
There are more and more grassroots female village cadres! This is not accidental, the core reason is actually here!

author:Sharp review

When I was chatting with a village cadre today, I casually asked, "How many cadres are there in your village, and are they tired from work?" Unexpectedly, I suddenly opened her chatterbox, and she told me that the tasks in the village are particularly heavy now. In fact, although the staff itself is not as good as the dozens of people in the neighborhood committees in the city, in fact, there are about 6 to 10 village departments in the countryside, but many people come and go, and those who can work seriously are actually only a few people, and the key is that they are all lesbians. She told me that most of the tasks in the village now need to be operated by computers, and many gay men are not good at computers, and they can't sit down, so there are other things that gay men need to deal with. For example, disputes between some villagers, such as some demolition and stability maintenance, such as going to the village to urge everyone to pay fees, etc.

There are more and more grassroots female village cadres! This is not accidental, the core reason is actually here!

In fact, seeing this, we generally understand that in the view of this village cadre, the work in the village is some computer-related software work. After all, all other work needs to be finally entered from these computers and reflected in the data. Because of this, the proportion of female cadres in the village is very large, and the work is also very tiring. In the eyes of many female comrades, some male comrades are just exercising their mouths, or going to the village to visit the villagers' homes, or solving some contradictions, and urging them to pay the fee, they don't need to spend too much energy, that is, they don't need to use their brains. And many female comrades sit at the desk for a day, except for the time to drink water and call for food in the middle, there is almost no time to rest, and sometimes when things are tight, they also need to work overtime to engage in some text entry, data entry verification, and the sorting of some materials, etc.

There are more and more grassroots female village cadres! This is not accidental, the core reason is actually here!

I agree with most of the views of this female village cadre, and we can also find from our daily life that the number of female staff members in both neighborhood committees and village committee members exceeds 50 percent, and some can even reach about 80 percent. But is this situation normal? If we look at the current work tasks, this ratio of men and women is quite appropriate; but if we look at whether or not we can really do practical things for the masses and solve difficult problems, this ratio is seriously unbalanced. As a matter of fact, everyone knows that at present, due to the demands of the higher-level organs, the rural areas have undertaken a large number of unnecessary tasks, and a considerable part of them are formalistic work and have no meaning. Some village cadres even frankly admit that at least 80 percent of the tasks are formalistic work, which is far from the purpose of serving the people, and only 20 percent or less of them are the work that really does practical things for the masses and solves difficult problems.

There are more and more grassroots female village cadres! This is not accidental, the core reason is actually here!

Therefore, I sometimes even think so, and it is no wonder that female cadres are very popular nowadays. Because most of them are engaged in various computer inputs, data statistics reporting, and data compilation and collation, etc., and the superiors check basically these things, so they are also more likely to produce results and be more easily recognized by their superiors. It can be said that this is an undeniable fact at present, and have we ever seen any inspection group go directly to the people's homes for a discussion without looking at the materials? Have we ever seen any leader go directly to the scene of the problem when he comes to the grassroots level? Most of them go to the conference room to hold a meeting, listen to the report, and then arrange for the relevant personnel to check all kinds of materials and finally give feedback on the work situation; this is the most common and the most common. For example, we inspect rural revitalization, most of them look at the comparison of data, and then under the local arrangement, go to a few "poor households" to visit the site, most of which are just going through the motions, just to take a photo, and they can't grasp the real situation at all, and all the situations rely on materials to support and reflect.

There are more and more grassroots female village cadres! This is not accidental, the core reason is actually here!

Let me give an inappropriate analogy, the current various software data and data are like the e-commerce economy, only look at whether the numbers are good or not, only look at how much is sold, only look at how much GDP is created, and they never look at whether they have promoted economic development, whether they have improved the living standards of the people, whether they have improved the people's sense of happiness and gain, and they have not seen the huge impact on the real economy. Therefore, under such circumstances, if there are no appropriate changes, the result will be that there are more and more female cadres and fewer and fewer male cadres; the result is that formalism is becoming more and more serious, and some work that can really do practical things for the masses and solve difficult problems is less and less valued; the result is that there are more and more phenomena of deception and concealment, and fewer and fewer people are able to face up to problems and solve them. Therefore, a strange phenomenon has emerged: posts at the grass-roots level are becoming less and less valued, and posts in some organs and offices are being scrambled for by everyone.

There are more and more grassroots female village cadres! This is not accidental, the core reason is actually here!

It is true that in the current situation, many women have put in a lot of labor, but this labor is only to cope with the inspection of superiors, and it is only some face-saving work. Therefore, I said above that I only agree with part of the views of this female village cadre. As a matter of fact, at the grassroots level and in the rural areas, the work that the masses need most is not how beautiful and perfect some software materials are; nor how timely and beautiful the data is reported; but that they have someone to solve and be able to solve problems when they encounter them; when they encounter contradictions, they can resolve them in a timely and effective manner; and when they encounter some unreasonable things, someone can stand up for them. Obviously, most women are not good at these things, and only grassroots gay men who know the village best and have been mingling with some people for a long time are more suitable. And this is the work that the grassroots really need, and it is also the key work that has a bearing on the vital interests of the masses.

There are more and more grassroots female village cadres! This is not accidental, the core reason is actually here!

In fact, in the final analysis, why such a strange phenomenon has emerged, why there are more and more contradictions and disputes at the grassroots level, and why many problems of the masses have been delayed for a long time? Of course, there are other objective factors, but we have to say that in the final analysis, it lies in formalism. If there were no large number of formalist tasks, the work at the grass-roots level would not be so tiring; if there were no large number of formalist tasks, there would not be a need for so many female comrades; if there were no large number of formalist tasks, village cadres would be able to devote more time and energy to doing practical things for the masses and solving difficult problems; if there were no large number of formalist tasks, the status and role of women would not be as important as they are today, and many men would have been treated well, their achievements would have come out, their enthusiasm would have gone up, and the channels for promotion and promotion would have been smooth。 To put it bluntly, if I were to describe this kind of relationship, women are engaged in financial work, wealth transfer work, while men are engaged in some real economy, some real wealth creation work.

There are more and more grassroots female village cadres! This is not accidental, the core reason is actually here!

Of course, the above views are purely my personal opinion, and I am not saying that women are not important. However, we must know that if the majority of the people in a country are engaged in finance and wealth transfer, but no one is engaged in the real economy, or there is too little to do it, where does this wealth come from? As far as grassroots work is concerned, the most direct face is the common people, and the most important thing to do is to serve the common people, serve the common people well, and solve the problems of the common people, so that the common people will be able to create a large amount of social wealth, and the order of this society will run healthily.