
Stubborn insomnia, the prescription of the old Chinese medicine at the bottom of the box, the Chinese medicine is radiant, light and uneven

author:The old Chinese medicine doctor said that the sentiment

Hello, I am a Chinese medicine person, Zhou Guangbai.

I've talked a lot about insomnia.

However, I think that in the face of various cases in the field of traditional Chinese medicine treatment of insomnia, we should still write more to you.

In particular, the experience of some famous experts and people in the treatment of sleeplessness should be more familiar and understood by us.

As the saying goes, one more way, one more way.

Stubborn insomnia, the prescription of the old Chinese medicine at the bottom of the box, the Chinese medicine is radiant, light and uneven

Let me tell you what method is there? That is, the idea of combining dissolving blood stasis and nourishing blood, clearing away heat and calming the nerves. It is particularly fully embodied in the predecessors of Tung Chee-hwa, a master of traditional Chinese medicine.

Once, Dong Lao received a patient. 60 years old, insomnia for more than ten years, almost every night on sleeping pills. But he only managed to sleep for three or four hours. When I woke up, I had a headache, dizziness, upset, and was very mentally and physically exhausted.

What should I do? I can't take sleeping pills like this anymore!

At the moment, the patient's pulse was thin and slightly numerous, the tongue was dark red, and the lichen was slightly greasy. The face is not good-looking, Shaohua.

At that time, the book was a poem. But see—

Stubborn insomnia, the prescription of the old Chinese medicine at the bottom of the box, the Chinese medicine is radiant, light and uneven

Salvia, fried jujube kernels, angelica, raw keel, raw oysters, coptis, gardenia, cypress kernels, shou wu vine, acacia bark, calamus, yuanzhi.

The patient fell asleep on the night he took it without the use of sleeping pills. Other symptoms have also been greatly reduced.

Later, the person took more than 30 doses according to this prescription and slept very well.

Okay, now, let's analyze the patient's situation and the idea of medication.

You see, when this person came to the doctor, his tongue was dark red. What does the dark red tongue mean? Qi and blood are not running smoothly. The patient's pulse is slightly numerous, indicating fever. The moss is slightly greasy, indicating that the patient's body is a little damp.

Stubborn insomnia, the prescription of the old Chinese medicine at the bottom of the box, the Chinese medicine is radiant, light and uneven

Inside, the more obvious is the patient's thermogram. He is upset and impatient, and this is the heat that disturbs the heart. It can be said that people's stubborn insomnia has a lot to do with the heat disturbing the mind. This phenomenon is very common.

Therefore, the idea used at that time was to invigorate the blood, clear away heat and calm the nerves, and dry and damp.

Here, salvia and angelica invigorate the blood, and sour jujube kernels and cypress seeds nourish the heart.

Coptis chinensis and gardenia are responsible for clearing away heat and dampness.

Keel oysters, important to calm the nerves. Shou Wu vine and acacia bark, used to calm the nerves and help sleep. Calamus is far away, calming the nerves, and can dissolve phlegm and turbidity.

Stubborn insomnia, the prescription of the old Chinese medicine at the bottom of the box, the Chinese medicine is radiant, light and uneven

This is the basic idea of medication. Broadly speaking, there are three levels.

Here, I hope you can write down this compatibility. Personally, I think it is valuable for a considerable number of patients with intractable insomnia.

Because of stubborn, perennial insomnia, following the theory of "long-term illness", it is easy to form congestion. When congestion is formed, it is easy to form internal heat. If the liquid is hot and turbid, it is easy to produce phlegm and turbidity.

Therefore, a considerable number of patients with stubborn insomnia have a purple tongue, or a dark red tongue, a little greasy, a partial pulse, and at the same time impatience and paranoia. When something happens, it's very annoying.

At this time, it is still very scientific to deal with Dong Lao's thinking.

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