were gentle and considerate. But as much as they seem to be trying to solve the problem, they end up passing by and scattering the "pieces of love" on the ground. This made passers-by who witnessed the whole process sigh: It turns out that there will be such a small contradiction between husband and wife!

What is even more surprising is that this long-awaited celebrity couple will "collide emotionally" on the street, causing such a fierce quarrel. We know that in public, they have always maintained an image of sweet affection and rarely show negative emotions. So when such a scene was filmed, it quickly sparked widespread heated discussions and discussions among netizens.

Xi Mengyao angrily scolded He Youjun on the street, and the man was still yelled at several times for peace Netizen: I haven't seen a wealthy family

Some people believe that this is just a small friction between ordinary couples, reflecting their real interactions; Some people are very surprised, thinking that this pair of celebrities, who usually seem to be very affectionate, would "quarrel" in public. So, what is the reason that has brought this sweet celebrity couple to such a point? Judging from the witnesses at the scene,

It seems that Mr. Xi Mengyao got angry and launched a fierce attack on He Youjun. And He Youjun tried to defuse his wife's anger with a gentle attitude, but in the end he returned home. Could it be that this pair of celebrity CPs who seem to be in love also have unspeakable contradictions and estrangements in their hearts?

Xi Mengyao angrily scolded He Youjun on the street, and the man was still yelled at several times for peace Netizen: I haven't seen a wealthy family

You must know that in the entertainment industry, it is very important to maintain a perfect love image. Celebrities often need to carefully plan and curate their public image, trying to avoid exposing any negative emotions. But obviously, Xi Mengyao and He Youjun's efforts in this regard did not fully achieve the expected results. This "sweet battle" on the street,

not only exposed their personal conflicts in front of everyone, but also caused the outside world to question their emotional status. After all, having an argument in such a public setting doesn't seem like the behavior of a loving couple. However, even celebrities cannot escape the small conflicts between husband and wife.

Xi Mengyao angrily scolded He Youjun on the street, and the man was still yelled at several times for peace Netizen: I haven't seen a wealthy family

It is inevitable that there will be some trivial problems in life, and there will be some disagreements and disputes, which is normal. The key is for both spouses to learn to resolve these conflicts through understanding, communication and compromise to maintain a good relationship. Xi Mengyao and He Youjun are no exception, they once revealed in a program that they will adopt a "mind map" method to solve problems in the event of a dispute.

This unique way of communicating may be the secret of their emotional harmony. So, in the end, in this "sweet battle" on the street, will they be able to use this method to quickly find a consensus and resolve the contradictions?

Xi Mengyao angrily scolded He Youjun on the street, and the man was still yelled at several times for peace Netizen: I haven't seen a wealthy family

However, I believe that as long as they continue to understand and tolerate each other, even if there are occasional small differences, they will eventually overcome the difficulties and regain their sweetness. After all, for celebrity couples, it is important to maintain a loving public image, but what is more needed is a real emotional foundation.

In general, this "sweet war" undoubtedly set off a small storm in the entertainment industry. It not only gives us a more realistic understanding of celebrity life, but also makes us realize that even loving couples will inevitably face some small problems and contradictions. But what matters is whether they can resolve these conflicts in the right way and maintain a good relationship.

Xi Mengyao angrily scolded He Youjun on the street, and the man was still yelled at several times for peace Netizen: I haven't seen a wealthy family

Let's wait and see how the "sweet CP" pair of Xi Mengyao and He Youjun will end up in the end!


Disclaimer: The content of this article, video, pictures, and articles are all from the Internet, for reference only!