
The earthquake left the student's "Fan Run", and now he drives a luxury car and lives in a mansion, losing his reputation and winning his life

author:Zongzi story meeting

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The earthquake left the student's "Fan Run", and now he drives a luxury car and lives in a mansion, losing his reputation and winning his life

Counterattack life

In 1972, Fan Meizhong was born in an ordinary family in Sichuan. Since he was a child, he witnessed his father punching and kicking his mother, and the whole family was shrouded in fear and gloom.

However, these did not crush Fan Meizhong's indomitable will, but became the driving force for him to strive upward.

When he was young, Fan Meizhong was always determined to get rid of poverty. In secondary school, he showed an extraordinary talent for learning and excelled in his grades. Relying on his excellent academic performance, he was finally admitted to the history department of Peking University, one of the top universities in China.

The earthquake left the student's "Fan Run", and now he drives a luxury car and lives in a mansion, losing his reputation and winning his life

After entering Peking University, this young man showed a very different side. He began to indulge his rebellious character, violated the school rules and regulations, and repeatedly challenged authority, causing an uproar on campus.

For example, during military training, he openly brought cigarettes into the campus, and this "triad" behavior made all teachers and students dumbfounded.

Despite the controversy, Fan Meizhong has not changed his style because of this. He still adheres to his unique values and philosophy, and moves forward without fear.

It wasn't until the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 that his life ushered in a key turning point.

The earthquake left the student's "Fan Run", and now he drives a luxury car and lives in a mansion, losing his reputation and winning his life

At the critical moment when the earthquake struck suddenly, Fan Meizhong was in the classroom. In the face of the sudden and strong tremors, he first kept his calm, thinking that it was only a temporary paroxysmal tremor.

He calmed the anxious students while waiting for the situation to develop further.

However, the subsequent tremors grew stronger, and Pham immediately realized that the earthquake could have devastating consequences. Without the slightest hesitation, he jumped out of the classroom window and led the other students out of the danger zone.

It wasn't until he arrived safely at the playground that Fan Meizhong realized that he had become the first person to successfully evacuate.

The earthquake left the student's "Fan Run", and now he drives a luxury car and lives in a mansion, losing his reputation and winning his life

Although this behavior eventually caused widespread controversy and questioning, Fan Meizhong was unmoved. He frankly stated that the escape was just an instinctive reaction, and insisted that he would never risk saving others, but would give everything for his daughter.

In the face of angry appeals from the parents of the students, he remained open-minded and calm, as if he did not care about the evaluation of the world.

A turning point in life

Although Fan Meizhong's escape from the Wenchuan earthquake was widely condemned, he did not give up his beliefs and pursuits. On the contrary, with his wisdom and courage, he finally got out of the predicament and achieved a counterattack in life.

The earthquake left the student's "Fan Run", and now he drives a luxury car and lives in a mansion, losing his reputation and winning his life

After losing her teaching qualifications, Fan Meizhong fell into an unprecedented unemployment situation. Nearly all schools refused to hire him, and there was even a persistent stream of online violence.

But even under all the pressure, he was not discouraged.

After careful consideration, Fan Meizhong decided to start an education and training institution with several like-minded friends. Here, he was able to give full play to his unique teaching philosophy and method, which attracted the attention of a large number of students.

Soon, he made a name for himself among his students and was affectionately known as the "Gold Medal Lecturer".

The earthquake left the student's "Fan Run", and now he drives a luxury car and lives in a mansion, losing his reputation and winning his life

Thanks to her outstanding teaching performance, Fan Meizhong not only solved her financial difficulties, but also achieved a huge improvement in her life. From the original two-bedroom house, to today's luxury four-bedroom and expensive luxury cars, it can be said that from darkness to light.

He also began to frequently take his family on trips and enjoyed a happy life without worrying about food and clothing.

It is worth mentioning that this metamorphosis has not been without its challenges. When he first started his business, Fan Meizhong undoubtedly faced many difficulties and pressures. However, he always insisted on his beliefs and used his strength and determination to build a career.

It is with this tenacity that he finally reaps success and glory.

The earthquake left the student's "Fan Run", and now he drives a luxury car and lives in a mansion, losing his reputation and winning his life

Today's Fan Meizhong has become a successful person in the local area. The controversial "Fan Ranpao" has now taken on a new look, and it can be said that it has gone from darkness to light.

The once overwhelming invective has long since disappeared, but has won more people's understanding and recognition.

Time flies, and 15 years have passed in the blink of an eye. Now people have a deeper understanding of Fan Meizhong's behavior back then, especially those who are old and young, and have a strong resonance with his concept.

In an interview with reporters, Fan Meizhong admitted frankly that he is not a hero, just an ordinary person. He said that in that critical moment of life and death, his only thought was to protect his own life, which was just an instinctive human reaction.

The earthquake left the student's "Fan Run", and now he drives a luxury car and lives in a mansion, losing his reputation and winning his life

He never wanted to be a "hero", and he didn't think he had anything to write about.

Such frankness and freedom are undoubtedly more admirable. Fan Meizhong's life trajectory from poverty to prosperity, and then from darkness to light, is undoubtedly a magnificent inspirational story.

He not only reshaped his life through his own efforts and wisdom, but also embodied the positive values that an ordinary person should have when facing challenges.

The twists and turns of life show values

The earthquake left the student's "Fan Run", and now he drives a luxury car and lives in a mansion, losing his reputation and winning his life

Looking back at Fan Meizhong's life course, it is not difficult to find that he, a seemingly ordinary ordinary person, made an unusual choice at a critical moment, which caused an uproar.

When the Wenchuan earthquake came, Fan Meizhong's first consideration was how to protect his life. While this act was widely condemned at the time, we cannot be harsh on everyone to make the choice of sacrificing themselves to save others in times of crisis.

After all, protecting one's own life is the first priority of human instinct.

As Fan Meizhong said, his idea at that time was to live. In the face of an earthquake that could have devastating consequences, his only judgment was to flee quickly, not hesitate.

The earthquake left the student's "Fan Run", and now he drives a luxury car and lives in a mansion, losing his reputation and winning his life

This instinctive reaction is not out of timidity or lack of responsibility, but precisely reflects the sense of self-protection of an ordinary person in a life-and-death situation. From this point of view, we should not judge his actions too harshly, but should be more understanding and tolerant.

Even in the face of great criticism and condemnation, Fan Meizhong was not moved at all, but used his actions to defend his values. He said frankly that he would never risk saving others, but would sacrifice his life for his daughter.

This open-minded and optimistic attitude also reflects his perseverance.

Although he eventually lost his teaching qualifications, Fan Meizhong did not give up, but founded his own education and training institution with his own unique teaching philosophy and methods.

The earthquake left the student's "Fan Run", and now he drives a luxury car and lives in a mansion, losing his reputation and winning his life

Here, he demonstrated extraordinary business acumen and execution, and soon became a "gold medal lecturer". In just 15 years, he has successfully achieved a counterattack from poverty to prosperity, with a luxury RV and a colorful life.

This transition from darkness to light in life is undoubtedly admirable. Not only did he succeed in getting out of his financial predicament with his wisdom and courage, but he also regained social recognition.

This once again shows that even in the face of great pressure and criticism, as long as you stick to your values and face challenges with a positive and optimistic attitude, you will eventually usher in your own bright path.

Looking back on Fan Meizhong's life process, we have to sigh that this is not only an inspirational story of a talented individual, but also a tortuous legend of an ordinary person who finally achieved a career by virtue of his tenacious will and survival instinct.

The earthquake left the student's "Fan Run", and now he drives a luxury car and lives in a mansion, losing his reputation and winning his life

The positive values embodied in this are undoubtedly worth learning and practicing by each of us.

Whether it is Fan Meizhong's key choice in the earthquake, or the unique attitude he still adheres to after the storm of public opinion, or his final transformation from unemployment to success, all show what kind of mentality and courage an ordinary person should have when facing various challenges in life.

We cannot expect everyone to sacrifice themselves in times of crisis, but we should learn to appreciate and respect everyone's most instinctive response to life-and-death decisions.

It is this cherishing and defending of life that is the most basic human value.

The earthquake left the student's "Fan Run", and now he drives a luxury car and lives in a mansion, losing his reputation and winning his life

At the same time, Fan Meizhong's spirit of never giving up and having the courage to fight is also worth learning and emulating from each of us. Even in the darkest days, as long as you stick to your beliefs, you believe that you will be able to get out of the haze and regain your glory.

This is exactly the positive value that an ordinary person should have, and it is also the life goal that each of us should strive for.

After all, the value of life is never about whether you are smooth sailing, but whether you can remain optimistic and resilient in the face of adversity. Only with this unswerving attitude to face all kinds of changes in life can we finally reap our own happiness and achievements.

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