
If a man wants to live a long and healthy life after the age of 60, he must do the following:

author:Ruyu said that the elderly are healthy

If a man wants to live a long and healthy life after the age of 60, he must do the following:

First, have a healthy diet

After the age of 60, healthy eating habits are too important for the body, some men are fine after retirement, go out to eat and drink every day, do not eat at home, think that eating outside is more glorious, in fact, try to eat at home, cook and eat the best, so as to achieve less salt, less oil and less sugar, it is recommended that men after the age of 60 should eat more fruits and vegetables, whole grain foods, staple food varieties as diverse as possible, but also appropriate increase protein diet, such as eggs, milk, lean meat, etc., but also eat a moderate amount of healthy fats, such as nuts and olive oil, to reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart disease, etc。

If a man wants to live a long and healthy life after the age of 60, he must do the following:

Second, if a man wants to live a long and healthy life after the age of 60, he must abandon bad habits

Some men smoke and drink, and two boxes of cigarettes and drink a lot of alcohol every day, so there will definitely be problems with the body, so we must quit smoking, limit alcohol, don't stay up late, and don't play cards, so as to be able to live a long and healthy life.

Third, if a man wants to live a long and healthy life, he must exercise, whether you are 50 or 60 years old, you should stick to a kind of exercise that you like and can stick to, such as tai chi, playing ball, walking, and walking.

If a man wants to live a long and healthy life after the age of 60, he must do the following:

Fourth, if a man wants to live a long and healthy life after the age of 60, he must bask in the sun more, go outdoors to exercise, bask in the sun, and make the skin produce or produce vitamin D, then vitamin D can promote the absorption of calcium and prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis, so men must go outdoors after the age of 60 to do more activities.

Fifth, if a man wants to live a long and healthy life after the age of 60, I have to control my weight, control my belly, and refuse to have a general's belly. Don't be a big fat man. Eat less fried food, drink less beer, if you are overweight, it will damage the knee joint and lumbar spine, because these joints are under a lot of weight, so they are more likely to be damaged. Being underweight and overweight is not good for your health.

If a man wants to live a long and healthy life after the age of 60, he must do the following:

Sixth, after the age of 60, if a man wants to live a long and healthy life, he must have his own hobbies

If a man wants to live a long and healthy life, he must have his own hobbies, such as singing, writing, drinking tea, and blowing gourd silk.

Seventh, if a man wants to live a long and healthy life after the age of 60, he must have a good attitude

If a man wants to live a long and healthy life, he should be content and happy, be able to control his emotions, not compare, get angry without moving, lose his temper, get older, be calm, look down on everything, and no longer be angry about a little trivial matter, because many diseases are related to emotions, such as stomach cancer, liver cancer, etc., which are closely related to emotions, so we must be optimistic and open-minded, and be at peace with the situation, so as to be able to live a long and healthy life.

If a man wants to live a long and healthy life after the age of 60, he must do the following: