
Guided by the party's political construction, we will comprehensively strengthen the party building in the financial system

author:Study Times

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made a series of important expositions on major theoretical and practical issues in the development of the financial industry. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that whether the party building is done well or not has a bearing on the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the financial system and determines the success or failure of the financial industry. The financial system should earnestly unify thoughts and actions with the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, promote high-quality financial development with high-quality party building, transform our political and institutional advantages into financial governance efficiency, and provide a strong guarantee for unswervingly following the path of financial development with Chinese characteristics and accelerating the construction of a financial power.

We should always put political construction in the first place, and resolutely implement the strengthening of the centralized and unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee over financial work to the letter

Taking a clear-cut stand and stressing politics and attaching importance to building the party politically are the fundamental requirements and basic characteristics of our party as a Marxist political party. Persist in placing the party's political construction in a more prominent position, and have profound theoretical, historical, and practical logic. At present, various contradictions and problems in the financial field are intertwined, and the root cause lies in the weakness of the party's political construction, the weakening of the party's leadership, the deviation of the development concept, and the deterioration of the political and financial ecology in some regions. It is necessary to profoundly grasp that "the party's political construction is the fundamental construction of the party", and take the party's political construction as the guide to lead and drive the party's construction in all aspects of the financial system.

Uphold and strengthen the party's overall leadership. Strengthening the centralized and unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee over financial work is the fundamental guarantee for doing a good job in financial work. It is necessary to give full play to the role of the Central Financial Commission, the Central Financial Work Committee, the Financial Committee of the local party committees, and the Financial Work Committee, and implement the party's leadership in all fields and all aspects of financial work. It is necessary to improve the implementation and supervision mechanism of the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on financial work, so as to ensure that the major policies and decision-making arrangements of the Party Central Committee on financial work are fully implemented. Promote financial enterprises to strengthen the party's leadership in improving corporate governance, and constantly improve the modern enterprise system with Chinese characteristics.

Strengthen education on political loyalty. Political initiative is the most advantageous initiative, and political passivity is the most dangerous passivity. Loyalty to the party is the primary political quality of a communist. The financial system has a large number of party members and cadres, and it is necessary to educate and guide party members and cadres to temper their character and strengthen their loyalty, take the party's banner as the banner, the party's will as the will, and the party's mission as the mission, deeply understand the background, spiritual essence, and practical requirements of the "two establishments", and effectively transform the political consensus of the "two establishments" into the action consciousness of the "two safeguards", and always maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core in political positions, political directions, political principles, and political roads.

Strengthen political capacity-building. Politics and business are like two sides of the same coin, there is no business without politics, and there is no politics without business. It is necessary to forge the political ability of party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, in the financial system, and constantly improve their political judgment, political comprehension, and political execution. Enhance political acumen, be good at observing and analyzing financial issues from a political perspective, and enhance the ability to scientifically grasp changes in the situation, accurately identify the essence of phenomena, soberly distinguish between right and wrong, and effectively resist risks and challenges. Deeply comprehend and accurately grasp the spirit of the Party Central Committee, improve the political position, know the "great man of the country" well, and effectively implement the political and people's requirements of financial work into specific business. Grasp the implementation of benchmarks and tables, so as to achieve a resolute response advocated by the Party Central Committee, a resolute implementation of the decisions of the Party Central Committee, and a resolute refusal to do what the Party Central Committee prohibits, so as to ensure that the implementation is not biased, immutable, or distorted.

Focus on ideological construction, and unremittingly use Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to unite hearts and souls

Persisting in building the party ideologically and strengthening the party theoretically is the distinctive characteristic and glorious tradition of our party. Only when we are theoretically sober can we be politically firm. The key to strengthening the party's ideological construction in the financial system is to take the study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the primary political task, and unremittingly use the party's innovative theories to unify thoughts, will, and actions.

Deepen the party's innovative theoretical arming. Theoretical study is a process of constantly grasping new things and making new progress day by day. We must adhere to the study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the main theme, strictly implement the "first topic" and collective learning system, make good use of reading classes, Party committee (Party group) theoretical study center group study, Party branch "three meetings and one lesson", etc., organize Party members and cadres to read the original work, learn the original text, understand the principle, follow up and study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's latest important speech, grasp the worldview and methodology of this important thought, and adhere to the Make good use of the positions, views and methods that run through it, deeply understand the principles and philosophies therein, consciously internalize them in your heart and externalize them in your actions, and continue to work hard in true learning, understanding, true belief and true application.

Consolidate and expand the achievements of thematic education. Implement the opinions on consolidating and expanding the achievements of theme education, establish and improve a long-term mechanism of casting the soul with learning, increasing wisdom with learning, promoting positive trends with learning, and promoting work with learning, adhere to the unity of knowledge and action, and apply what you have learned, focus on key tasks such as risk prevention, strong supervision, promotion of development, reform, and party building, and find ideas, ideas, methods, and measures from the party's innovation theory, so as to better transform the achievements of theme education into the effectiveness of promoting high-quality financial development. Improve mechanisms for the evaluation and evaluation of theoretical study, strengthen the evaluation of academic studies, and make the study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era an important part of the evaluation of leadership groups and the measurement of the ideological and political quality of leading cadres.

Resolutely do a good job in ideological work. Guide party organizations and party members at all levels in the financial system to conduct ideological and political physical examinations regularly in combination with the political life of the party, strengthen ideals and beliefs, solve the problem of world outlook, outlook on life, and values, and forge the mission of serving the country and serving the people with finance in the depths of their hearts. Firmly grasp the party's leadership, management, and discourse power over ideological work, take a clear stand against and resist all kinds of erroneous views in the financial field, and actively and steadily do a good job in positive publicity and public opinion guidance on major emergencies and hot and sensitive issues. Actively cultivate and carry forward the financial culture with Chinese characteristics, and jointly promote the party's ideological and political work and corporate culture construction.

Efforts should be made to do a good job in team building, and forge a team of high-quality professional financial cadres who are loyal, clean and responsible

Achievements are made by talents, and the industry is wide by talents. The key to building a modern socialist country in an all-round way and promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in an all-round way lies in the party and the people. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasized the in-depth implementation of the strategy of strengthening the country with A strong financial talent team is one of the key core financial elements of a financial power. To strengthen the construction of the cadre talent team in the financial system, we must have high standards and strict requirements, adhere to the standard of "strong politics, strong ability, and strong work style", discover, train, and use cadres who dare to take on good deeds, and improve the purity, professionalism, and combat effectiveness of the financial talent team.

Adhere to the principle of the party managing cadres. Give full play to the leadership and gatekeeping role of party organizations, and ensure the party's leadership over cadre personnel work and the right to manage important cadres. This requirement should be embodied in every procedure of cadre work, such as analyzing, studying, advising, motioning, determining the objects of inspection, organizing inspections, discussing and deciding, and taking up posts. We will do a good job in the training, introduction and use of talents in an all-round way, strengthen political guidance and political absorption, and gather outstanding talents from all walks of life into the financial industry. (Continued from version 1)

Improve the ability of cadres to perform their duties. Strengthen ideological refining, political training, practical training, and professional training, so that the political literacy, theoretical level, professional ability, and practical ability of leading cadres in the financial system can meet the needs of building a financial power. Focusing on comprehensively strengthening financial supervision, preventing and resolving financial risks, and building a modern financial system with Chinese characteristics, we will do a good job in the training of leading cadres in the financial system by category and level. We should strengthen the cultivation of the fighting spirit and fighting skills, persist in the practice of actual combat and the big war and big examinations, so that cadres can be beaten in hard-working and heavy-duty posts, and in the course of fighting tough battles and carrying heavy work, they will be trained to have iron shoulders and temper their true skills.

Strengthen all-round supervision and management. "Good cadres are selected, and even more so, they are managed." Strengthen supervision of the "number one" and the leading group, highlight the supervision of key links, key areas, and key personnel in the operation of power, and strive to manage key people, key places, key matters, and key times. Efforts should be made to strengthen political supervision, and promote the concretization, precision, and normalization of political supervision. Improve the assessment, evaluation, incentive and restraint mechanism of the financial cadre team, conscientiously implement the requirements of the "three distinctions", and guide the majority of cadres to strive for the first place and make contributions based on their own posts.

Efforts should be made to do a good job in organizational building, and constantly improve and improve the party's organizational system in the financial system

The strength of the Party comes from the organization, and the overall leadership of the Party and all the work of the Party must be realized by a strong organizational system. Financial enterprises have many levels, wide distribution, and various types of subordinate units, and if the party organization is weak and sloppy at any level, the party's leadership will have a "middle obstruction" and a "broken road". If the party's organizations cannot effectively cover it, there will be a "blind spot" in the party's leadership of the financial system. The key to strengthening the party's organizational construction in the financial system is to highlight the political and organizational functions, promote the party's organizations at all levels in the financial field to be sound and competent, improve and improve the organizational system that runs through the upper and lower levels and implements effectively, and ensures that the party's line, principles, policies, and decision-making arrangements are thoroughly implemented.

We should pay close attention to the building of grassroots organizations. The party's grassroots organizations are the party's fighting fortress among the grassroots organizations in society and the foundation of the party's entire work and combat effectiveness. Efforts should be made to expand the organizational coverage of the financial system, adapt to changes in the property rights relations, organizational structure, business model, and employment methods of enterprises according to the characteristics of different forms of business such as banking, insurance, and securities, and in accordance with the principle of being conducive to organizing and carrying out activities and giving play to the role of party members, and promptly establish party branches that have the conditions for forming party branches independently, so that they must be set up and built when they should be built. Optimize the organizational setting, and for different business lines and branches belonging to the same group and the same region, the establishment of joint party branches can be based on larger scale or larger number of party members.

Pay close attention to the management and education of party members. Party members are the cells of the party's body, and only when the cells are healthy can the body be healthy. It is necessary to earnestly improve the quality of party members in the financial system, highlight political standards, strictly conduct political examinations, and accurately examine the motivation, political consciousness, moral quality, and law-abiding behavior of the development targets, so as to ensure that every new party member is an advanced element. Adhere to strict management, strictly implement the "Regulations on the Education and Management of Party Members of the Communist Party of China", adopt effective management measures, and truly manage, strictly and well.

Do a good job in the party's organizational life. The party's organizational life is an important content and carrier of the party's political life, and an important form of party organization's education, management and supervision of party members. It is necessary to combine the actual situation of the financial system, concretize the requirements of the party constitution on the political life within the party, and promote the institutionalization and standardization of political life within the party. Strengthen classified guidance and precise guidance, and urge different types of enterprises to carry out party organization life in line with their own characteristics. Strengthen the management of the joint party branch, strengthen the daily work guidance, supervision and inspection, and prevent "joint but not united" and "joint but not live".

Efforts should be made to do a good job in the construction of work style and discipline, and promote the comprehensive and strict management of the party in the financial system to develop in depth

The issue of party style has a bearing on the life and death of the ruling party, and strengthening the building of discipline is a fundamental policy for comprehensively and strictly administering the party. Financial corruption has persisted despite repeated prohibitions, problems in the construction of work style have become prominent, and an atmosphere of strict management of the party has not yet really taken shape. We must deeply understand the urgency and importance of the construction of the style of work and discipline in the financial system, thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on the party's self-revolution, adhere to the strict tone, strict measures and strict atmosphere for a long time, persevere in upright conduct and discipline and anti-corruption, and strive to forge a reliable red financial iron army of the party and the country.

Gallop and constantly rectify the "four winds" and establish new winds. The problem of style is stubborn and repetitive, and the construction of style is always on the road. Seriously rectify the trend of hedonism and extravagance, pay close attention to the "stubborn diseases" of financial units and deepen the rectification, focus on correcting the "unspoken rules" of the industry, and accurately discover and strictly deal with the problem of invisible mutation. Rectify formalism and bureaucracy with heavy fists, and resolutely rectify problems such as unhealthy trends that affect the implementation of the Party Central Committee's decisions and deployments, inaction and disorderly actions that affect high-quality development, and distorted views of power and misplaced views on political performance. Promote the normalization and long-term effect of the construction of work style, persist in correcting the tree at the same time, treating both the symptoms and the root causes, and systematic governance, and resolutely eliminate erroneous ideas such as "exceptionalism", "elite theory" and "special theory".

Insist on putting discipline and rules first. Strengthening the building of discipline is a fundamental policy for comprehensively and strictly administering the party. It is necessary to put the building of party discipline in the financial system in a more prominent position, not only to let the iron discipline "grow teeth" and exert authority, but also to let the cadres pay attention, be vigilant, and know how to stop. Continue to strengthen discipline education, taking the opportunity of studying and implementing the newly revised "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China" to conscientiously organize and carry out Party discipline study and education, and promote discipline education to be grasped regularly and integrated into daily life. Strictly and accurately enforce discipline regulations, focus on strengthening political discipline and organizational discipline, and promote integrity discipline, mass discipline, work discipline, and life discipline to be comprehensively tightened. Adhere to the principle of punishing the former and punishing the latter, treating the disease and saving people, and accurately use the "four forms" to grasp the small ones as early as possible and prevent the slightest.

Resolutely punish corruption in the financial sector. Corruption is the greatest cancer that endangers the party's vitality and combat effectiveness, and the fight against corruption is the most thorough self-revolution. It is necessary to persist in promoting the integration of not daring to be corrupt, not being able to be corrupt, and not wanting to be corrupt, strengthen the high-pressure situation of financial anti-corruption, and seriously investigate and deal with outstanding problems such as abuse of power, dereliction of duty, and political and business "revolving door" and "escape resignation" in accordance with regulations, discipline and law. Persist in investigating bribery and bribery together, strictly investigate the corruption behind financial risks, and promote the investigation of responsibility and the recovery of stolen goods and losses in an integrated manner, so as to eradicate the soil and conditions for the breeding of corruption. Do a solid job of using cases to promote reform and governance, normalize the "second half of the article" of investigating and handling cases, strengthen rectification and reform from aspects such as organizational leadership, institutional mechanisms, methods and measures, and realize the comprehensive effect of investigating and handling one case, warning one area, and governing one area.

Comprehensively implement the political responsibility of governing the Party and governing the Party. Adhere to the whole chain of responsibility, consolidate the main responsibility of party committees (party groups) at all levels in the financial system and the supervision responsibilities of discipline inspection commissions at all levels, promote the secretaries of party committees (party groups) at all levels to shoulder the responsibility of the first responsible person, and other members of the leadership team to effectively assume "one post and two responsibilities", so that the rights and responsibilities are equal, the failure of responsibility must be asked, the pressure is transmitted layer by layer, and the responsibilities are interlocking, and the sense of responsibility and mission of governing the party is effectively enhanced.

Highlight political positioning and deepen inspections. Implement the "Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Inspection Work", carry out in-depth publicity and interpretation and policy guidance, adhere to the positioning of political inspections, and strengthen categorical guidance and supervision and inspection. Adhere to the ruthlessness of tackling the tough at every turn, the tenacity to grasp to the end, and in accordance with the requirements of "five strengthening", "four integration" and "three simultaneous advancement", we will solidly promote the central inspection and rectification of the financial system. Combined with the actual situation of the financial system, optimize the working mechanism for inspections and rectifications, establish a responsibility system and institutional processes covering the entire cycle of inspections and rectifications, and study and explore the establishment of rectification and evaluation mechanisms and accountability mechanisms.

Efforts should be made to do a good job in system building, and to build a systematic and complete system for party building in the financial system

Paying attention to using systems to manage the party and govern the party is an important experience of our party in strengthening its own construction. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has clearly put forward the rule of the Party by system and according to regulations, and the use of systems to govern the Party, power and officials has become a long-term and fundamental policy for comprehensively and strictly governing the Party. The key to strengthening the building of the party system in the financial system is to tighten the cage of the system, constantly improve the system of party building, and enhance the authority and execution of the system.

Adhere to the systematic planning system. The quality of system construction is very important, and it is necessary to pay attention to coordination and mutual cohesion to ensure that each system can stand, work, and really work. It is necessary to adhere to and strengthen the party's overall leadership over financial work, focus on the in-depth implementation of the party's internal laws and regulations, and run the party's system construction through the party's political, ideological, organizational, work style, and discipline construction, strengthen top-level design, carry out scientific planning, and strive to form a number of backbone, basic, and leading specific supporting systems and regulations, and promote the construction of the party's system in the financial system to be more complete, more quality, and more effective.

Continue to improve the institutional system. System building is a dynamic process, and it is impossible to exhaust all problems and all situations when a system is introduced, which requires specific analysis of specific problems. Persist in implementing and improving at the same time, not only looking at the effectiveness of policy implementation, but also paying attention to discovering problems in implementation, and if it needs to be supplemented, it should be supplemented and formulated in a timely manner to better promote implementation. Fully consider the reality of the party organization structure, functions and responsibilities, and team status at all levels of the financial system, and improve the pertinence of system construction.

Improve the quality of system implementation. The vitality of the system lies in its implementation. Insist that everyone is equal before the system, there is no privilege to abide by the system, and there are no exceptions to the implementation of the system, so that the system is always vigorous and effective. Strengthen the propaganda and education on the construction of the party system, strengthen the awareness of the party member and cadre system, and consciously respect the system, implement the system, and maintain the system. Resolutely maintain the authority of the system, strengthen the rigidity of the system that violations must be investigated, and ensure that major financial decision-making arrangements and major work arrangements are implemented in accordance with the requirements. Strengthen the supervision and inspection of the building and implementation of the party's system, and promote the formation of a good situation in which the party system is grasped at all levels and implemented at all levels.

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