
Baby's "Spring Fruit and Vegetable Guide", parents come and get it!

author:Shandong Sister-in-law Sino-Canadian College

Spring is coming, all things are born, and the legendary "golden period of growing taller" is the most important time of the year for babies! If you want your baby to grow well, it is essential to arrange your diet scientifically and ensure balanced nutrition. It is recommended that parents should adhere to the principle of eating less and more meals for their babies, so that they can have appropriate healthy meals in addition to the main meal.

There are many kinds of spring food, seasonal fruits and vegetables are nutritious, and this season is also the period when the baby grows up. The following is a suitable "Spring Fruit and Vegetable Guide" for babies, parents come and get it!

Baby's "Spring Fruit and Vegetable Guide", parents come and get it!



Pineapple not only tastes good, but also helps to increase the baby's appetite, promote gastrointestinal digestion, let the baby eat more, and promote physical development.

Precautions: Pineapple should not be eaten with radish! Radish will not only destroy the vitamin C in pineapple, but also induce goiter.


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Juicy mangosteen has appeared on the shelves of various supermarkets. Mangosteen not only helps to reduce dryness and fire, replenish water to the baby's body, in addition, mangosteen contains mountain ketones, which have antioxidant capacity, can enhance the health of the immune system, improve the baby's immunity, and then enhance the baby's physique.

It is recommended that babies eat up to 3 mangosteens a day, too much may cause constipation. Moreover, if the baby is weak and cold, it is not advisable to eat more mangosteen.

Baby's "Spring Fruit and Vegetable Guide", parents come and get it!


枇 杷

Loquat is rich in nutrients, including sugar, protein, fat, cellulose, pectin, carotene, tannin, malic acid, citric acid, potassium, phosphorus, iron, calcium and a variety of vitamins, etc., which can improve the baby's immunity and prevent colds.

Precautions: Loquat should not be eaten with substances rich in protein


Kuwa Mo

Mulberry can not only relieve eye fatigue and dryness, especially suitable for babies who have been reading for a long time, but also have an immune-promoting effect and make the baby healthier. In addition, mulberries also strengthen the spleen and stomach, help digestion, can help babies improve metabolism, and promote intestinal digestion.

Precautions: Mulberries should not be eaten too much, because mulberries contain hemolytic allergic substances and hyaluronic acid, and excessive consumption will easily lead to the occurrence of hemolytic enteritis.

Baby's "Spring Fruit and Vegetable Guide", parents come and get it!


Sugar cane

Sugarcane contains various vitamins, fats, proteins, organic acids, calcium, iron and other substances, which can promote the metabolism of babies. In addition, sugarcane also moisturizes yin and dryness, quenches thirst, and helps babies replenish water.

Precautions: Sugarcane cannot be eaten with bamboo shoots, both of these foods are cold foods, and eating them together can easily cause indigestion, diarrhea, etc.



Rape is rich in nutrients such as carotene and vitamin C, and has a lot of dietary fiber, which can promote baby bowel movements. In addition, rape has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, which can prevent baby angular cheilitis, mouth ulcers and gum problems.



Spinach has high nutritional value and is rich in carotenoids, vitamin C, vitamin K, minerals, coenzyme Q10 and other nutrients. In addition, spinach is also rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, and vitamin B, which can help the eye muscles to enhance elasticity, prevent dry eye disease in babies, and prevent myopia.

Baby's "Spring Fruit and Vegetable Guide", parents come and get it!



Cauliflower generally refers to cauliflower, which is delicious and nutritious, and is delicious whether it is boiled or stir-fried.

Cauliflower is high in vitamin C, which can not only promote the development of the baby, improve the baby's immunity, but also promote liver detoxification. If parents find that the baby will be bruised as soon as he hits the body, this is the reason for the lack of vitamin K in the body, and cauliflower is rich in vitamin K, parents should make up for the baby!

In addition, cauliflower is high in calcium, and eating a few cauliflower is equivalent to drinking the calcium content of a glass of milk!


Spring shoots

Spring bamboo shoots are rich in nutrients, contain sufficient water and vegetable protein, and have the effects of clearing heat and phlegm, invigorating qi and stomach, curing thirst, diluting waterways, relieving the diaphragm and stomach, and can also prevent baby cough.

In addition, spring bamboo shoots contain fiber, which is beneficial for promoting intestinal peristalsis, helping babies eliminate oiliness and maintain intestinal vitality.

Baby's "Spring Fruit and Vegetable Guide", parents come and get it!

The growth law of each baby is not consistent, it is recommended that parents must treat it normally, on the basis of following the growth law, supplemented by favorable conditions. Talking every day, supplementing calcium every day, all kinds of nutrients are on the same, but the seedlings can only be counterproductive, it is better to let go of the "obsession", no matter how tall the baby grows, harvesting a healthy body, is the most important!