
The man took lipid-lowering drugs for 3 years and almost lost his life!Doctor: I don't want kidney failure, don't do it again

author:Director Xu Health said

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"You said that at our age, don't we just want to be healthy. ”

Wang Daming, an ordinary accountant, started taking lipid-lowering drugs three years ago because of high blood lipids, and on this day he suddenly felt abdominal discomfort and hurriedly went to the hospital.

The man took lipid-lowering drugs for 3 years and almost lost his life!Doctor: I don't want kidney failure, don't do it again

Wang Daming usually doesn't talk much, but when he mentions his high blood cholesterol and his experience of taking medicine over the years, he talks endlessly. He is a person who is a good accountant, but in private he knows little about medical knowledge, and he listened to the neighbor's theory of "medicine to cure the disease", and as a result, not only did his blood lipids not go down, but he almost took his own life.

The man took lipid-lowering drugs for 3 years and almost lost his life!Doctor: I don't want kidney failure, don't do it again

At the hospital, after some examination, the doctor told him solemnly: "If you don't want kidney failure, you have to pay attention to a few points in terms of medicine and diet." When Wang Daming heard this, he was half frightened, and hurriedly took out a small notebook to take notes.

The doctor continued: "Did you know that many people mistakenly think that as long as they take lipid-lowering drugs, they can sit back and relax and eat whatever they want, but it turns out to be counterproductive. Wang Daming nodded like pounding garlic, isn't this his portrayal?

The man took lipid-lowering drugs for 3 years and almost lost his life!Doctor: I don't want kidney failure, don't do it again

"First of all, lipid-lowering drugs are not a panacea, they need to be combined with a reasonable diet and moderate exercise to exert the maximum effect. Relying too much on drugs and ignoring lifestyle changes is a common mistake made by many patients with hyperlipidemia. The doctor continued to explain, and every sentence was like a small hammer in Wang Daming's heart.

The man took lipid-lowering drugs for 3 years and almost lost his life!Doctor: I don't want kidney failure, don't do it again

Then, the doctor began to explain a point that seems to have nothing to do with lowering blood lipids, but has a great impact on health: the importance of sleep. "You may think that this has nothing to do with high blood lipids, but in fact, getting enough sleep is very important to control blood lipid levels, and sleep deprivation can lead to metabolic disorders in the body, which can affect blood lipid levels. ”

The man took lipid-lowering drugs for 3 years and almost lost his life!Doctor: I don't want kidney failure, don't do it again

Doctors explain in detail why sleep is just as important for lowering blood lipids. He mentions several studies that show that the proportion of people with high blood lipids is much higher in people who have been sleep deprived for a long time than those who get enough sleep. He also stressed that sleep deprivation can affect the body's sensitivity to insulin, which increases the accumulation of body fat and the production of blood lipids.

The man took lipid-lowering drugs for 3 years and almost lost his life!Doctor: I don't want kidney failure, don't do it again

"In fact, improving sleep quality, such as ensuring 7 to 8 hours of high-quality sleep a day, can not only help you control your blood lipids, but also improve your mood and strengthen the function of your immune system. The doctor's words made Wang Daming suddenly realize.

Then, the doctor also advised Wang Daming to pay attention to the fat intake in the diet, especially the control of saturated fat and trans fat, and increase the intake of foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as deep-sea fish, which is very helpful for reducing blood lipids.

The man took lipid-lowering drugs for 3 years and almost lost his life!Doctor: I don't want kidney failure, don't do it again

After saying all this, the doctor looked at Wang Daming, as if waiting for his question. Wang Daming thought for a while and asked, "Then how should I arrange my diet and exercise so that I can control my blood lipids without affecting my quality of life?"

The doctor smiled and said, "That's a good question. In fact, a balanced diet and regular aerobic exercise are key. For example, you can try walking or biking for 30 minutes a day while cutting back on high-fat, high-sugar foods and eating more vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. This can not only help you control your weight, but also effectively reduce blood lipids. ”

The man took lipid-lowering drugs for 3 years and almost lost his life!Doctor: I don't want kidney failure, don't do it again

After hearing this, Wang Daming felt that he had gained a lot, and he understood that medicine alone was not enough, and changing his lifestyle was the long-term solution. On the way out of the hospital, he was already planning his health plan.

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The man took lipid-lowering drugs for 3 years and almost lost his life!Doctor: I don't want kidney failure, don't do it again